University of Hawaii and Toda
Institute for Global Peace and Policy
May 7, 2003
Wars work like narcotics; they produce
illusions. This is true for those who engage in
wars and for those who become victims of war
propaganda. For war leaders, this means that they
often have to fool themselves before they can fool
Instructed by his mentor Aristotle, Alexander was
under the illusion that he is uniting Greek and Persian
civilizations. Napoleon believed that he is
spreading the French democratic ideas of liberty,
equality, and fraternity. In his war
projects, Hitler wanted to ensure the rule of the Aryan
master race. Saddam Hussein was on a mission to
unite the Arab nation against the Persians, Jews, and
Americans. Ayatollah Khomeini wanted to unite
the Islamic world against all domestic and foreign
infidels. Sharon is hoping to force the
Palestinians into submission. The suicide bombers
are trying to cow a militarily stronger Israel into
The war in Iraq is no less prone to
illusions. The proclaimed aim is to bring
democracy to Iraq and the rest of the Middle East.
But building democracy is not like making an
omelet. You cannot build a democratic regime
by breaking a few heads. Historically, the United States
was a world pioneer in democratic formation. Yet,
it took the United States a few decades before it
recognized the rights of people without property to
vote. It took 144 years before women gained their
right to vote. It was not until the Voting
Rights Act of 1964 that African-Americans in the Southern
states began to enjoy voting privileges. Yet,
in the presidential elections of 2000, many
African-Americans in Florida were effectively denied that
Iraq is a complex country with three distinctly
different ethnic groups dominating the south, central,
and northern parts of the country. When in 1918,
the British inherited Iraq from the Ottoman Empire as a
mandate, they decided to put the three parts into a
unitary state. The imperial logic was to divide and
rule. However, to obtain indirect rule in the
British style, they also privileged the Sunni Arabs (20%
of the population) against the Kurds (20%) and Shi'ites
(60%). Saddam Hussein more or less
represented this Sunni minority in a secular Baathist
regime. Now that he is gone, it is not surprising
that the majority demands its democratic rights of
As an occupying power, the United States faces three
distinctly different options, including (1) to find
another potentate like Saddam Hussein to rule Iraq with
an iron hand, (2) to build genuine majority rule against
its own short-term interests, or (3) to withdraw and let
a more benign force to undertake the task of establishing
peace and security in a deeply divided, multicultural
The task will be difficult, costly, and time
consuming. If wisdom prevails in Washington, this
task will be left to the United Nations. But
present UN cannot undertake it unless it is granted a
Peace Police Force and funding to reconstruct the
physical and social infrastructure of an unhappy
country. The task of building democracy must be
left to the Iraqi people who have more knowledge of their
own country than others.
Majid Tehranian is Professor,
School of Communications, University of Hawaii at Manoa,
and Director of the Toda Institute for Global Peace and
Policy Research in Tokyo and Honolulu. His latest
book is Bridging a Gulf: Peacebuilding in West Asia
(London: I. B. Tauris, 2003).
TFF and the

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