Dear Friends, After the month and a half of the NATO and UN sponsored peace in Kosovo we have the following results: 130.000 - Serbian refugees from Kosovo (2/3 of the
population) Serbs are persecuted, killed in flats, expelled from their homes, women are raped, farmers are slaughtered, Serbian and all Non-Albanian homes are systematically torched, AND all this in the presence of the most powerful force in the World. We have just prepared an extensive photo material on destruction of the Serbian Orthodox Churches in Kosovo. These destructions are systematically effected by the Kosovo Albanian Extremists who have launched a campaign of ethnic cleansing and the cultural genocide against everything Christian in the province. All these churches are destroyed NOT IN WAR but during the peace established by NATO and UN in the province. In fact Albanian extremists led by KLA are using the presence of the International Forces and UN as an umbrella for the worst barbarism against the Christian monuments in Europe. HOW LONG WILL THE WORLD TOLERATE THE BARBARISM IN THE PRESENCE OF THE NATO FORCES? WAS THE GOAL OF THE NATO INTEVENTION REPLACING ONE REPRESSION WITH ANOTHER? IS EUROPE GOING TO CELEBRATE THE 2000 JUBILEE OF CHRISTIANITY WITH CHRISTIAN CHURCHES SYSTEMATICALLY DESTROYED IN FRONT OF EYES OF THE WHOLE WORLD? Those who are interested in larger format photos for printing may writeto us. Although the lines from Kosovo are very bad we will try to sendyou photos for printing. Fr. Sava
Fr. Sava <decani@EUnet.yu> Decani in July 1999 |
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