"For the
Children of the World"
The Appeal of the Nobel Peace Prize
If the Third Millennium could begin
under the sign of non-violence... It's the dream of the
Nobel Peace Prize Laureates. They invite you to join them
to influnece all governments of the planet.
The Appeal of the Nobel Peace
Prize Laureates
To Heads of States of all
member states
of the General Assembly of the
United Nations.
Today, in every country throughout the world, there are many
children silently suffering the effects and consequences of
This violence takes many different forms: between
children on the streets, at school, in family life and in
the community. There is physical violence, psychological
violence, socio-economic violence, environmental violence
and political violence. Many children - too many children -
live in a "culture of violence".
We wish to contribute to reduce their suffering. We
believe that each child can discover, by himself, that
violence is not inevitable. We can offer hope, not only to
the children of the world, but to all of humanity, by
beginning to create, and build, a new Culture of
For this reason, we address this solemn appeal to all
Heads of States, of all member countries of the General
Assembly of the United Nations, for the UN General Assembly
to declare:
That the first decade of the new millennium, the years
2000-2010, be declared the "Decade for a Culture of
That at the start of the decade the year 2000 be declared
the "Year of Education for Non-Violence";
That non-violence be taught at every level in our
societies during this decade, to make the children of the
world aware of the real, practical meaning and benefits of
non-violence in their daily lives, in order to reduce the
violence, and consequent suffering, perpetrated against them
and humanity in general.
Together, we can build a new culture of non-violence for
humankind which will give hope to all humanity, and in
particular, to the children of our world.
With deepest respect,
The Nobel Peace Prize Laureates
Signed by
Mairead Maguire Corrigan,
Nelson Mandela,
Mother Teresa,
Aung San Suu Kyi,
The 14th Dalaï Lama (Tenzin Gyatso),
Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev,
Shimon Péres,
Elie Wiesel,
Mgr. Desmond Mpilo Tutu,
Adolfo Pérez Esquivel,
Yasser Arafat,
Mgr Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo,
José Ramos-Horta,
Norman Borlaug,
Oscar Arias Sanchez,
Frederik Willem de Klerk,
Betty Williams,
Lech Walesa,
Joseph Rotblat.
Why was this Appeal made ?
The conflicts of the second half of this 20th
century with the devastating power of their atomic and
chemical weapons have shown that the human species and its
environment are under threat of extinction. Violence, under
so many forms, has invaded human society.
It is therefore urgent to do everything in our power,
with determination and tenacity, to reverse the processes
which have made our 20th century the scene of the greatest
carnage in history.
We will transmit to the children of the third millenium
the wonders of our technology, with its promises of progress
in all of Life's spheres.But our legacy is also our sick
planet, global economic war in our global economic village,
a human family - broken and confused - worshipping before
the altar of the Free Market.
If we are to escape from the ever-increasing threat of
famines, war, poverty, exclusion and ecological
catastrophees, then our children must acquire the wisdom
that we lack.
This aim of Appeal is not senseless dramatisation. The
aim of the Appeal is to bring people together to reflect, in
the simplest of terms, on the future we want to build for
ourselves and our children. Never in human history has
mankind disposed so much power to transform himself and his
world, the possibilities for creating a better life and a
healthier environment - or - of destroying it all.
Life is permanent transformation by organic
If we, as human beings, do not - at long last - sincerely
opt for Peace, and give ourselves the means to achieve Peace
through non-violence, then we will have opted for
extinction. But Peace is not an inborn reflex. It is
something to be accquired, learnt, merited.
We believe that it is our duty to participate in the
eclosion of a peace generation. Our duty also to invite our
children, and - through them - future generations, to avoid
our own errors, and break free from the suicidal culture of
violence that we live in. It is our duty to help them become
aware of the possible alternatives, so that they may live in
self-respect, at peace with their consciences, at peace with
their world.
How the Appeal started
The first person to express the idea that
non-violence should be taught to children at school was
Thich Nhat Hanh (1).
Mme Marie-Pierre Bovy, president of IFOR (2) and member
of a community founded by Lanza de Vasto, suggested during a
community meeting in 1996 that there should be a "Year of
Non-Violence." Mr Pierre Marchand, founder of the
humanitarian organisation "Partage avec les Enfants du
Monde" 24 years ago, and IFOR delegate to the UNESCO in the
Culture for Peace programme, decided to take up that
challenge by launching a world-wide campaign.
Pierre Marchand met with the Nobel Peace Prize laureate,
Mairead Corrigan-Maguire, in Belfast and she agreed to lead
the campaign. A generous donor, who has asked to remain
anonymous, met the cost of these initiatives. Sri
Loganathan, one of the leaders of the Gandhian movement and
friend of Vinoba Bhavé, proposed that children should
be taught about non-violence in kindergarten. The text of
the appeal was written in a Children's Village in India by
Pierre Marchand.
From there, Pierre Marchand went on to Calcutta where
Mother Teresa, recovering from her latest operation, signed
the appeal in her hospital bed.
The third Nobel Peace Prize laureate to sign was Aung San
Suu Kyi during a long discussion with Pierre Marchand in her
Rangoon home - under the close surveillance.
Mairead Corrigan-Maguire and Pierre Marchand were then
received in Washington by many dignataries, including the
Dalai Lama, and by Mrs Sorensen - at the UN
Mr Federico Mayor - Director General of UNESCO, Mrs Carol
Belamy - Director General of UNICEF and Mrs Hildegard
Goss-Mayr - Chairwoman of IFOR, have since signed letters in
support of the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate's Appeal.
In a word - the consensus was there from the start. Today
all the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates have signed the Appeal,
(with the exception of two who we were unable to
At the end of May 1997, a letter was sent to all Heads of
States to inform them of the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate's
Appeal and their Proposed Resolution (text included
The General Assembly of the United Nations should be able
to examine this text during the next session in October
1997.If, as we hope, this resolution is adopted we will have
made but the first step. Then the real work will begin: to
transform the best intentions of the world's governments
into concrete measures.As we stated earlier, education is
the key factor. Education nourishes Culture. It is an
interactive process which starts at the earliest instants of
life.We already know that we can count on the support of
several hundred organisations throughout the world to help
us start programmes adapted to the culture and living
conditions of children, young people and adults.
Among these organisations ready to help are the Serpaj in
Latin America, The Peace People in Ireland, the Mouvement
Social in Lebanon, Compartir in Lebanon, ASSEFA in India,
The House of Grace in Israël, Milijuli in Nepal and
most of all - IFOR.
Founded in 1915, IFOR was the first organisation for
education in Non-Violence. IFOR has branches in over forty
countries and brings together thousands of men and women
committed to Non-Violence. IFOR's role will be to
co-ordinate the neccesary measures with governmental and
non-governmental organisations, teachers, artists ..
throughout the World.
1.UNESCO and UNICEF have agreed to integrate the spirit
and the objectives of this Appeal into their
programmes.Ex-president of the World Conference of Religion
for Peace, Doyen of Van Anh University, author of seventy
five books, Thich Nhat Hanh was proposed by Martin Luther
King for the Nobel Peace Prize.
2.IFOR: The International Fellowship of Reconciliation,
(Movement international de la réconciliation), has
consultative status at the UN.
In response to the "Appeal for the Children of the
World", addressed by Nobel Peace Prize Laureates to each
Head of the Member-States of the United Nations from
Bethlehem in May 1997;
Recognising the reality of the different forms of
violence which inflict today suffering on countless numbers
of children, and conscious of the fact that this violence
can be transformed to free ourselves, in order to live and
to behave without being the cause of suffering, with a deep
respect for Life, for the duties, the rights and the dignity
of every human being and - specifically - of each child;
Aware of the rich spiritual heritage of humanity,
manifest in our different religious traditions, handed down
from generation to generation since the dawn of
consciousness in the human species, and
Aware of the need to live our lives according to this
heritage, to live mindfully and to transmit this heritage
carefully to future generations, for it is the basis of a
non-violent and meaningful art of living all together;
Recalling that the aim of the United Nations is to
promote harmony and reconciliation between all members of
the human family, and with our environment;
Recalling that the mission of UNESCO is to promote Peace
through Education, Science and Culture, particularly through
the "Culture of Peace" programme;
Considering the spirit of the International Convention on
the Rights of the Child, signed and ratified by almost all
of the United Nations member states;
Considering the Heads of State's Summit and Action Plan
for Children, convened in 1990 by UNICEF;
Recalling the Report of Mrs Graça Machel, in 1996,
about the horrifying and unacceptable impact of armed
conflict on children;
Recalling the constructive work done, since 1919, by all
the members of the "International Fellowship of
Reconciliation", particularly with the Mahatma Gandhi and
the Reverent Martin Luther King, to promote non-violence as
a new way of living mindfully;
The Assembly General of the United Nations :
* Declares the decade 2000 - 2010 "The decade for a
Culture of Non-Violence" ;
* Declares the year 2000 "The Year of Education for
Non-Violence" ;
* Invites each member state to take the necessary steps
so that Non-Violence be taught at every level in our
societies during this decade, so that children become aware
of the real, practical meaning and benefits of Non-Violence
in their daily lives, in order to reduce the violence - and
consequent suffering, perpetrated against them and humanity
in general.
* Invites the president of the International Foundation
"Appeal of the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates : Share with the
Children of the World" to deliver a report to the United
Nations Secretary General on January 1st 2000, containing
propositions for achieving these aims of mindful art of
living, with the active support of the member states, the
different organs of the United Nations and relevant N.G.O.s.
as the "International Fellowship of Reconciliation", the
"Peace People" and "Servicio Paz y Justicia".
This resolution involves no specific U.N.O. budget for
it's application. The International Foundation "Appeal of
the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates: Share with the Children of
the World" calls upon individuals and collectivities
(Nations, U.N. agencies, organisations, state enterprise and
private companies, etc.) to share their resources, freely
and willingly in order to build, all together with women and
men of good will, without any discrimination of any kind and
nobody left behind - specifically with all our children - a
new way of life for all : A Culture of Non-Violence.
Letter of Support for the Appeal of
The Nobel Peace Prize Laureates
I support the Appeal of The Nobel Peace Prize Laureates,
so that The Year 2000 be named "The Year for the
Education of Non-Violence"
The Years 2000 to 2010 be named "A Decade for The Culture
of Non-Violence" so that education in Non-Violence may be
taught and made available to all.
Title, Name and Firstname
Full Address
Post /Zip Code _______________Country
By fax +33 3 44 86 39 07 or e-mail
N.B. Please ask your friends and relatives to sign
also; children can sign too.You can photocopy this page or
copy it by hand on a sheet of paper.Please write clearly in
capital letters your name and address so we can authenticate
your signature.
This movement was started by committed individuals who
prefer to keep it independent of any state intervention.
This independence requires financial autonomy that in turn
depends on private donations.
Any donations should be addressed to:
The Appeal of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates:
Sharing with the Children of the World
BP 20797
60207 Compiegne Cedex 2, France.
Fax + 33 (0)3
Internet: perso.wanadoo.fr/partage
Using either:
Our Post Office Bank Account ("CCP") N° 42.207.77.S
at La Source, France,
- or -
A Bank to Bank Transfer to our account in our local bank
via l'Union des Banques in Paris, France. (UBP-France) using
The Swift Code is: LUBPFRPP. Our local bank is the "Banque
de Picardie - Compiègne - France". Their ID number is
: 30938 and our account with them is
We thank you sincerely for your
support !