Russell, nuclear war, common sense - and today's nuclear
By Ken
Coates, TFF associate
Bertrand Russell's "Common Sense
and Nuclear Warfare" was first published in 1959,
in an effort "to prevent the catastrophe which would
result from a large scale H-bomb war". Nuclear
confrontation had already stimulated a race towards ever
deadlier weapons, and a new and more precarious balance
of power. Public concern was growing. Russell's views
changed in the years following Hiroshima, and were to
change again, as the arms race soared away into hitherto
unimagined destructive capacities.
Inevitably, Russell's writing about the bomb was
dominated by the fact of the Cold War. Fear of Communism
ranged the United States and its European allies into the
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. A Eastern alliance,
the Warsaw Treaty Organisation, emerged shortly
afterwards. Fear of Communism did not only stimulate
military co-ordination: for a time, it also promoted
economic co-operation, and the ascendancy of what is now
thought of as the Keynesian world order. These were to be
the years of a social welfare consensus in Western
Europe, and of the emerging Common Market. Public
planning and governmental intervention prospered in the
West European economy as never before. Undoubtedly
leaders such as Jean Monnet drew support from the
business communities with which they were working, on the
supposition that their policies would help to fortify the
institutions of liberal democracy in the West. Were not
Stalin's tanks massed along the newly defined Eastern
But if the phobias of the time guaranteed a long
period of full employment and relative prosperity, they
also launched a frenetic military competition.
Those who had worked on the development of the bomb in
the United States had not expected that it should be
tried out on cities without prior warning. They had
presumed that a public test of its powers might be made
at sea, or in some unpopulated area. In fact, the
decision to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki seems to have had
little to do with military exigencies in the war with
Japan, which was already drawing to a close. The
presumption of many, politicians and scholars alike, is
that the first nuclear bombardment took place in answer
to the felt need of the American leadership, to send a
chilling message to the Soviet Union.
In a very short time, Stalin showed that he had
understood, and the Russians detonated their own bomb
four years after the Hiroshima explosion. The Soviet
hydrogen bomb followed inexorably, just as had the
American fusion device. [1] The nuclear race was
on, and with it the race to perfect intercontinental and
other rockets, which might deliver the new weapons.
This contest, or confrontation, was precisely
encapsulated in the metaphor which Russell presented to
describe it:
"Since the nuclear
stalemate became apparent, the Governments of East and
West have adopted the policy which Mr. Dulles calls
'brinkmanship'. This is a policy adapted from a sport
which, I am told, is practised by some youthful
degenerates. This sport is called 'Chicken!'. It is
played by choosing a long straight road with a white
line down the middle and starting two very fast cars
towards each other from opposite ends. Each car is
expected to keep the wheels of one side on the white
line. As they approach each other, mutual destruction
becomes more and more imminent. If one of them swerves
from the white line before the other, the other, as he
passes, shouts 'Chicken!', and the one who has swerved
becomes an object of contempt. As played by
irresponsible boys, this game is considered decadent
and immoral, though only the lives of the players are
risked. But when the game is played by eminent
statesmen, who risk not only their own lives but those
of many hundreds of millions of human beings, it is
thought on both sides that the statesmen on one side
are displaying a high degree of wisdom and courage,
and only the statesmen on the other side are
reprehensible. This, of course, is absurd. Both are to
blame for playing such an incredibly dangerous game.
The game may be played without misfortune a few times,
but sooner or later it will come to be felt that loss
of face is more dreadful than nuclear annihilation.
The moment will come when neither side can face the
derisive cry of 'Chicken!' from the other side. When
that moment is come, the statesmen of both sides will
plunge the world into destruction." [2]
No longer a Chicken
But the game of 'Chicken!' was soon to become a most
inadequate guide to the real nuclear threat. The
polarisation of world conflict was not to remain
absolute. New nuclear powers continuously arrived. At
first, the Cold War mentality shrank the French and
British bombs to present them as if they were subaltern
parts of the Western alliance. The British were, but the
French were anything but. Later the Chinese bomb was also
mythically assimilated to the Russian armoury. But in
truth the nuclear potential divided allies, as well as
cementing enmities: the French bomb was manufactured as a
result of an intense political argument about the
autonomy of France within the Western alliance system:
and the birth of the Chinese nuclear capacity was
engendered in a ferocious dispute with China's Russian
ally. The growth of Chinese nuclear armaments was
simultaneously the eruption of the Sino-Soviet dispute,
which was to generate actual military exchanges, and to
cause the Chinese to "dig deep and store grain" by
constructing vast labyrinths of nuclear shelters under
their main cities, in preparation for Soviet nuclear
So rooted had the Cold War mentality become by this
time, that senior American Intelligence officers went to
considerable lengths to persuade the United States
Government and its allies that the quarrel between Russia
and China was a mock-battle, got up especially in order
to mislead the West, as part of an extremely subtle
campaign of world domination.
But in reality repeated specific American nuclear
threats against China had convinced the Chinese
Government that it needed its own nuclear weapons in
order to guarantee its continued independence. Relentless
and systematic pressure were undoubtedly a key feature of
America's China policy. However, the Soviet leaders were
nervous about devolving nuclear weapons into the control
of their largest ally. They sensed that they might court
total destruction themselves if they yielded the nuclear
initiative to a proxy.
co-operation and enmity
Even so, on the 15th October 1957, a secret agreement
had been reached by which the Russians undertook to
provide the Chinese with "a sample of an atomic bomb and
technical data concerning its manufacture". But after the
later Quemoy crisis there were second thoughts about this
issue, because the Soviet Government believed (and the
historian Roy Medvedev tends to think they were right
[3]) that the Chinese were provoking an incident
for reasons of their own. From this distance, in the
absence of inside information, it is quite impossible to
provide categorical proof either way: but it does appear
perfectly clear that Chiang Kai-Shek was himself an adept
provocateur and had a permanent interest in maintaining
the highest level of confrontation between People's China
and his American backers. Quemoy was not an innocent
desert island, but an advanced and active military base,
and the Chinese bombardment of it was arguably a
reasonable form of self-protection.
This indeed, whatever he thought privately, was the
public assumption of Khrushchev in his message to
Eisenhower on 8th September 1958. If we are to regard
Khrushchev's memoirs as authentic, they show that in fact
he went a great deal further than this. "We were all in
favour of Mao Tse-Tung's liquidating these two islands as
potential jumping off points" he wrote. Chiang, he
thought, was hoping to recover possession of the mainland
and the Americans were "egging him on". Indeed,
Khrushchev expresses his impatience because the Chinese
were not more resolute in pressing their offensive. "You
can imagine our surprise" he said, "when the balance
tipped in favour of Mao Tse-Tung
" but "they
suddenly halted their offensive. As a result the whole
operation came to nothing".
In any case, what is not in dispute is that the
Chinese later asserted publicly that after the Quemoy
face-off, on 20th June 1959, the Russians unilaterally
"tore up" their 1957 promise. It is also beyond doubt
that thereafter Moscow cut off all direct nuclear
assistance to Beijing. Khrushchev indeed was attempting
to promote the idea of an Asian nuclear-free zone in his
discussions with the Americans, even though the Chinese
were not parties to this proposal.
All the public polemics between Russia and China on
ideological questions, including the acrimonious debate
on the question of the alleged "inevitability" of war,
followed these events. Not one of the main doctrinal
quarrels preceded them. There were undoubtedly gross
excesses in the polemic war which became known as the
Sino-Soviet dispute. As often happens, this dispute
appears to have gained a momentum of its own. However, it
did not fall out of the blue, and its aggravation was to
a very considerable degree influenced by specific events,
which were far from being simply matters of doctrine.
The Chinese thenceforward entered on a policy of
self-reliance, and exploded their own atomic bomb in
October 1964. Within the short space of three years they
had progressed to the point where they were able to
detonate a thermo-nuclear explosion on 17th June 1967.
Delivery systems of such weapons were very much more
difficult to perfect. A large part of the technical
problem in preparing a nuclear explosion inheres in the
difficulty involved in refining a sufficient quantity of
fissionable material. This is much easier to do if there
exists an expendable labour force who are allowed to die
of radiation poisoning, and thus enable development to
dispense with the need for complex robotic handling
techniques. It appears very possible that the speedy
growth of Soviet nuclear technology may well have
initially depended on such a grizzly involvement of human
forces. The Chinese successes might not have been so
costly in human terms, because the first Chinese bomb,
according to American monitors who checked on the results
of its explosion, was not a simple plutonium device but a
more sophisticated one using a rare uranium isotope.
Be that as it may, for the Soviet leaders, Chinese
progress in nuclear armament was doubly upsetting. Even
though the Chinese bomb was for a long time lacking in
any adequate delivery mechanism, Khrushchev saw the
writing on the wall.
proliferation, suicidal potentials - and miraculous
Part of the writing contained a message of simple
opportunism. Henceforth nuclear proliferation offered a
potential new danger, and the Americans were probably
already influenced by this when they moved towards the
conclusion of a Test Ban Treaty with the Russians in
1963. The Chinese called this "a big fraud". The
following year, Averell Harriman asked Khrushchev what
Russia would do if Washington decided to eliminate
Chinese nuclear sites [4]. This was the first
time such a question arose between great nuclear powers:
but it would not be the last. Very soon it was Soviet
diplomats who were exploring American responses to the
question, "How would you react if we were to launch a
pre-emptive attack?" The Russians never nuked the Chinese
atomic installations: but ferocious squabbles turned into
physical battles in a protracted border conflict, which
raised tension to a very high level.
This was not reduced by events in Czechoslovakia,
where the evolution of "socialism with a human face"
triggered a full-scale intervention by the Soviet Union
and its allies in the Warsaw Treaty, shortly before the
Czechoslovak Communists were scheduling their 14th Party
Congress. The Chinese were by now involved in a frenetic
political and ideological squabble with the Soviet
leaders, and were themselves preparing for their 9th
Congress in April 1969. The notions of limited
sovereignty which were clearly implied by the invasion of
Czechoslovakia, and the installation of a puppet
Government, were anything but acceptable to the Chinese.
But of course, the sovereignty of China was a more
difficult quality to limit than was that of
Whilst the Sino Soviet confrontation intensified, on
the 11th September 1969, Premier Chou En-Lai met with
Premier Kosygin in Beijing. It is difficult to
disentangle the knot of threads which had been tied
before this meeting, but it appears clear that the
Russians were threatening a surgical strike against
Chinese nuclear installations, and that Chou En-Lai
insisted that any such strike would bring about all- out
war. But the Soviet threat "worked", in that negotiations
between the two Communist powers resumed. However, the
underlying situation was clearly not resolved, but
greatly aggravated. Then began the feverish campaign in
China to construct nuclear shelters in every major city.
Immense labyrinths were dug beneath Peking and other
major towns.
All this remarkable history is relevant, because it
reveals how far the chicken game had extended itself into
an inconceivable map of suicidal potential, in which a
variety of vehicles could approach each other on
different axes, making collisions completely
unpredictable, and thus grossly jeopardising any possible
The calculations which the Russians had to make were
superficially simple. Their chicken vehicle was very
powerful, and the Chinese opponent was very frail. A
collision would probably entail small damage to Russia,
but dreadful destruction to China. But all the time there
was the larger game, in which the mighty American vehicle
might unleash itself against the Russians. How would the
Americans respond to a bombardment of China? Of course,
the Chinese perceived this dimension of the problem,
which is why we saw in short order, the meeting between
president Nixon and Mao Tse-Tung, and the American
declaration that they "would not be indifferent to a
Soviet attack on China".
Already, other games of chicken were beginning to
shape up. Would the Chinese intervene in a conflict
between Pakistan and India, to protect their Pakistan
allies? If they did, would the Russians seize the
opportunity to defend their Indian allies by a strike on
All this complexity was indeed faced down, and by some
sort of miracle, no nuclear exchanges took place.
But, if we jump forward to examine the situation a
quarter of a century later, we can begin to intuit a very
real new danger.
Today's new
instability, the next nuclear powers - and the next
nuclear war
The game of chicken, so naturally an analogy to
Russell at the time when the Cold War dominated
international relations, was, we can now see, in fact
already beginning to break apart when his vital little
book was first published. Within a decade, to all intents
and purposes, it had gone. Even so, the Cold War
dominated the political imagination. But all the while,
nuclear proliferation sped ahead. The development of the
Israeli bomb brought a new dimension into the balance of
power, and terror, in the Middle East. Nuclear research
hastened ahead in India and Pakistan. The list of
countries anticipated to be on the brink of nuclear
testing extended itself in the most daunting way. Dark
talk of Islamic bombs became more and more noisy. But in
1963 President Kennedy had anticipated that up to twenty
countries would have nuclear weapons by 1975. This did
not happen. The Non-Proliferation Treaty, which came into
force in 1970, soon gathered 168 adherents. But the
failure of the five main nuclear powers to take any of
the promised steps towards their own nuclear disarmament
soon brought its own disruptive pressures to bear. A
succession of review conferences has found it more and
more difficult to renew the Treaty, in this context.
The alleged end of the Cold War began by
denuclearising some parts of the former Soviet Union. But
this process was accompanied by a deceptive movement in
alleged "deterrence" doctrine. Far from leading to mutual
disarmament it saw a continuous extension of American
power, ultimately matched by a deterioration in the
Russian response, which became more, not less nuclear
with the abandonment of the long-standing commitment to
"no first use".
Because of the grip of the Cold War on all our
thinking, the end of bipolar confrontation was assumed to
mean a radical new departure in terms of nuclear
doctrine. After all, history had ended, had it not?
Opponents of American hegemony called for a multipolar
world. In terms of the diffusion of political power and
space for democratic opposition, this had much to be said
for it. But in terms of nuclear chicken, it was clearly a
most difficult area. Serial confrontations could easily
become entangled, repeating the experience of the
Russian, Chinese and American stand-offs at the end of
the 1960s, and aggravating them with the "progress" in
nuclear armaments of India, or Pakistan, or Iran, or a
host of other territories.
Michael Mandelbaum cast a cold
eye over the immediate future, in 1995, when he offered
us "lessons of the next nuclear war"[5].
Three different categories of states were now candidates
for nuclear armaments, he told us. The first group were
those whose acquisition of nuclear weapons would impact
most strongly on international policies.
"They are the allies. Germany
and Japan forswore nuclear weapons during the Cold
War because they received security guarantees from the
United States. Whether they continue as non-nuclear
states depends on whether those guarantees continue."
To be more accurate we might add that the continuity
of the American umbrella may not be all that is required.
If that umbrella takes the form, now proposed, of "Son of
Star Wars", it may provoke such instability in the
relations between these allies and, say Russia or China,
as to hasten them towards making the very decision to go
independently nuclear, which it is Mr. Mandelbaum's
desire to avoid.
The second group of would-be nuclear powers are what
he calls the "orphans". "They feel seriously threatened
but lack the nuclear protection the allies have enjoyed.
None has become a full-fledged nuclear power but each is
close. The orphans, particularly
Pakistan, Israel and Ukraine, are the objects of a
different American policy - diplomatic efforts to end the
conflicts that have made nuclear armaments attractive to
But America's diplomatic efforts are not
disinterested, and follow the perceived interests of the
American Government. This interest has been bluntly
stated, in respect of Ukraine, by
Zbigniew Brzezinski in his
blueprint for American policy, The Grand Chessboard
[6]. It sees American power as dependent
on the establishment and maintenance of hegemony over
Ukraine, which is defined as part of the critical core or
"geopolitical pivot" of "American primacy". Whether in
fact this is to become the case or not, it is perfectly
clear that at present Ukraine has been quite incapable of
ceasing to be part of the old Soviet economy however many
efforts it has made. This is one orphan which is likely
to generate continued insecurity, whilst the other two
which are named by Mandelbaum are even more obviously
centres of volatility. Both, incidentally, are very much
further advanced in nuclear capacity than he seems to
Mandelbaum's third category are
the rogues, notably Iraq and North
"The prevention of
proliferation may ultimately require destroying those
states' nuclear programmes by force".
Here again, says Mandelbaum, "the chief responsibility
will fall to the United States". But if more American
raids are to be unleashed, on territories which are
outside the imperium of the world's pre-eminent
superpower, the one certain outcome will be to
engender greater nervousness among the "allies", and
greater instability among the "orphans".
Is it thinkable that comprehensive nuclear disarmament
might come to seem preferable to this baroque evolution?
Doubtless hoping to encourage the signatories of the Non
Proliferation Treaty to stand by their earlier
commitments, the five nuclear powers did, at the
beginning of the new Millennium, conclude an agreement
that they would jointly move towards nuclear disarmament.
Before we greet this joint statement with enthusiasm, we
are bound to note that it has no timetable, no fixed
staging points, and no means of enforcement. But it does
appear at a convenient moment to prevent new powers from
beginning the construction of nuclear weapons.
Mandelbaum's dismal analysis presumes no surge towards
disarmament. On the contrary, it seems to favour certain
moves to proliferation:
"The United States has
at least one reason to welcome German and Japanese
nuclear weapons. They would relieve Americans of
defending two countries sufficiently wealthy and
powerful to defend themselves and separated from North
America by large oceans."
However, even if all this was an advantage to the
American defence appropriations it would
"cause more than a
ripple in international politics: it would make waves.
The change would usher in a multipolar nuclear order,
which would supplant the more or less bipolar
arrangement of the Cold War. A multipolar order would
by some reckonings make the world more dangerous -
less stable, less certain and less easily managed. In
multipolar systems, none of the great powers can ever
be certain who will side with whom."
Here we reach the nub of the question. For the United
States, it is not a good idea to render the world "less
easily managed". But there is another way to manage the
world, which does not require the concentration of
nuclear force. It requires better behaviour by those with
power, which might encourage better behaviour to become
more widespread.
In this respect, Bertrand
Russell's little book has stood the test of time.
We have lived through the Cold War, and survived the
extension of the famous chicken game into ever more
dangerous permutations. Now, it seems, we have lived
through the post-Cold War, and squandered every
opportunity for orderly progress towards comprehensive
disarmament and the development of a genuinely new world
order. The bombardment of Yugoslavia by Nato, which
kicked away the veto in the UN Security Council, the last
surviving safeguard for the interests of Russia and China
as minority participants in international relations, was
a bridge too far for the Russian political classes.
Economically enfeebled, and thus greatly disadvantaged
in conventional military forces, the Russians had seen
Nato advancing closer and closer to their borders, and
establishing joint military exercises with states which
formerly belonged to the Soviet Union. Now, with the
nullification of the UN Constitution, the last
international safeguard of the post-war settlement, they
embarked upon policies which clearly marked the beginning
of a third phase in the nuclear age.
All through the Cold War, Russian leaders had insisted
upon a doctrine of "no first use" of nuclear weapons. The
Americans declined to embrace this doctrine, on the
grounds that the Russians had superior conventional
forces, and that they could therefore offer no guarantee
that an armed attack of any kind might not be rebuffed by
nuclear strikes. But now the Russian conventional forces
are the weaker, in a context in which guerrilla
insurgencies are already testing their powers. So we have
arrived at the Putin doctrine, which specifically
rescinds no first use. At the same time, the deployment
of "Son of Star Wars", a refinement of the Strategic
Defence Initiative, pursued by President Reagan, is once
again threatening to disrupt, even reverse, progress
towards further specific agreements on nuclear
disarmament. Clearly the Russians cannot match American
technologies which purport to enable space-based missiles
to destroy attacking salvos from wherever they may
Common sense is nowhere to be
seen in this stand-off, which may now generate even more
widespread proliferation, and even more random
oppositions between the powers. Those who thought
Russell's warnings were no longer relevant are clearly,
sadly, mistaken. It is time to grease up the walking
boots, and refurbish the banners, because the only
rational response to this nightmare of opposing weapons
is, as it was, nuclear disarmament.
1) See the three articles by Zhores Medvedev on the
development of nuclear weapons in the USSR, in The
Spokesman, Nos 67, 68 and 69, 1999/2000.
2) Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare, p30
3) Roy Medvedev: China and the Superpowers, Oxford,
Blackwell, 1986
4) Franz Schurmann: The Logic of World Power, New
York, Pantheon, 1974, p 55
5) Michael Mandelbaum: 'Lessons of the Next Nuclear
War', Foreign Affairs, March / April 1995
6) Zbigniew Brzezinski: The Grand Chessboard, Basic
Books, 1997
Ken Coates, June 2000
Ken Coates 2000

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