Problem Called Iraq
Roula Zoubiane
Middle East Committee
WILPF - Lebanon
April 22, 2003
"The only thing we need to kill is the thought of
Forty years ago, in 1962, the year of the Cuban
missile crisis, the world was brought closer than it has
ever been before or since to a nuclear war.
Forty years later, in 2002, those who have witnessed
those fearsome days, when the world held its breath and
the fate of all the human kind hung in the balance,
cannot but recall the year 1962. When America's
charismatic young President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy,
with a grasp of international realities, stood eyeball -
to - eyeball, with the Soviet Union's older but
unpredictable leader, Nikita Khrushchev, who finally took
the wise decision to withdraw the missiles, with their
nuclear warheads, which he had rashly installed in Cuban
bases less than 150 kilometres from the southern coast of
the United States.
For those who recall what was happening in 1962 on the
other side of the Atlantic, it is today interesting to
compare that crisis with the far less urgent one which
President Bush and the people around him are trying to
convince the Western World is facing the world today.
Then, the confrontation was between the two
superpowers, both armed with nuclear weapons. Now it is
between the one remaining superpower and Iraq, a country
without nuclear weapons or the means of delivering them,
even if and when it succeeds in developing them; a
country whose army has not had long to recover from the
dreadful assault it endured a decade ago; a country whose
infrastructure was devastated then and has not been
rebuilt under the difficult circumstances imposed by the
regime of United Nations sanctions enforced for the last
ten years.
Is this the country that is supposed to be a threat to
the United States? A country totally isolated in the
world, ruled by a tyrant universally execrated, without a
friend in the world or an ally to support it against the
most powerful, the richest and the most heavily armed
country in the world? Nobody loves Saddam Hussein; nobody
doubts that the United States could defeat him and
destroy his army, with or without the "mythical
coalition" which the Americans keep talk about, to which
President Bush promised to go back to the Security
Council for consultation before he declares the arms
inspections a failure and launches his attack on Iraq,
but which in the present context simply does not exist.
But to endanger the stability of the whole Middle East
and very likely the peace of the World as well - to deal
with this "threat" - is surely to get things hopelessly
out of proportion.
Unless, of course, there is another hidden agenda.
1- Could it be that the war, which that
little coterie of men and women around President
George Bush are so eager to start, is not about the
evil intentions of Saddam Hussein?
2- Could it be about Israel, America's most ardent
supporter for a war against Iraq?
3- Or could the real issue be a much simpler one:
the need to drum up popular support for George Bush's
Republican Party in time for the mid-terms elections?
1 - Answering the first question, we can certainly
say: yes it could. The war is not against Saddam
Hussein's evil intentions. And those, who like Jean
Bethke Elshtain (a prominent American ethicist, arguing
in an article published October 6 in The Boston Globe
that a preventive strike on Iraq is morally justifiable)
assert that "there are times when justice demands the use
of force as a response to violence, hatred, and
injustice" (2) are simply missing the point. Because
- even though "Saddam Hussein is an evil
tyrant on the moral level of Stalin"
- even though "he has never wavered from his goal to
possess atomic, bacteriological and chemical
- even though, "he has already used chemical weapons
on his own people (the Kurds, in August-September
1988), the prevention of the use of these so-called
ABC weapon of mass destruction is not a just cause for
a war which will bring to people of Iraq an
unspeakable human suffer.
2 - Answering the second question, we can with lots of
confidence say: yes it is about Israel, America's most
ardent supporter for a war against Iraq, and so for the
following three reasons:
a- The present government of Israel is of course led
by Ariel Sharon, a man detested by the Arab (because he
is daily and systematically bludgeoning the
Palestinians), but with whom President Bush reportedly
has exceptionally close relations. "No US Administration
has been a forthcoming to Israel's needs as this one",
(3) Sharon told President Bush in substance during his
most recent visit to the Oval Office - his seventh since
taking office in March 2001. Not even Tony Blair has such
a record of attendance at the "house of obedience".
b- Iraq constitutes a serious threat to the most
strategic ally of the US in the Middle East. Let us
recall that Saddam Hussein has not only threatened to
attack Israel but did attack it by using the Scud
missiles and Israel has threatened to re-attack by using
the Patriot missiles but was prevented from launching
them on Baghdad by the American Administration.
Therefore, one could wonder with Professor Richard Falk -
in his attempt to find a plausible explanation for "the
obsessiveness of American policy toward Iraq over the
course of more than a decade"- if the war on Iraq "is the
long deferred payback to Israel for staying on the
sidelines during the Gulf War (1990), despite the Scud
missiles being fired from Iraq". (4)
c- While having chosen "peaceful means to protect the
country from the threat of war" ( as it is said in the
letter sent by Iraqi government to UN Secretary - General
Kofi Annan), Iraq had accepted "unreservedly, without
conditions", the UN Security Council Resolution 1441
(passed unanimously by 15 - to - 0 Security Council vote
-even Syria, a hard-line Arab state, joined in on Friday
November 8, 2002), that sets in place a tough new regime
of weapons inspection and gives Iraq a last chance to
disarm or face "serious consequences", and while
President Bush reiterated (Wednesday, November 13, 2000)
that the United States would show "Zero tolerance" for
any "deception or denial or deceit" from President Saddam
Hussein, Israel (the most militarised state in the Middle
East), incidentally refuses to allow international
inspection of its own clandestine development of weapons
of mass destruction (the Israeli arsenal hides 300 atomic
bombs). Nevertheless, the Bush Administration is pursuing
its blind support for fundamentalist Israel as if it were
the path to heaven for pious Americans, seeking excuses
for Israel's excesses as if the Jewish state were as
peaceful as Switzerland or Finland. By contrast,
Washington has been dealing harshly with Arabs,
considering their rejection of its policies as a
challenge, and their resistance as terrorism.
But trying to prove that the United Sates uses - as
usual - double standards in dealing with the Arabs and
Israel is a waste of time, although comparing how America
insists that Iraq comply with every iota of UN
resolutions, with the way it lets Israel off the hook,
makes that absolutely clear. We must deal with the US as
it is. As a matter of fact, that is the way Arab
politicians deal with the American already (even though
they try to give a different impression in interviews to
Arab journalists) because America is strong and has many
means as its disposal to pressure Arab governments. There
are to be no more inducements from America; only
punishments. Nor does it allow Arabs to sit on the fence
any more. On November 8, America deprived the Syrian
delegate of the UN Security Council of his chance to
enter history as a free Arab who dared to oppose the "one
more Humiliation-Resolution 1441" that might lead to war
on his brethren in Iraq (5).
Besides, sending UN inspectors into Iraq probably does
mean a postponement of the American attack until early
next year, but it was never clear that Washington wanted
to act earlier anyway: A November attack would have
unpredictable effect on voting patterns in the
congressional elections, and a December attack could
undermine the Christmas retail binge. In the middle of a
recession, you want the consumers out at the malls not
sitting at home glued to CNN (6).
3- As for the need to drum up popular support for
George Bush's Republican Party in time for the midterms
elections, it is not "a simpler issue" but one of the
most important ones. The "accidental president" of a
"50-50 nation" needed very badly to pull off the best
result in the congressional mid-terms elections so that
he could get what he wants from the United Nations to
deal with Iraq speedily and rightly so. On the other
hand, the history of George Bush senior tells us that the
father did relatively well in his own mid-term elections,
losing only one Senate seat and eight in the House. He
then began his third year with a triumphant war (against
Iraq, as it happens) and ran up approval ratings so high
that he scared away most of the Democratic challengers.
But, remember, voters soon decided that success overseas
was less important than the ailing economy, and in 1992
he lost to a relatively unknown Arkansan.
Can bush the younger avoid the same fate? He has a
number of obvious advantages not least the fact that the
war against terror will, alas, go on much longer than
Desert Storm did. He is also more clearly a man of the
people than his father was: it would be hard for voters
to imagine that he enjoyed diplomacy more than domestic
politics (7).
But the problem is that:
First, the war against Iraq is not a war against
Secondly, the war against Iraq will not put an end to the
war on terror, but will certainly contribute to increase
Let us explain each one of these two points:
1- The war against Iraq is not a war against terror,
because if it was, there are other countries or
belligerents who own nuclear weapons and represent much
more danger than Saddam Hussein. Let us recall what
happened last month (October 2002) at the United Nations:
When North Korean representatives revealed to their
American counterparts (in what a US official called a
"belligerent" fashion) that their country was still
working on nuclear weapons despite a 1994 treaty with
Washington in which it promised to abandon its program,
Washington did not move heaven and earth in order to
demand "regime change", did not threaten to invade nor
asked arms inspectors to go in at once. On the contrary,
it suddenly became a model of politeness: "The president
believes this is troubling and sobering", said White
House spokesman Scott McCellan after news of the North
Korean claims came out. "We are addressing this through
diplomatic channels". North Korea is being treated with
the softest of Kid gloves, while - by contrast - Iraq,
which denies having nuclear weapons, has been the target
of almost weakly threats of attack by President George
Bush since he first discovered the "Axis of Evil" last
January. Why? Because the US government does not really
believe that Saddam Hussein has any seriously threatening
weapons of mass destruction, whereas it suspects that Kim
Jong-II does. Therefore, the probability of an American
attack on Iraq remains high precisely because it does
not, in Washington view, pose a serious danger to
America's armed forces. So, the real lesson to be
concluded from the North Korean imbroglio is that any
government anticipating a confrontation with the United
States should make sure it has nuclear weapons, because
they raise the tone of the discourse wonderfully (8).
2 - The war against Iraq will not put an end to the
war on terror, but will certainly contribute to increase
In fact, after the atrocity in Bali and the bloody events
in Kuwait and the Philippines, and the assassination of
an American diplomat in Jordan, and of an American
citizen in Saida/Lebanon, security officials in Western
countries have understood that terrorism is still
operative and ready to attack in many countries. This
leads to an important conclusion: if the regime of Saddam
Hussein is attacked by the US, the field of confrontation
could not be limited to the region around Iraq. The
United States would have to conduct two wars at once: one
in Iraq, and the other against terrorism.
The "war on terror" began on September 11, 2002, in
New York and Washington and will continue indefinitely.
As is the case, with the "war" on organized
trans-national crime, there will never come a time when
we can say, "the war against terror is over" unless
Social and Economic Justice is spread everywhere.
Certainly the loss of Afghanistan has deprived
AL-Quaeda and its likes of a secure base, but all
evidence suggests that its members are regrouping, and
have also become more inflamed, more "zealous". Nor have
the steps taken to cut off their funds had any serious
effect. They are still capable - according to US
officials- of striking telling blows against America and
other countries, as they reportedly did in Bali.
Moreover, according to the New York-based Council on
Foreign Relations, Americans are becoming dangerously
complacent about the danger posed by terrorism to "the
homeland". A new attack, such as against a nuclear power
station or some other major facility, would have
devastating effects on American life.
But Americans are not safe abroad either, and the
safety of US citizens and institutions outside North
America will not be increased by a US occupation on
The dangers threatening the territory of the US from
within has changed the spirit of defending America as it
has been made clear in the Homeland Security Act of 2002.
This act defined the new security mission for the Defense
Department as follows:
"The primary missions of the department include
preventing terrorist attacks within the United States,
reducing the vulnerability of the United States to
terrorism at home, and minimizing the damage and
assisting in the recovery from any attacks that may
occur. The Department's primary responsibilities
correspond to the five major functions established by the
Act within the Department: information analysis and
infrastructure protection; chemical, biological,
radiological, nuclear, and related countermeasures;
border and transportation security; emergency
preparedness and response; and coordination with other
parts of the federal government, with state and local
governments, and with the private sector. These primary
missions and responsibilities are not exhaustive, and the
Department will continue to carry out other functions of
the agencies it will absorb."
All this shows the level of new measures established
to defend the territory of the US and the level of
dangers threatening it from within. But all this is not
enough because America is fighting against an invisible
enemy who could be present in a very close place, unknown
and waiting for the right moment to attack (like the
example of the Washington sniper has proven). So,
successful measures could only reduce the action of the
terrorists, but it will never stop it for good. On the
contrary, certain kinds of repressive anti-terrorist
action would have a tendency to antagonize those
subjected to them and tempt more people, especially young
men, into the path of extremism.
It is here that the danger posed by a US invasion of
Iraq is clearly seen. An American occupation of an
important Arab country, possibly for several years, could
do nothing but inflame Arab opinion which is already
deeply troubled and angered by the repressive measures
taken by the present government of Israel against the
The spectacle of President Bush and Premier Sharon
acting like two close allies, one occupying Iraq, the
other bludgeoning the Palestinians, working together with
such exceptional cordiality is one that can not fail to
deepen Arab and Muslim antipathy for the US and act as a
recruiting sergeant for extremism to avenge Iraq.
Therefore, the fight against "terrorism" and "Regime
change" in Iraq remain an "inherent contradiction".
Another curious contradiction lies in the
"obsessiveness of American policy toward the Iraqi regime
over the course of more than a decade", when the American
Administration has used it twice when it was able to
serve the American vital interests in the Middle Eastern
1- The first time took place when, submitting to
American will, Iraq launched a war against Iran in which
it serves as a priceless mean. Let us recall that in
1980, Iran was representing a major threat since it was -
and still is - the only country to shelter the Islamic
Republic. But for Western World, there is no such thing
as Islamic "Republic". There is only Islamic
"fundamentalism" especially that when Iran was attacked
and had to go into eight years of bloody and destructive
war (1980 - 1988), the Islamic Republic model was
flourishing as an alternative to the established regimes
in the region.
2- The second time occurred on the night of August 2,
1990, when Saddam Hussein defied the whole world by
seizing Kuwait - one of the most advanced Gulf States in
terms of education, infrastructural development, and oil
wealth - thus forcefully revealing the fragility of the
Gulf petrol-monarchies. Incapable of defending the
territorial integrity of their countries, the Emirs were
compelled to appeal for foreign troops, particularly
those of the United States. For the purpose of common
defence, a rapid deployment force was set up, with its
headquarters in Saudi Arabia, and each year military
manoeuvres, christened "Peninsula Shield", took place in
which sophisticated armaments were tested, weapons whose
purchase price swallowed up 30 per cent to 40 per cent of
the general budgets of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
Countries which provided the US with:
- Oil in terms of energy and financial
- Shelters for their military basis in Kuwait and the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Their presence in these two
countries used as military bridge points allowed them
lately to develop a new one in Qatar, a country that
is in favour of Israel since its Emir, Sheikh Hamad
bin Khalifa Al Thani, had already recognized the
legitimacy of the State of Israel and had lately
offered the Pentagon unfettered access to bases at a
time when the Kingdom foreign minister, Prince Saud al
Faisal said that his government would cooperate with
the UN Security Council if it decides to act, but "not
to the extent of using facilities in [Saudi
Arabia]", which seemed to mark an important shift
that was very well welcomed by Iraq thanking the
kingdom for its "Arab Solidarity".
There is no doubt that these two wars, in which Iraq
served as a mercenary at the mercy of the US superpower,
were profitable to the American interests in the Middle
East because:
They gave them better access to oil.
They weakened four important countries:
- The Persian Islamic belligerent: Iran
- The victim: Kuwait
- The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia which is today blinking
yellow light and exhausting its best diplomacy by
telling President Bush: yes and no and maybe.
- Iraq itself on which the UN sanctions regime was
imposed: According to Professor Richard Falk, "the
sanctions were exacting an enormous toll among the
civilian population, and were doing virtually nothing
to hamper the activities and life style of the Iraqi
elite. The US government favoured the maintenance of a
tough sanctions regime in the face of the
well-documented reports detailing the suffering of the
Iraqi people, contending in the notorious words of
Madeline Albright in 1996, while serving as US
ambassador at the UN, not long before becoming
Secretary of State, when confronted by statistic as to
the loss of life among Iraqi women and children, "we
thing the price is worth it".(
) [later
and] in response to the rising tide of
anti-sanctions sentiment, especially in Europe, the
United States took a series of backward strides from
its preferred unyielding position so as to prevent the
international consensus form falling apart. It had
earlier agreed to an oil -for- food program that
allows Iraq to sell its oil on the world market,
importing civilian goods, with the use of the revenues
by Iraq scrutinized by the UN Office of the Iraq
Program (OIP) in such a cumbersome and restrictive way
as to compromise the humanitarian rational. In May
2002, after elaborate diplomatic negotiations in which
the United States did its best to maximise sanctions
while retaining support of the Security Council, a
much heralded move to "smart sanctions" was finally
approved by the UN" (9).
In light of what has been already said, the real
motive that lays behind the war that the US are planning
to launch on Iraq, after putting the final touches on the
diplomatic platform, the formalities and the field
preparations, can be easily deduced: It is the oil.
In fact, George Bush Administration tries to justify
its aims of attacking Iraq by talking about a danger
supposedly posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction,
while in reality, its principal objective is oil: Iraq's
reserves of petroleum are second only to those of Saudi
Arabia. So instead of buying it, or exchanging it with
food or humanitarian supplies, why not seizing and
controlling the oil freely. If the Americans attack Iraq,
they will take over these petroleum reserves, and that
will be the end of OPEC (which is a real pain in the US
neck). America will be able to fix the price of oil, its
production and marketing. It will then exercise a
hegemony over the petroleum industry, at the expense of
Saudi Arabia, and thus over the whole Arab world. Further
more, Washington will be able to impose its views on the
leaders of this region of the globe, including its views
about a settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict, which
will be a settlement that gives satisfaction to Israel.
This will simplify the liquidation, pure and simple, of
the Palestinian cause, a case to which we will be back in
a while with further details.
But if this is one of the consequences of the imminent
strike against Iraq what would the others be:
1- Unspeakable human suffering:
According to professor Jan Oberg who has done an
impartial fact-finding mission in Iraq along with a team
from Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future
Research (TFF) (a scholarly foundation), "with an
interest in listening to the views as they exist in
Iraq/Baghdad, and in getting impression of the peace and
the living conditions,(
) reports everywhere tell us
that the Bush regime is relentless in its determination
to start a major war against Iraq with the purpose of
toppling Saddam Hussein. If it happens, Oberg continues,
we face potentially unspeakable human suffering, mass
killing, refugee catastrophe and famine - in short, total
chaos - inside Iraq, incalculable regional consequences,
western conflicts, perhaps a splitting of coalitions and
alliances, not to speak of soaring oil prices and global
economic crisis" (10)
The expected losses in lives should be added to those
the Iraqi people have been suffering, at least for the
past 12 years since the UN regime sanctions was first
imposed. "The imposition and retention of comprehensive
sanctions for more than a decade after the devastation of
the Gulf War has resulted in hundreds of thousands of
civilian casualties, more than a million according to
some estimates(11). This assessment has been abundantly
documented by reliable international sources, and
affecting most acutely, the very young and the poorest
sectors of the Iraqi population (12)" (13) which is held
prisoner not only of the "international cage" but of the
"domestic" one to, where they fear to endure the violent
oppressive means used against anyone who dares to oppose
or criticize a system led by a tyrant used to the
undisputable exercise of power and overwhelmed by his
self-image, while his people is not even allowed freedom
of speech. Here what Jan Oberg wrote after visiting
"Baghdad is estimated to have about 5 million
inhabitants, one-fifth of the population. The city is
modern, but one easily sees that is a shadow of what it
must have been in terms of renovation and maintenance.
There is considerable building activity here and there,
not the least a gigantic mosque that will take ten years
to finish, new palaces, apartment houses, and public
buildings. One is struck by the hugeness of Baghdad and
its endless high-speed boulevards. (
) When you
leave Baghdad, the scenery changes and is reminiscent of
poor developing countries. On the highway toward Babylon,
you see half-finished houses, water facilities out of
order and fences with barbed wire where all the metal has
been taken away and only the poles left naked behind. The
typical village is a series of houses on both sides of
the four-lane road with small shops selling cigarettes,
groceries, and vegetables. (
We ask ourselves whether this is the type of rural
area which hundreds of thousands of Baghdad citizens will
flee to when and if their country is bombed and invaded?
There is no way that they could survive out here. The
whole environment smells of stagnation, de-development
after years of domestic mismanagement and international
Iraq is a very unique country, but in one sense it is
like anywhere I have seen wars: it's the ordinary,
powerless people who pay the price of high politics. They
have no chance to get out of the double cage of domestic
and international politics (
Here, like everywhere else in Baghdad, we meet only
kind, welcoming people. We would not have been surprised
if someone thought we belonged to the West (we do!), were
Americans or otherwise guilty for the sanctions, a major
cause of their misery. Not one person did during 14 days;
we felt safe everywhere. We took pictures, many asking us
to do so, and the children of course indescribably happy
to see themselves on the monitor of the digital camera.
Shop owners invited us in, offered sweet tea, and showed
us their neatly arranged produce and commodities. Here
you may get a pen, here is something sweet to taste.
"Welcome, welcome, wher' you from?"
The classic Arab hospitality and welcoming attitude
towards the stranger has certainly not been destroyed.
Their gratitude and joy over the fact that somebody has
come a long way to ask them about their lives is so
These are the people we, who have been there, think of
when we read about the Bush regime's plans to bomb the
There is no humanity without empathy.
When you are here, and see with your own eyes, there
are other pictures of Iraq than those you get sitting
back home. One reason that so few scholars, journalists
and diplomats go there is that it opens your eyes to
another reality, a broader human reality, of this problem
called Iraq. It becomes impossible not to sympathise with
the 25 million people sitting for decades in a double
It becomes difficult to accept that cold-blooded,
emotionally numbed people in your own Western
"civilization" have nothing else to offer the Iraqi
people than their present lives, where they live like
animals in a zoo (the Oil for Food Program just keeps
people alive on a minimum of calories) and a future of
war. That war is bound to destroy their few simple
belongings, homes, water supply and produce. It will be
the clilmax of decades of dehumanisation and humiliation.
How could it ever lead to peace and justice?
Only one conclusion is possible when you go there: the
Iraqi people deserve the world's sympathy, not our bombs.
If you go there, you will hardly be able to advocate war.
Not one international staff member of mission chief we
met, most of whom have worked there for months and years,
thought sanctions was an effective political tool or that
an invasion would solve more problems than it would
Trapped between international and local environmental
circumstances, the people are left with no other
alternative than to back its president. Because he
represents the Nation, the matter becomes a question of
national duty and principle.
2 - Saddam's deposition
Toppling of Saddam Hussein is not a decision that US
had taken recently, but long time ago because - and
before he turned into the monster he became with a
horrifying account of numerous purges, tortures and mass
murders listed in a biography written by Con Coughlin and
entitled Saddam: King of Terror (15) , he was once upon a
time the leader of a people with lots of pride and sense
of dignity, identity and culture; creative men and women,
well educated, politicised and most importantly rich.
Under his leadership, they have made the deliberate
choice to refuse investing the oil financial resources in
Swiss banks or luxurious hotels chains. Instead, they
built a Nation with a modern infrastructure (schools,
universities, hospitals, transport facilities,
), developed the economic sectors (industry,
agriculture, tourism), and worked on projects that were
until recently the privilege of the Western World such as
venturing into space and developing a well equipped
military arsenal. The American Administration kept
Saddam's regime as long as its leader was submitting to
their wishes and serving their interests in the region.
But soon arrived the time when he was becoming too
powerful that they could not allow him to stay in power
anymore especially that he had dared not only to invade
Kuwait (a disastrous event which was perfectly well
orchestrated by US ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie) but
especially because he possessed weapons, particularly
missiles that could reach the hinterlands of Israel and
did not avoid to use them. Since he was not playing in
accordance with the rules, it was time for him to be
ripped off. This may be perfectly well understood in the
light of what Prof. Richard Falk wrote in his fore
mentioned study (see note nb.4): "The South, subordinate
in any event, has remained fertile grounds for indefinite
punishment of a political actor that challenged the
established geopolitical order. Iraq, formerly a
strategic junior partner in the maintenance of such an
order, including during its long war with the Islamic
Republic of Iran during the 1980s, became and remains the
arch enemy of this post-cold war American design for the
But what would the results of Saddam Hussein's
deposition be:
- Would he be killed by an American
- Would he be incarcerated in Guattanamo?
- Would he manage to protect himself and to escape as
he is trying to do now, since he has lately offered
three billions dollars and a half in exchange for
asylum ,for him and twelve or twenty persons of his
family and close surrounding, to the Lybian leader,
General Moammar Khadafi, the same Khadhafi who shacked
hands early this month (November 2002) with Italian
Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconie - who is in favour
of a strike against Iraq and has been at the forefront
of European efforts to strengthen ties with Kadhafi's
Libya, considered by Washington a "rogue state" (as
well as Iraq), but which is the main supplier of oil
to Italy.
- Would he - out of pride and dignity - commit
suicide? But he man is a true believer who has built
outside Baghdad the "Mother of all Battles" mosque to
celebrate his birthday in 2001: The minarets, each 43
meters high for the 43 days of the 1991 war in Kuwait
are designed to represent the Scud missiles Saddam
fired at Israel during the conflict. Inside a cabinet
displays a copy of the Koran said to have been written
entirely of Saddam's own blood, of which he is said to
have donated 24 litres over three years.
- Or would he be brave enough to choose the hard path
and give up power - instead of grasping it - allowing
the people the fair chance to decide the most
appropriate political system to its aspirations.
Recently he surprised the world by releasing 300
political prisoners and he could surprise it by
calling his people for a referendum. Who knows, isn't
he unpredictable ?!
3 - The fragmentation of Iraq and the Balkanisation of
the Middle East:
One of Washington's long-term objectives in regard to
Iraq is to divide the country into three mini states:
a- A state in the North ruled by the Kurds,
if they manage to overcome their ideological
differences for the sake of their own people which for
decades have been suffering from partition, forced
exodus and systematic violations of its human
b- A state in the south, not too far from Iran ruled
by the Chi'a community.
c- As for the middle, two alternatives are possible:
one of them would be a reduced government ruled by
exiled Iraqi opposition groups whose loyalty to Iraq
as a Nation could be questioned. In fact, they have
asked (November 20, 2002) the British government -
which granted them with political asylum- for
permission to hold a December meeting in London to
discuss how their country would be governed if Saddam
Hussein is ousted. It should not be forgotten that
previous attempts to set up such a conference have
foundered as a split between Ahmad Chalabi, the exile
with the best connections in Washington, and his
Islamic and Kurdish opponents in the opposition.
These differences could leave the door widely opened
to the other alternative which lays in what has been
reported about the Bush Administration intentions to
appoint a military governor in Baghdad, as was done in
occupied Japan and Germany after the Second World
Such fragmentation would not allow the Americans a
better control over the oil wells as they may imagine,
because it will increase the sense of minorities
identities, which could lead to a civil war between the
different factions or communities. In the surroundings of
Iraq, each one of them would be able to find an ally
ready to provide it with the required assistance so that
Iraq would no longer be a power in the region and its
resources easy to be snaffled.
On the other hand, the fragmentation of Iraq would
threaten all the countries of the Middle Eastern region,
which they will fear for their unity, sovereignty and the
integrity of their territories. Such a project targets
not only the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia but also Syria and
Lebanon. Besides, it will particularly affect the events
course in the Palestinian occupied territories which for
the past three years they have been the scene of ongoing
aggression and vengeful attacks carried out by Israel on
the defenceless Palestinian people. The strike against
Iraq would give Israel - especially if the expected
elections in Tel-Aviv are to bring one of the two most
extremist right leaders, foreign minister Benjamin
Natanyahu or Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz - the green
light to implement its plan concerning the refugees, by
provoking and exodus of the largest number of
Palestinians from the west Bank and the Gaza Strip to the
surroundings lands, and to oppose the return of the
refugees from the Diaspora. Their implantation in Lebanon
and in the other countries - such as Jordan, Syria and
even Tunisia - which have given them asylum, would than
become inevitable, in opposition - at least in Lebanon's
case - to what the Taef Agreement stipulates.
Let us recall that, during the last two years of the
Lebanese war (1988 - 1990), the political discourse of
certain national fractions spoke of partition, political
decentralization, cantons, federation and confederation,
on the pretext that they did not want to live with the
Palestinians if these where implanted in our territory.
That is why the Document of National Understanding - the
Taef Accord - stipulated: No partition, no implantation.
And these expressions were subsequently excluded in the
preamble of the Constitution.
It is true that those who call for partition are a
minority and can absolutely not impose such a project,
because after 20 years of destructive civil war, after
witnessing what is happening on the regional level, after
having worked so hard to rebuild the country, and after
having succeeded to pull out the Israeli army from South
Lebanon, the Lebanese people are very much aware of the
dangers that are surrounding them, and they refuse any
move or agreement that could compromise Lebanon's Unity.
Therefore, Lebanon today calls for the unconditioned
implementation of the UN Resolutions regarding not only
the Lebanese prisoners in Israel Jails and the withdrawal
of the Israeli army from what is left of the Lebanese
territory (Shebaa Farms and the Wazzani waters) under its
occupation, but also and most importantly what is related
to the Palestinian People which has every right to
self-determination and freedom on its own land. It has
been wandering in the wild for more than fifty years. It
is more than enough.
Thus, even though they are deeply worried because of
what is happening now in the Holy Land, Arabs remain
confident in the Palestinian people and their firm
determination to carry on their struggle until the final
victory. In spite of all they have endured, this heroic
people will not bend the knee and the Intifada will not
show the white flag. This in itself is a victory in view
of the unbalance of forces. The Jewish state cannot force
the Palestinian into a new exodus as it did in 1948.
4 - Opening the road to China
If Iraq falls into the hands of the American, then the
road to China will be easy to be opened (and it is almost
opened) for Globalisation purposes. In fact:
- Iran will think twice before confronting the US with
any opposition, since it is afraid of being held
eternally hostage of the "Axis of evil".
- Afghanistan will soon wake up to discover its 90%
fields of gas exploded by western private companies.
- Pakistan will welcome the enterprise since it is an
American ally in the region.
- India would not mind.
- And China is doing its very best to be ready for the
glorious day: In fact, it's well known, that the 16th
Communist Party Congress looks set to enshrine a change
to its constitution which lays down that the Party exists
to represent not just the proletariat but also the
"advanced productive forces". Though a number of
businessmen are already party members, these have often
been people who run newly - privatised state - own
enterprises, rather than genuine entrepreneurs, who,
according to the new reform, will be able to join.
Arguably, this could signal a profound transformation, if
a growing number of businessmen entered the party to push
for more open government and the rule of law, at least in
economic matters. Even though China's leadership is
collective, with the Standing Committee and the wider
Politburo exercising considerable power over the nominal
leader, Mr. Hu Jintao, there is no senior figure willing
to prevent the elaborate process of consensus - building
over the past few years - thanks to Jiang Zemin's five
years efforts - from going on. No one advocates reversing
China's economic engagement with the world, its embrace
of capitalism and its pursuit of good relations with
America. Even Hu Jintao main rivals suggest that there
will be continuity on these issues. Therefore China
should - according to Jiang's dictum - "increase
understanding, reduce trouble, be non-confrontational,
and develop co-operation". If this country of almost 1.3
billion people (which represent enormous markets)
undergoing turbulent economic and social changes is
willing to keep these new politics, then it could enter
the circle of Economic Globalisation(16). As for
Democracy, it is not an emergency especially when we know
that the New global order has been using it in the South
as a weapon with which it threatens those totalitarian
regimes that refuse to cooperate, to enter the games'
circle and to play in accordance to the rules.
Besides, if some countries of the Western world are
today opposing the strike against Iraq, it is not just
because they want to see democracy and human rights
promoted in the countries of the South, but because new
concepts such as "pre-emption in threatening their owns.
"Pre-emption (
) validating striking first, not in a
crisis, (
) but on the basis of shadowy intentions,
alleged potential links to terrorist groups, supposed
plans and projects to acquire weaponry of mass
destruction, and anticipations of possible future
dangers. It is a doctrine without limits, without
accountability to the UN or international law, without
any dependence on a collective judgement of responsible
governments, and, what is worse, without any convincing
demonstration of practical necessity" (17).
5 - Increasing fundamentalism
A strike against Iraq would increase frustration,
anger and violence in the Arab world where people have
been watching their governments submitting since the
1967th Defeat or "Nakba", in a very humiliating way, to
the US Administration. If a total chaos is possible, it
would mainly be because Arabs do not have charismatic
leaders anymore and even the opposition's politicians do
not have an alternative coherent political plan that
could be spread and implemented.
This would probably lead to the rise and development
of fundamentalism, which has nothing to do with Islam:
look at the Moslem World's map and you will find it
colourful and speaking many languages; it is one of the
most successful combination of diversity within Unity;
but if fundamentalism threatens to spread, it is because,
in some countries, it is an important factor that has the
power to mobilize civil society (which is empowerished
and oppressed) by giving it social aids with one hand,
the veil and the sword with the other.
Therefore, if the Western World is really willing to
keep its interests alive and prosperous in this region of
the South, then it has to work toward preventing the
strike on Iraq, and toward sparing human kind violence
death, and destruction of priceless civilizations. It's
worth it, especially when peaceful alternatives
Alternatives to war:
1- To remove unconditionally and immediately the
sanctions imposed on Iraq and to grant its people with
compensation for the damage and harm that were done to
them. This would give the International Community a fair
chance to rebuild confidence not just with the Iraqi
people but, most importantly, with the Arab street.
2- To work toward the mobilization of the civil
society in Iraq by calling Parliamentarians, Political
Parties, NGOs, and Intellectual for an effective
participation that would lead it to a referendum through
which the future head of the state would be elected.
3 - To establish a civil and democratic government
whose main tasks would be:
a- to rebuild the country
b- to encourage the fruitful steps that have been
taken in Iraq such as the release of 300 Iraqi
political prisoners, and to develop peaceful and
constructive relations with the countries in the
c- To solve through negotiation the water conflict
with Turkey
d- To integrate the Kurdish community and to recognize
its political and language rights.
As for the Western World, it is invited to mobilize
its civil society in order to increase its awareness and
recognition of other people's rights to self-
determination, peace and freedom.
One last remark: it is surprising to learn that most
of the American public opinion is backing President Bush
in this war on Iraq when Americans cannot find this
flashpoint state on a map of the Middle East.
In fact, and according to a survey released by
National Geographic, only 1 in 7 of Americans between the
age of 18 and 24, the prime age for military service,
could find Iraq on a map of the Middle East, despite a
barrage of headlines and broadcast reports about an
imminent war against President Saddam Hussein. The score
was the same for Iran, Iraq's neighbour and only 13
percent could locate Israel.
Although the majority, 58 percent, of the young
Americans surveyed knew that the Taliban and Al-Qaeda
were based in Afghanistan, only 17 percent could find
that country on a world map.
Astonished, John Fahey, president of the National
Geographic Society said in a statement: "If our young
people can't find places on a map and lack awareness of
current events, how can they understand the world's
cultural, economic and natural resources issues that
confront us?" (18)
An Iraqi could ask: "If American young people, in
prime age for military service, can't locate Iraq on a
Middle East's or World's map, how can they go there and
bombard cities, causing mass killing among innocent
people, for the sake of new concepts such as
"pre-emption", "globalisation", "Axis of evil", "ABC mass
destruction weapons", "Rangoon states"".
Three conclusions remain to be made:
1- They are going there for the oil and most of the
rest is a masquerade or a charade.
2- Their government will put at their disposal
sophisticated aircrafts with newly equipped computers.
The strike against Iraq will be "a peace of cake", a
video game, with no casualties among soldiers.
3- Peace Education should proceed through geography,
geopolitics, cultural studies, and foreign languages. If
we want the World to be a better place where Peace and
Freedom are shared by all, we have to act in accordance
with the Women's International League for Peace and
Freedom's global shared priorities, which are:
1- Peace and culture of / for peace
2- Disarmament of all weapons
3- Social and economic Justice
4- Sustainable environment and human security
5- Racial Justice
6- Freedom and Human Rights
7- Democratisation of the United Nations
In solidarity and peace
Beirut, November 24, 2002
(1) ADAMS (Michael), Reflections on a Fortieth
Anniversary, in Monday Morning (vol. XXXI, No 1558,
November 4, 2002, p.5)
(2) Quoted by Bishop Whalon (Pierre W.), "A moral
justification of going to war", in the International
Herald Tribune, Thursday, November 14, 2002, p.8
(views/editorials and commentary).
(3) Quoted by Jallad (Edgard), "The fight against
Terrorism and 'Regime Change' in Iraq, an Inherent
contradiction", in Monday Morning, November 14, 2002,
(4) FALK (Richard), "Iraq, the United States, and
International law: beyond the Sanctions", August 27, 2002
(5) KHASHOGGI (Jamal Ahmad), "Resolution 1441 - one
more humiliation", in the Daily Star, Thursday, November
14, 2002, p.5.
(6) DYER (Gwynne), "The second Gulf war: Delayed but
not cancelled", in Monday Morning. November 14, 2002,
(7) The economist, November 9th - 15th 2002, p.13
(8) DYER (Gwynne), ibidem
(9) See R. Falk, ibidem and Richard Garfield, "Health
and Well-being in Iraq: Sanctions and the Impact of the
oil-for-Food Program", "Transnational law and
contemporary Problems 11 (No.2): 277 - 298 (2001).
(10)See Jan Oberg, "Visit Iraq", Pressinfo 156. August
8, 2002, (www.transnational.org)
(11)See the valuable overview that has been provided
by Sarah Graham-Brown, Sanctioning Saddam (1999)
(12)See early respected assessment of the civilian
impact of the sanctions imposed after the Gulf War by the
Harvard Study Team that visited Iraq several times during
1991. Albert Acherio and others, "Effect of the Gulf War
on Infant and Child mortality in Iraq", 327 New England
Journal of Medicine 931 (1992); see also: "Unsanctioned
Suffering: A human Rights Assessment of United Nations
Sanctions on Iraq", center for Economic and Social
Rights, May 1996.
(13) See Richard Falk, ibidem.
(14) See Jan Oberg, "Visit Iraq".
(15) Ecco Press, 2002; published in Britain, as
"Saddam: The Secret life"; Pan Macmillan 2002
(16) See The Economist, "China: out with the old, in
with the old", November 9th - 15th 2002, pp.15 - 16.
(17) See Richard Falk, "Grasping George W. Bush's
Post-modern Geopolitics", 10th IUPIP International
course: People's Diplomacy, non-violence and global civil
society after September 11 (Rovereto, 29 September - 20
October 2002).
(18) See Paul Recer, from the Associated Press,
"Despite drive to war, Americans can't find Iraq on a
map", in the Daily Star, (published with the
International Herald Tribune), No. 10, 1942, Thursday,
November 21, 2000.
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TFF and the

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