The Deadly
Costs of a Degrading Act
Robert Fisk
WE ARE now in the endgame, the final bankruptcy of
Western policy towards Iraq, the very last throw of the
dice. We fire 200 cruise missiles into Iraq and what do we
expect? Is a chastened Saddam Hussein going to emerge from
his bunker to explain to us how sorry he is? Will he tell us
how much he wants those nice UN inspectors to return to
Baghdad to find his "weapons of mass destruction"? Is that
what we think? Is that what the Anglo-American bombardment
is all about? And if so, what happens afterwards? What
happens when the missile attacks end - just before the
Muslim holy month of Ramadan, because, of course, we really
are very sensitive about Iraqi religious feelings - and
Saddam Hussein tells us that the UN inspectors will never be
allowed to return?
As the cruise missiles were launched, President Clinton
announced that Saddam had "disarmed the [UN]
inspectors", and Tony Blair - agonising about the lives of
the "British forces" involved (all 14 pilots) - told us that
"we act because we must". In so infantile a manner did we go
to war on Wednesday night. No policies. No perspective. Not
the slightest hint as to what happens after the bombardment
ends. With no UN inspectors back in Iraq, what are we going
to do? Declare eternal war against Iraq?
We are "punishing" Saddam - or so Mr Blair would have us
believe. And all the old cliches are being trundled out. In
1985, just before he bombed them, Ronald Reagan told the
Libyans that the United States had "no quarrel with the
Libyan people". In 1991, just before he bombed them, George
Bush told the Iraqis that he had "no quarrel with the Iraqi
people". And now we have Tony Blair - as he bombs them -
telling Iraqis that, yes, he has "no quarrel with the Iraqi
Is there a computer that churns out this stuff? Is there
a cliche department at Downing Street which also provides
Robin Cook with the tired phrase of the American Secretary
of State, Madeleine Albright, about how Saddam used gas
"against his own people"?
For little did we care when he did use that gas against
the Kurds of Halabja - because, at the time, those Kurds
were allied to Iran and we, the West, were supporting
Saddam's invasion of Iran.
The lack of any sane long-term policy towards Iraq is the
giveaway. Our patience - according to Clinton and Blair - is
exhausted. Saddam cannot be trusted to keep his word
(they've just realised). And so Saddam's ability to
"threaten his neighbours" - neighbours who don't in fact
want us to bomb Iraq - has to be "degraded". That word
"degraded" is a military term, first used by General
Schwarzkopf and his boys in the 1991 Gulf war, and it is now
part of the vocabulary of the weak. Saddam's weapons of mass
destruction have to be "degraded". Our own dear Mr Cook was
at it again yesterday, informing us of the need to "degrade"
Saddam's military capability.
How? The UN weapons inspectors - led for most of the time
by Scott Ritter (the man who has admitted he kept flying to
Israel to liaise with Israeli military intelligence), could
not find out where Saddam's nuclear, biological and chemical
weapons were hidden. They had been harassed by Iraq's
intelligence thugs, and prevented from doing their work. Now
we are bombing the weapons facilities which the inspectors
could not find. Or are we? For there is a very serious
question that is not being asked: if the inspectors couldn't
find the weapons, how come we know where to fire the cruise
And all the while, we continue to impose genocidal
sanctions on Iraq, sanctions that are killing innocent
Iraqis and - by the admission of Mr Cook and Mrs Albright -
not harming Saddam at all. Mrs Albright rages at Saddam's
ability to go on building palaces, and Mr Cook is obsessed
with a report of the regime's purchase of liposuction
equipment which, if true, merely proves that sanctions are a
total failure.
Mr Cook prattles on about how Iraq can sell more than
$10bn (£6bn) of oil a year to pay for food, medicine
and other humanitarian goods. But since more than 30 per
cent of these oil revenues are diverted to the UN
compensation fund and UN expenses in Iraq, his statement is
totally untrue.
Dennis Halliday, the man who ran the UN oil-for-food
programme in Baghdad, until he realised that thousands of
Iraqi children were dying every month because of sanctions,
resigned his post with the declaration that "we are in the
process of destroying an entire society. it is illegal and
immoral." So either Mr Halliday is a pathological liar -
which I do not believe - or Mr Cook has a serious problem
with the truth - which I do believe.
Now we are bombing the people who are suffering under our
sanctions. Not to mention the small matter of the explosion
of child cancer in southern Iraq, most probably as a result
of the Allied use of depleted uranium shells during the 1991
war. Gulf war veterans may be afflicted with the same
sickness, although the British Government refuses to
contemplate the possibility. And what, in this latest
strike, are some of our warheads made of? Depleted uranium,
of course.
Maybe there really is a plan afoot for a coup d'etat,
though hopefully more ambitious than our call to the Iraqi
people to rise up against their dictator in 1991, when they
were abandoned by the Allies they thought would speed to
their rescue. Mr Clinton says he wants a democracy in Iraq -
as fanciful a suggestion as any made recently. He is
demanding an Iraqi government that "represents its people"
and "respects" its citizens. Not a single Arab regime -
especially not Washington's friends in Saudi Arabia - offers
such luxuries to its people. We are supposed to believe, it
seems, that Washington and London are terribly keen to
favour the Iraqi people with a fully fledged democracy. In
reality, what we want in Iraq is another bullying dictator -
but one who will do as he is told, invade the countries we
wish to see invaded (Iran), and respect the integrity of
those countries we do not wish to see invaded (Kuwait).
Yet no questions are being asked, no lies uncovered.
Ritter, the Marine Corps inspector who worked with Israeli
intelligence, claimed that Richard Butler - the man whose
report triggered this week's new war - was aware of his
visits to Israel. Is that true? Has anyone asked Mr Butler?
He may well have avoided such contacts - but it would be
nice to have an answer.
So what to do with Saddam? Well, first, we could abandon
the wicked sanctions regime against Iraq. We have taken
enough innocent lives. We have killed enough children. Then
we could back the real supporters of democracy in Iraq - not
the ghouls and spooks who make up the so-called Iraqi
National Congress, but the genuine dissidents who gathered
in Beirut in 1991 to demand freedom for their country, but
were swiftly ignored by the Americans once it became clear
that they didn't want a pro-Western strongman to lead
And we could stop believing in Washington. Vice-President
Al Gore told Americans yesterday that it was a time for
"national resolve and unity". You might have thought that
the Japanese had just bombed Pearl Harbor, or that General
MacArthur had just abandoned Bataan. When President Clinton
faced the worst of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, he bombed
Afghanistan and Sudan. Faced with impeachment, he now bombs
Iraq. How far can a coincidence go?
This week, two Christian armies - America's and Britain's
- went to war with a Muslim nation, Iraq. With no goals, but
with an army of platitudes, they have abandoned the UN's
weapons control system, closed the door on arms inspections,
and opened the door to an unlimited military offensive
against Iraq. And nobody has asked the obvious question:
what happens next?
© The Independent, December 1998