Sanctions Against US-UK
must be Indicted for
War Crimes by the ICC
Christian P.
Professor at Hiroshima Peace
Institute (HPI) of Hiroshima City University, Japan
April 9, 2002
In these hours the Iraqi people become victims of
superpower aggression. How could that be
In the USA the governments and media propaganda
machinery made Saddam the scapegoat for 9-11. We know
that this is a big lie. The US government lies when
talking of a link between Iraq and al-Qaeda. There is not
a shred of evidence; the Bath party has traditionally
tried to uproot Islamist tendencies. Any operational link
with al-Qaeda is due to ideological and political
incompatibility to be excluded. The US government also
maintained that Saddam Hussein possesses what the UN
inspectors did not find, but what US-UK stockpile and
might even use in case of failing to achieve Iraq's
surrender: weapons of mass destruction.
Abuse of Terrorist Threat:
Fear of WMD as Catalyst for Increasing U.S. Military
Spending and Aggressiveness
The present war was prepared by 18 months of
war-mongering by the USA against Iraq and an "Axis of
Evil" of so-called 'rogue states'. This has been the most
disturbing element of a wholesale policy change in the
wake of the rise to power by Bush Jr. and his team of
extremists and US suprematists.
The present US government is politically a renaissance
of the neo-conservative reactionary Reagan-Bush Sr. era,
partly recycling the same personnel already active in the
Reagan period. As earlier in the 1950s (McCarthy) and
Reagan's 1980s, the new policy has been designed to
capitalize on and further spur growing patriotism and
popular support for a government under the control of a
"military-industrial complex" and "bigoil".
Initially playing on the fear of "Islamic" terrorism
and the Taliban threat, both of which has been quickly
replaced with an alleged threat by Iraq, is intended to
advance an ideological agenda not different from the
Reagan era, with commitment to the aggressive pursuit of
global hegemony and supremacy by USA. With a majority in
both houses of the US parliament for the Republicans in
November 2002 the Bush team has it even easier to
outmanoeuvre limited dissent in the political class
against the project of unbound US supremacy.
The resurfacing of a dangerous neoconservative
strategy of military dominance altogether rejects the
policies of deterrence, containment, and collective
security, which were the main pillars of the world peace
order since 1945. Instead, the new aggressive strategy
for US supremacy stresses offensive military
intervention, first strikes, counter-proliferation
measures against rogues and other enemy states ('axis of
evil' and beyond), encircling Russia and China, and
permanent military bases in all world regions. USA will
be the world cop, acting above international law. The
common US unilateralist tendency is greatly enhanced.
The terrorist threat and now Iraq's alleged weapons of
mass destruction (WMD) is abused to further an aggressive
agenda which has been designed in an aborted draft titled
Defense Policy Guidance by Paul Wolfowitz et al under
then Pentagon chief Dick Cheney during the presidency of
Bush Sr. in 1992 and reformulated in fall 2000 in a
report of a neoconservative group titled "Rebuilding
America's Defenses" (www.newamericancentury.org).[1]
Six of its authors now occupy key posts in the
US military spending has been increase by another
US$50 billion "to fight terrorism," as if terrorism could
be fought with sophisticated bombs, "missile defence",
and a new generation of nuclear weapons. USA now spends
as much as the next 10 countries together! Stated aim is
3.8% of the BIP for military. The USA is currently the
most dangerous threat for world peace, with war-mongering
against ever changing enemies illustrating this.
The natural effect is the fear of the new 'evil
empire' (term used by Reagan for the former USSR) and a
general increase in anti-Americanism in the rest of the
world. The Bush team is heading toward total isolation of
the USA in the world community. However, it is part of
the dialectics of world politics that rising
anti-Americanism will help to ultimately defeat US
Bombing for Democracy?
US-UK also claim that they are going to war in Iraq to
free its people from dictatorship, at least this is what
the US government and parts of the media want us to
believe. It is what I call the war propaganda.
Just think about it: If this is what the perpetrators
(including Bush and Rumsfeld) claim, then there are
dozens of more candidates of peoples to liberate from
dictatorship. Some of them surely to be found in Asia,
Latin-American and Africa, with Kenya being the last
country to liberate itself from authoritarianism!
My questions to you are: Who is interested and who is
entitled to remove dictatorships? In Iraq it is up to the
Iraqi people to do so. US-UK have radically different
objectives. They want to control the huge Iraqi oil
reserves, drive the oil price down and bring the OPEC to
its heels. If they have conquered Iraq they will impose
their cronies from among the Iraqi exiles. Most are not
known to be democratically minded, rather the
For analyst of state crimes it is common knowledge
that US and UK have for decades supported dictatorship
all over the globe. The USA, guided by Henry Kissinger,
even brought down democratically elected leaders, such as
Salvador Allende in Chile. Remember, interestingly enough
this happened on September 11 -- in the year 1973. A
generation of Chileans grew up in a bloody US-sponsored
dictatorship-very much comparable to Iraq, where, I could
not agree more, a bloody dictatorship has brought death
and destruction over hundred thousands! And, we also know
who helped Saddam to prevail against the much stronger
Iran, who delivered the WMD, chemical as well as a range
of biological weapons, which were destroyed by the UN
inspectors. Why did the USA in a unprecedented move put
its hand on 8,000 of the 12,000 pages report of the Iraqi
government to the hands of the Security Council? Because
those pages give the details on the arsenal of deadly WMD
illegally provided to the Iraqi regime by US-UK from 1981
to 1989.
The US-UK War for Oil in the
Gulf will be Illegal, Devastating and End in Permanent
Occupation of Iraq
The aims of the USA in Iraq are the removing the
Saddam Hussein regime, military occupation of Iraq, and
the establishment of a wilful client regime under tight
US control in the midst of the world's most important oil
region. Meanwhile, Blair/UK made it clear that toppling
the Hussein regime has to be followed by the imposition
of an interim administration under a UN flag, to give the
operation a modicum of legitimacy.
The first question to be asked would be "is an
invasion legitimate", under what conditions, and than is
an invasion feasible and to what ends. It is not the
American people are exaggerating the threat to them, but
the government. Polls said US Americans ask for the UN to
be involved. But the Bush team wants to use the UN as a
prostitute for US interests. Intense US pressure failed
due to France, Russia and China remaining opposed to
another Gulf war.
Before the enormous build-up of over 270,000 soldiers
and huge war-machinery at the borders and around Iraq the
question was, 'Will there be a unilateral aggression by
US-UK?" My assessment at the time was that this would be
unlikely because it would be an outright breach of all
rules in a volatile region of strategic interest. But
disturbing was that the build-up of troops and material
in the Gulf went on unabated. The next question, 'Would a
war be long or short?', seems secondary from this
perspective. The US military planed urban
warfare![2] Rather than asking "would the US
occupation of Iraq be as successful?" we should ask
"successful for whom?" How much blood for oil?
The question was, 'Why should the USA attack a country
it has filly controlled since 1991, by slicing it in
three zones, with a Northern and Southern no-fly-zone
imposed?' Iraq has been the first systematic case of
restricted sovereignty in military affairs and economic
development (sanctions, never re-evaluated) since the era
of colonization. The reply was that the real aim were
that USA aims at controlling Iraq's huge oil reserves,
which are the second largest in the world next to Saudi
US Big Oil has no role in Iraq today. The Hussein
regime signed oil exploitation contracts with Russia,
China and Europe to be effective after sanctions are
lifted - cutting out the USA. US Big Oil (together with
the military-industrial complex the power base of Bush's
regime) can only have a dominant role in the development
of Iraq's huge oil reserves if the regime is changed. --
The talk about WMD and cooperation with al-Qaeda are a
deception of the public opinion. The US is not seeking
the return of the UN inspectors but a pretext for
The True Story about WMD in
The Reagan and Bush Sr. administrations permitted the
illegal transfer of arms and technology to Iraq, in order
to support it against the much stronger Iran in a costly
war, which lasted from 1980 to 1988. Shocking reports
disclosed (NYT August 18, 2002) that in the 1980s
president Reagan, Bush Sr. and national security aides
(again active today) never withdrew their support for the
highly classified program in which more than 60 officers
of the US Defense Intelligence Agency were secretly
providing Iraq with detailed information on Iranian
deployments, tactical planning for battles, plans for air
strikes and bomb-damage assessments during the horrors of
the Iraq-Iran Gulf war 1980-1988.
The most significant part--the furnishing of chemical
and biological materials by the United States to Iraq
which markedly enhanced Iraq's CBW capability, was left
out in the NY Times story.[3] A Senate Committee
Report of 1994 pointed out: "These biological materials
were not attenuated or weakened and were capable of
reproduction."[4] More than a dozen different
extremely deadly biological germs producing slow,
agonizing deaths. Dozens of other pathogenic biological
agents were shipped to Iraq during the 1980s, probably
starting before 1985 and ending 1989, when Bush Sr.
became president--and only three years later bombed his
former ally. The UN weapons inspectors, headed by Rolf
Ekéus 1991-1997, found these biological and a long
list of chemical weapons produced by US, British and
French corporations. Ekéus also revealed that the
USA used the inspectors for espionage and bombed the
places they indicated (maybe "to leave no trace").
The only country whose weapons of mass destruction
(WMD) pose a permanent threat to the entire Middle
Eastern Region is Israel. (Bush's argument at UNGA was
flawed: Israel has flouted many more UN Resolutions
(about 40 since 1948) than Iraq (about a dozen).) The
double standards applied by USA could not be more
appalling. Israel has constantly denied any inspection of
its ever growing arsenal of nuclear, biological and
chemical weapons. The nuclear threat is known since the
mid 1980s: Detailed information leaked by the Israeli
nuclear technician Mordechai Vanunu in 1986 (kidnapped by
Mossad in Rome; since 16 years imprisoned, solitary
confinement) and satellite photos have exposed Israel's
nuclear sites.
The question of WMD in the Middle East is very
different from the US presentation of facts. It is Israel
that has currently an estimated 200 weaponized nuclear
devises and has the delivery systems. In the past it had
threatened Egypt to bomb Cairo and the Aswan dam with the
effect that Egypt signed a peace treaty. The comparison
is telling: The Arabs did not pre-emptively attack the
Dimona reactor as Israel did on June 7, 1981, when
Israeli fighter-bombers destroyed the Osiraq nuclear
reactor near Baghdad. While the Iraqi regime had complied
with all IAEA guidelines, the Israeli nuclear facility at
Dimona was not under IAEA safeguards, because Israel had
not signed the NPT (as had Iraq) and had refused to open
its facilities to UN inspections. Iraq had a long history
of peaceful use of nuclear power since the construction
of a Soviet supplied reactor in 1963 (four years before
Israel started its nuclear program aided by France).
Israel bombed IAEA-sanctioned activities; this was
essentially an attack the entire NPT safeguards and UN
security regimes. The Osiraq bombing greatly inspired the
US hawks. They now want to bomb Iran's nuclear plant at
Bushehr (as an option jointly with Israel or let the
Israelis do it). Earlier in 2002 Iran gave Israel a stern
The Israel Connection
The Jewish Lobby and Jewish hard-liners in the US
government, in support of the aggressive Sharon
government, are to main instigators and planners of the
Iraq invasion that is to take place early in 2003.
Israeli lobbyists and conservative Christian
fundamentalists have in effect censored all free
discussion of Israel and the Middle East in the USA. In
the US everyone who accurately reports the brutalities of
Israel's military offensive in the occupied Palestinian
territories and the illegal occupation will be vilified
as an anti-Semite. - This assessment should not be
denounced as anti-Semitic (as any criticism of Israel);
for proof, one glance at the formidable and unprecedented
position of right-wing Jews in mass media and US
decision-making would suffice. While top government
representatives such as Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld are
evidently WASP, to represent the US mainstream
population, the Jewish hawks dominate all key
decision-making positions in the Pentagon and some in the
presidency (White House) as well as a good part of the US
mass media; they form an influential 'war party' (war
against Iraq, support for Sharon's assault on the
War Crimes of 1991 to Be
The US has committed massive war crimes in Iraq and
has waged devastating terror bombing in 1991, without
harming the regime, with the victims being the 23 million
people of Iraq--after USA had supported the aggression of
Iraq against Iran in the first Gulf War. Illegal and a
war crime according to the Geneva Conventions, in 1991
the USA systematically targeted civilian installations to
make the life of the Iraqi people become hell on earth.
Additional to the estimated 400.000 victims in 1991
according to WHO 5,000 Iraqi children die of water-borne
diseases and malnutrition each month, bringing the death
toll to est. one million! A new aggression would compound
this appalling situation.
The reasons for the appalling situation for the
civilian population in Iraq today are: (1) US B.52
bombers systematically destroyed purely civilian targets,
such as water purification plants and electrical
generators in the 1991 Gulf War, besides sinking bridges
into the Euphrates and Tigris rivers and dropping DU
bombs, which kill until today; (2) an embargo was imposed
against Iraq and mainly hits the poor sections of the
Iraqi population. Iraq used to have one of the highest
living standards in the Arab world.
According to UNICEF, 30% of Iraq's children no longer
attend school. They became beggars or have to help their
parent in the struggle for survival. Iraq used to have
the highest literacy rate in the Arab world (95%).About
the Significance of the Horrors We See Happening in Front
of Our Eyes Let us look ahead.It is time to figure out
what is the significance of the horrors we see happening
in front of our eyes. Five general remarks about the
aggression war against Iraq, the outcome, its
significance and possibilities for action in five
1. This aggression against Iraq is illegal,
illegitimate and immoral. The response of the world
community must be determined and swift. People die in the
streets of Baghdad and other Iraqi cities-despite almost
universal condemnation of such an act of unprovoked
aggression. Across the globe millions already
demonstrated and will continue to demonstrate against
war. US-UK must be stopped! The UN must act!
2. In the practical reality the war is targeting the
Iraqi people since city-dwellers are in their large
majority defenseless civilians and pinpointing military
targets is impossible. The USA is going to use Depleted
Uranium weaponry massively, and even announced it
publicly, knowing about the horrible impact these
radiological-cum- nuclear weapons have on the middle and
longer term health of the masses of the city populations
in Iraq and even on their own soldiers (in the US called
'Gulf war syndrome'!). Thousands children died since 1991
a long antagonizing death due to nuclear intoxication and
spread of all kind of cancers and leukemia.
3. The real reasons for the aggression war are not
alleged support for terrorism or possession of WMD. One
of the known real reasons is the abundant Iraqi oil
reserves, thus the attempts to loot, to undermine OPEC
and drive the oil price down. The other one is in my view
geopolitical: the 3rd gulf war ushers in a new era of
unilateralism and anarchy of the state system in which
the US wants to achieve supremacy. The extremists among
Bush 's advisors and officials have been open about their
4. Certainly unilateral war will have grave
implications for the UN, the EU, NATO and the entire
multilateral framework. Let us believe that the period of
relapse into 19 century gun-boat imperialism will be
short due to the democratic possibility to change those
at the helm of the present new regression into raw
imperialist onslaught.
5. The USA seems poised to transform into the new evil
empire. Let us hope that the period of relapse into 19
century gun-boat imperialism will be short.
Some Tangible Replies on the
Question 'What Needs To Be Done?'
i) The threat can be overcome by a world-wide
coalition against the USA, both by civil actors and
within the framework of the United Nations.
ii) Coalition building could possibly be started with
an ICC indictment of Bush and Blair as war criminals (an
idea I spread recently but which seems legally rather
demanding in the case of Bush but easier in the case of
iii) An indictment could be followed by UN sanctions
against US-UK similar to those against Apartheid-South
iv) As for the USA the message for impeaching Bush,
Cheney and Ashcroft conveyed by Francis Boyle and Ramsey
Clark is spreading since January 2003. I may say they are
very courageous men, and many of us share their idea
100%. This is an important symbolic skirmish. Attempts
may fail or take too much time, given the real politics
in the US Congress.
v) My surprise about the UN inactivity after the
unilateral declaration of war is not small. The UN
Security Council must meet for an emergency session. The
General Assembly also must be convened. The UN system
ought to react and declare its outrage in real terms:
sanctions, embargo, suspension of membership for the
aggressor states and other appropriate measures.
As for now, a debate about UN sanctions and the
campaign for ICC indictments probably are the most
important steps. Let us all unite against war,
lawlessness and superpower arrogance
[1] Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy,
Forces and Resources for a New Century. Washington, PNAC,
http://www.newamericancentury.org/defsep2700.htm ;
September 27, 2002
[2] US Department of Defense: Doctrine for
Joint Urban Operations. Washington 16 September 2002,
[3] See William Blum: "Chemical Weapons, the
US and Iraq: What the New York Times Left Out", in
CounterPunch, August 20, 2002.
[4] "U.S. Chemical and Biological
Warfare-Related Dual Use Exports to Iraq and their
Possible Impact on the Health Consequences of the Persian
Gulf War," Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban
Affairs with Respect to Export Administration, reports of
May 25, 1994 and October 7, 1994.
[5] As for the US government I refer to Israel
Shamir's 'The strange case of Jeret Israel' list of
Jewish hawks for war against Iraq and support for Sharon:
"Most US Jews that matter push for the Doomsday. Among
them Richard Perle, the chairman of the Pentagon's
Defence Policy Board, an ex-employee of an Israeli weapon
manufacturer Soltam, and the great supporter of the war,
Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Defence Secretary, a leading
Zionist Douglas Feith, a representative of an 'Israeli
Armaments Manufacturer', Dov Zakheim, Under Secretary of
Defence, Edward Luttwak, of the National Security Study
Group of the Department of Defence at the Pentagon, Lewis
Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff and a
lawyer for the thief Mark Rich, Robert Satloff, the U.S.
National Security Council Advisor, and the executive
director of the Israeli lobby's 'think tank', Washington
Institute for Near East Policy, Elliott Abrams, National
Security Council Advisor, and many, many others. For
sure, there should be some Jews against the war, but they
keep their quiet." - As for the US mass media and print
media the Jewish hawks seem almost omnipresent: "In 1990,
Joe Sobran listed the commentators who constantly defend
Israel: Podhoretz, Rosenthal, Dershowitz, Martin Peretz,
George Will, Mortimer Zuckerman, Morton Kondracke, Jeane
Kirkpatrick, Kenneth Adelman, Amos Perlmutter, Eric
Breindal, Cal Thomas, Max Lerner, Ben Wattenberg, Charles
Krauthammer, William Safire, Fred Barnes. Now all of them
emerged as advocates of the War Party."
Dr. Christian P. Scherrer Professor at Hiroshima Peace
Institute (HPI) of Hiroshima City University, Japan
Head, ECORHPI, Hiroshima Mitsui Bldg. 12F 2-7-10
Ote-machi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima, 730-0051 Japan
Tel: +81-82-544-7628 (direct) / fax: +81-82-544-7573
e-mail: scherrer@peace.hiroshima-cu.ac.jp
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