July 2, 1999
In Pristina, the UN Secretary-General's acting Special Representative, Sergio Vieira de Mello, called together leaders of the Albanian and Serbian communities to focus exclusively on the pressing issue of security for all people in Kosovo. This is the first time that Albanian and Serb leaders of Kosovo have sat down to discuss concrete issues. They issued a joint statement calling for restraint and respect for human life, which was broadcast on radio and television by the United Nations mission in Kosovo. The text of the statement is as follows: "Today, we have met at the headquarters of the UN Mission in Kosovo to urgently address a problem that affects all the people of Kosovo: people who want to return to their homes here, people who want to stay here, people who have returned in the past few weeks, people who have remained here throughout recent tragic months. We have met to discuss security and human rights; in order for the human rights of all people to be exercised they must be free of fear. They must feel safe staying in their homes, going to their jobs, going to their places of worship, visiting friends and family, taking their exams at university, and going about all the other tasks of everyday life. We know that we have to urgently address this problem if we want to realise our joint goal of a civil society in Kosovo, a society where no one has to have fear for his lie, his family, his job, or his home just because of his ethnicity or belief. We are determined not to look back but to look forward. In this respect we reach out to all national communities living in Kosovo. In particular, we want to stop the exodus of Serb, Montenegrin and other civilians from Kosovo and encourage the return of those who have already left. We have a rich common heritage. We want to preserve it. We therefore call on everyone: stay in and come back to Kosovo. KFOR and UNMIK have promised us that they would do their utmost to secure your safety and to guarantee your future in your homeland. We trust them and we urge you to do likewise. Both sides condemn the crimes of the Milosevic regime in Kosovo. Persons suspected of war crimes and crimes against humanity shall be brought to justice. We support the role of ICTY. Peace can only be built on justice, not on revenge. We urge all Kosovo inhabitants, whether of civilian or military status, to refrain and to actively discourage others from any acts of violence against their neighbours. Such actions are unacceptable. Those responsible will be brought to justice. We insist that the identity of all prisoners that have been transferred to prisons outside Kosovo be made public and that they are immediately returned to Kosovo to be handed over to UNMIK to be tried or released as appropriate. We insist that political proceedings now being held in Serbian courts cease. We insist that all political prisoners be released immediately. We also insist that all People that are missing be also immediately handed over to UNMIK. We support the joint efforts already undertaken by human rights activists in the Albanian, Serb and other communities, together with UNMIK and other nternational organizations, to realise these demands. The road to reconciliation will be long and difficult. There is no suchthing as natural hatred among people in Kosovo. We have to work together. As first steps we have agreed today: - to establish a joint immediate line of communication among ourselves, UNMIK and KFOR and to hold regular meetings such as today's; - to issue joint messages of cooperation and reconciliation on TV and radio; -to establish a joint crisis task force, together with UNMIK and KFOR, to be able to quickly address security problems whenever they occur including in and around historical and religious sites and to organize an early meeting among religious and spiritual leaders to call for tolerance and respect for religious sites; - and to establish, with the help of UNMIK and KFOR, local joint committees involving different national communities to devise concrete pilot projects to promote the gradual return of all people to their homes, starting with Mitrovica and Gnijlane which can then be extended to other areas." End
The statement was signed on the Kosovo Albanian side by Kol Berisha (L), Rexhep Qosja (LBD), Blerim Shala (Independent) and Hashim Thaci (UCK), and for the Kosovo Serbs by Bishop Artemije and Father Sava of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo, along with Dushan Ristic and Momcilo Trajkovic for the Serbian Resistance Movement.
-------------------------SERBIAN VERSION:-------------------------
MISIJA UJEDINJENIH NACIJA NA KOSOVU (UNMIK) ZAJEDNICKA IZJAVA PREDSTAVNIKA KOSOVSKIH ALBA-NACA I KOSOVSKIH SRBA PODPOKROVITELJSTVOM UNMIK-a i KFOR-a Sastali smo se danas u glavnoj kancelariji Misije UN na Kosovu da bismo hitno raz-motrili problem koji se tice svih ljudi na Kosovu: ljudi koji zele da se vrate svojim domovima ovde, ljudi koji zele ovde da ostanu, ljudi koji su se vratili u poslednjih nekoliko nedelja, ljudi koji su ostali ovde svo vreme u toku poslednjih tragicnih meseci. Sastali smo se da prodiskutujemo o pitanjima bezbednosti i ljudskih prava. Ukoliko zelimo da se ostvaruju ljudska prava svih ljudi, oni se moraju osloboditi straha. Oni se moraju osecati sigurnim da ostanu u svojim domovima, da odlaze na svoja radna mesta, posecuju mesta bogosluzenja, posecuju prijatelje i porodicu, polazu ispite na Univerzitetu i obavljaju sve ostale poslove iz svakodnevnog zivota. Mi smo svesni da hitno moramo razmotriti ovaj problem ukoliko zelimo da postignemo nas zajednicki cilj, a to je civilno drustvo na Kosovu, drustvo u kome se niko ne treba plasiti za svoj zivot, svoju porodicu, svoj posao ili za svoju kucu samo zbog svoje etnicke pripadnosti ili verovanja. Mi smo odlucni da ne gledamo iza sebe vec pravo napred. Zato smo spremni na saradnju sa svim nacionalnim zajednicama koje zive na Kosovu. Posebno zelimo da zaustavimo egzodus Srba, Crnogoraca i drugih civila sa Kosova i da ohrabrimo one koji su vec napustili Kosovo da se vrate. Mi imamo bogatu zajednicku bastinu i zelimo da je sacuvamo. Zato svima upucujemo poziv: ostanite i vratite se na Kosovo. KFOR i UNMIK su nam obecali da ce oni uciniti najvise sto mogu da osiguraju vasu bezbednost i garantuju vam buducnost u vasoj otaxbini. Mi im verujemo i molimo vas da i vi ucinite isto. Obe strane osudjuju zlocine Milosevicevog rezima na Kosovu. Osobe koje su osum-njicene za ratne zlocine i zlocine protiv covecnosti bice izvedene pred lice pravde. Mi podrzavamo ulogu Medjunarodnog tribunala za ratne zlocine. Mir se jedino moze graditi na pravdi, a ne na osveti. Zbog toga molimo sve stanovnike Kosova, bez obzira na njihov status, civile ili vojnike, da se uzdrze od nasilja i da aktivno odvracaju ostale od svih nedela protiv svojih komsija. Takvo ponasanje je nedopustivo. Odgovorni ce biti dovedeni pred lice pravde. Insistiramo da se javno objavi identitet svih zatvorenika koji su prebaceni u zatvore van Kosova i da se oni odmah vrate na Kosovo, gde ce biti predani UNMIK-u, da bi zbog onoga sto su ucinili bili osudjeni ili oslobodjeni. Insistiramo da se politicki procesi koji se sada vode u srpskim sudovima odmah obustave i da se svi politicki zatvorenici odmah oslobode. Takodje insistiramo da se svi nestali odmah predaju predstavnicima UNMIK-a. Mi podrzavamo zajednicke napore aktivista za zastitu ljudskih prava u albanskim, srpskim i ostalim zajednicama, uz saradnju sa UNMIK-om i ostalim medjunarodnim organizacijama, na ostvarenju ovih zahteva. Put ka pomirenju ce biti dug i tezak. Ne postoji prirodno stanje mrznje medju ljudima na Kosovu. Moramo da radimo zajedno. Kao prvi korak mi smo se danas slozili: - da uspostavimo zajednicku direktnu liniju komunikacije izmedju nas, UN-MIK-a i KFOR-a i da odrzavamo redovne sastanke kao sto je danasnji, - da objavljujemo zajednicke poruke saradnje i pomirenja na TV i radiju, - da osnujemo zajednicki Krizni komitet, zajedno sa UNMIK-om i KFOR-om kako bi hitno mogli da reagujemo na sve bezbednosne probleme u bilo kom momentu, ukljucujuci one koji se odnose na istorijske i verske objekate, kao i da organizujemo, sto je pre moguce, sastanak verskih i duhovnih vodja koji bi pozvali na toleranciju i postovanje verskih objekata, - i da osnujemo, uz pomoc UNMIK-a i KFOR-a, zajednicke lokalne komitete koji bi razvili konkretne pilot-projekte koji imaju za cilj da podsticu postepeni povratak svih ljudi svojim domovima, pocevsi sa podrucjem Mitrovice i Gnjilana, koji se kasnije mogu prosiriti i na ostala podrucja.
Pristina, 2 jul 1999 (16:20)
Za predstavnike kosovskih Albanaca Za predstavnike kosovskih Srba
Hasim Taci s.r., Episkop Artemije s.r. Rexep Qosja s.r., Momcilo Trajkovic s.r. Kolj Berisa s.r., Protosindjel Sava s.r., Bljerim Salja s.r., Dusan Ristic s.r.
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