of articles on humiliation
based on three years of research
By Evelin
Gerda Lindner, TFF
You can obtain these
manuscripts by contacting
Dr. med. Evelin Gerda Lindner,
University of Oslo, Institute of Psychology,
P.O.Box 1094 Blindern, N-0317 Oslo, Norway.
Tel. +47 91789296
Email: e.g.lindner@psykologi.uio.no
Dr. Lindner's website will also give you project
description, her background and a very comprehensive
1. Humiliation and the Human
Condition: Mapping a Minefield
Evelin Gerda Lindner,
forthcoming in Human Rights Review in October
A major cause of socio-political violence is the
social process of humiliation, whose main elements are
closely related to central aspects of the cultural
repertoire of complex societies. This paper presents a
theory of humiliation, showing that the capacity to
humiliate and be humiliated are aspects of a dense web of
'hot' filaments wired into the tissue of culture, giving
it a potentially explosive character that is too little
recognised. This paper probes this dense web and explores
how it acquired its present character. It is shown that
our conceptualisation of humiliation has changed as our
sense of human dignity has grown. Humiliation should be
understood as not simply an extreme or marginal condition
but a central feature of the social order. Viewed within
this broader context, the elements that constitute
humiliation should be recognised as fundamental
mechanisms in the formation of modern society.
2. What Every Negotiator
Ought to Know: Understanding Humiliation
December 1999, unpublished
This paper presents a theory of humiliation and
identifies its significance as an interpretative tool for
use by negotiators in many kinds of situations.
Humiliation and its aftermath have an important impact
upon patterns of conflict, culture and communication. The
paper is organised in three parts. In the first part,
following a brief introductory comparison between Hitler
and Mandela, a sympathetic critique is undertaken of
William Ury's discussion of the socio-historical roots of
conflict and strategies for handling it. In the second
part, it is argued that the structures and processes
identified by Ury may be further illuminated by
identifying the part played by humiliation. This is then
done, drawing upon the author's research experience in
Rwanda, Burundi and Somalia. The origins, characteristics
and consequences of humiliation are examined,
distinguishing between the forms it takes in three kinds
of society: 'pride' societies, 'honour' societies' and
'dignity' societies. Particular attention is given to the
impact of the Human Rights Revolution. In the final part,
the paper returns briefly to the comparison between
Hitler and Mandela, identifies the challenges that
humiliation and its aftermath pose for negotiators, and
suggests how these challenges might be met. On the net
3. The 'Framing Power' of
International Organizations, and the Cost of
May 2000, unpublished
The analysis undertaken in this paper introduces
social psychological research into the domain of global
governance. The paper addresses the question: 'What is
the framing power contained in the empirical reality of
globalization?' I will present research on the Prisoners'
Dilemma to illustrate the powerful force of 'framing.'
This force is played out not only in experimental
settings but also in real life. I demonstrate that the
growing interdependence of the global village has
increased the influence of an inherently constructive
Community logic. I argue that this logic may be replaced
by an inherently destructive Wallstreet logic as a result
of the process of humiliation. Two sources of humiliation
are identified, namely inequality and the 'loss of face'
in international relations. I conclude that
multilateralism and international organizations should
become more aware of their power to frame relationships
within the global context in terms of Community logic. If
they use this power purposefully, this will then
influence global and local decision-making in a way that
advances a benign form of globalization built on human
4. Money and Humiliation: Why
the Corporate Sector Should Support Global Social
July 2000, unpublished
This article starts out from the suggestion that
global social policy would benefit from more corporate
involvement. The typical response to such a proposition
is that the corporate sector is not interested in social
policy, but in earning money. This paper suggests that
the corporate sector has, in fact, an interest in
incorporating more social responsibility into its
strategic thinking, and that it will especially benefit
from learning more about the process of humiliation,
because the effects of feelings of humiliation hamper
corporate activities. The article demonstrates the
significance of humiliation as central pillar of the old
autocratic management style and shows how humiliation is
undermining corporate efficiency as soon as creative
networks are expected to function in today's knowledge
society. The paper analyses the role of humiliation in
corporate relationships and highlights especially the
humiliating affect of poverty on those who would like to
participate in the market.
5. Humiliation and
Rationality in International Relations. The Role of
Humiliation in North Korea, Rwanda, Somalia, Germany, and
the Global Village
May 2000, unpublished
To what extent are humans rational profit-maximising
beings? This is the question this article addresses by
examining North Korea, Rwanda/Burundi, Somalia, Germany,
and the so-called global village. It is argued that
feelings of humiliation are potent forces that limit
decision making to short-term rationality, and
furthermore entice actors to severely reduce the size of
their reference group. This article is relevant for
national and global decision makers. It is especially
interesting for policy strategists tackling the future of
the global village. If we follow the logic expounded in
this article, the West must be aware of a danger looming
from the humiliated poor, or at least from their
representatives. In view of the danger that, for example,
a new Hitler would present, the West is fortunate that
the influence and prestige of Nelson Mandela are so
6. Recognition or humiliation
- The Psychology of Intercultural
June 2000, manuscript written
for the ISSEI Millennium conference 'Approaching a New
Millennium: Lessons from the Past - Prospects for the
Future,' the 7th conference of the International Society
for the Study of European Ideas, Bergen, Norway from 14
to 18 of August 2000.
In the case of conflicts between members of different
cultures: which should be respected, the other culture or
the other person? The article will put forward the
following answer. What I have to recognise, acknowledge
and respect is the other person and not his or her
membership in 'another' culture, and this is because each
individual has her personal dignity. The other 'culture'
may be a reason of pride, but may also be a cause or a
product of humiliation. Intercultural communication must
include an analysis of power relations and probe whether
past incidents of humiliation may be a source of 'culture
difference.' If this is so, respect and recognition
entails an obligation to heal this humiliation.
'Respecting' 'culture difference' for its own sake may
compound past humiliations by adding further
7. How Humiliation Creates
Cultural Differences and Political Divisions: The
Psychology of Intercultural Communication &endash;
Germany and Somalia as Cases.
January 2000, unpublished
This paper is part of a broader attempt to establish
humiliation as a psychological concept. It hypothesises
that many cultural differences and subsequent political
divisions may be secondary to humiliation. It is argued
that when people feel humiliated they construct and
deepen difference and division where there was none or
little before. It is not disputed that respect for
cultural difference and diversity ought to be
strengthened in the global society. But the paper warns
that the opposite approach, namely an idolisation of
diversity and otherness, is just as detrimental in
instances where cultural differences stem from
humiliation. Such differences require reconciliation, not
idolisation misunderstood as respect. Cases illustrating
the argument are Germany and Somalia, based on research
from 1997-2000 in Somalia and Germany about humiliation,
Holocaust and genocide.
8. How Research Can
Humiliate: Critical Reflections On Method
May 2000, unpublished
This paper reports upon the way research experience in
the field prompted a major revision of research
methodology being used. The research project concerned
the part played by humiliation in armed conflicts.
Ironically, the researcher discovered that the
methodology initially attempted was itself humiliating to
the people being questioned. Furthermore, it was
humiliating for the researcher to discover this. As a
consequence of this discovery, a very rapid learning
process took place guided by a commitment to achieving a
dialogue about experiences and feelings that was as
authentic and open as possible. The paper plots the
process of discovering the humiliating effect that
certain social psychological methods may have, especially
in cross-cultural contexts with a colonial backdrop and
within populations with great sufferings from war and
9. The Anatomy of Humiliation
and Its Relational Character.
June 2000, unpublished
This paper tries to map the conceptual space of the
process of humiliation and illustrate it on the personal
and group level. It describes humiliation in the
framework of Kenneth Gergen's Vygotskian
conceptualisation of emotions as elements within
relational scenarios, and as actions that gain their
intelligibility and necessity from patterns of
interchange. It is shown that, in cases of humiliation,
on one side there is the active party, the one who
humiliates or is, at least, perceived as humiliating, and
on the other side there is the party who feels
humiliated, rightly or wrongly. The relationship between
these two parties may vary in many ways. Furthermore,
third parties may perceive cases of humiliation in
several ways and may make a range of different normative
judgements. This paper is part of a series of articles
that aim at building a 'theory of humiliation' connecting
social psychology with sociology, social anthropology,
history and political science.
10. Humiliation in the Flesh.
Honour Is "FACE," Arrogance Is "NOSE UP," and Humiliation
July 2000, unpublished
This paper plays out the dynamics of humiliation
within the framework of Lakoff and Johnson's work on
metaphor. The article discusses the question to what
extent humiliation may be stable and universal and to
what extent culture-dependent, and maps some
instantiations of humiliation and ways to respond to it.
In the first part of the article the concept of
humiliation is discussed in two ways. First the universal
and stable core of the concept of humiliation is
addressed, showing that every human being knows what
humiliation is, and secondly the culture-dependent
periphery is attended to, focusing on the different
meanings of humiliation in those societies that are based
on honour and domination, and those that are based on
human rights. The second part of the article presents
cases of humiliation and ways to respond to it. Nelson
Mandela's innovative way of avoiding violent
counter-humiliation of his humiliators receives special
11. Humiliation, Rape and
Love: Force and Fraud in the Erogenous
'Force and fraud are in war
the two cardinal virtues'
(Hobbes in
February 2000, unpublished
This paper is about the intersection between war,
sexuality and gender. It encompasses micro-social
relations and macro-social structures and integrates
several theoretical and disciplinary traditions (social
psychology, sociology, anthropology, philosophy,
feminism, history and international relations) Its object
is to discern the logic of male-female relations
expressed in
two kinds of society: those societies that accept the
standards associated with human rights and those
societies based upon the principle of honour that reject
or are unfamiliar with human rights as a framework for
living. The paper brings to visibility the meta-logic of
humiliation that informs these two frameworks based,
respectively, upon the idea of human rights and the idea
of honour. Once this meta-logic has been understood, it
allows strong links to be seen between public and private
spheres: on the one hand, the arena of warfare between
nations and ethnic groups, on the other hand, the arena
of love and sexuality between individuals.
12. How Globalisation
Transforms Gender Relations: The Changing Face of
February 2000, unpublished
This paper explores the idea that there is a link
between prospects for peace and constructive cooperation
in two kinds of relationships: the relations between
nations and ethnic groups in the global arena, and the
relations between men and women in the many contexts of
everyday life. As key link between these two spheres the
process of humiliation is discussed, and changes in the
way this process occurs. Humiliation means the lowering
of a person or group against their will. It is a process
of subjugation, one that damages or strips away pride,
honour or dignity. To be humiliated is to be placed,
unwillingly and in a deeply hurtful way, in a degrading
situation. The object of the paper is to present a
hypothesis that may guide research and inform
understanding. The hypothesis is presented in the form of
a narrative about the link between relations between
societies, and relations between men and women (Scheff
1997). The narrative suggests a coherent set of possible
answers to the questions arising in daily debates in
'ordinary' life about such matters as whether men or
women are the actors in the world and who is
The background of this paper is a social-psychological
research project being carried out at the University of
Oslo with the aim to better understand the notion of
humiliation. In the course of this work a theory of
humiliation is being built. The author, of European
background, both psychologist and physician, draws on the
fieldwork in Africa (1998-1999) carried out in connection
with this research, and on seven years of being a
clinical psychologist, counsellor and consultant in Egypt
(1984-1991), as well as on studies and work in China and
South East Asia.
13. Gendercide and
Humiliation in Honour and Human-Rights
April 2000, unpublished
Adam Jones has attempted to locate genocide within the
broader context of male-female relations and this has
produced some controversy. This article locates not only
Jones's insights but also the controversy his work has
produced within a still broader context that is the
long-term historical transformation under way between the
honour code and the ideology of human rights. This
transformation from honour to human rights as the
standard for evaluating human behaviour is itself to be
located within an even broader framework that is the part
played by humiliation in societal structure and historic
change. Humiliation is a force that lies behind both the
killing of others (for example in war), and the killing
of oneself (suicide). This paper attempts to scrutinise
societal structures in their historic contexts by using
the concept of humiliation. It is hoped that this will
shed more light on both gendercide and gender-specific
patterns of suicide. In both cases, the concern is
equally with patterns of causation (why does it happen?)
and patterns of evaluation (what is its
14. Were Ordinary Germans
Hitler's 'Willing Executioners'? Or Were They Victims of
Humiliating Seduction and Abandonment? The Case of
Germany and Somalia
This article presents findings from fieldwork in
Africa (1998, 1999) and Germany (1994-2000). It includes
a detailed discussion of Hitler's views about propaganda
and his use of this instrument to seduce the masses. It
concludes that present-day Germans suffer feelings of
humiliation and anger not only at having lost World War
II (and in some cases at being labelled accomplices in
genocide) but also at having been 'taken in' by Hitler,
and by their own desire to participate in the strong and
positive feelings he created among the people at large. A
similar chain of events unfolded in the case of the
Somalian population in relation to the late dictator Siad
Barre. It is argued that the feelings of humiliation and
resentment experienced by many Germans and Somalis are
similar in important respects to the feelings many women
and some men experience when they have been 'taken in' by
a suitor who seduces and then cruelly disappoints
15 Love, Holocaust, and
Humiliation. The German Holocaust and the Genocides in
Rwanda and Somalia.
Lindner, Evelin Gerda (1999).
Love, Holocaust and Humiliation. The German Holocaust and
the Genocides in Rwanda and Somalia. In Medlemsbladet for
Norske leger mot atomkrig, Med bidrag fra psykologer for
fred, 3 (November), pp. 28-29.
Historians usually describe the Treaty of Versailles
after the First World War (28th June 1919) as
'humiliating' for Germany ('Schmach,' 'Schande') and
argue that this humiliation 'pre-programmed' Germans for
the Second World War (see for example Norbert Elias
1989).The 'humiliation' imposed by the Treaty of
Versailles was the starting point for my current research
project at the Institute of Psychology at the University
of Oslo. In this project in the field of social
psychology I am studying the genocide in Rwanda (1994)
and Somalia (1988) against the background of the German
Could humiliation lead to Holocaust, genocide and ethnic
cleansing? This is the central question posed in my
research. This is a short text where I present the
follow-up questions that have to be posed in order to
approach this subject.
To understand more about Holocaust, genocide and ethnic
cleansing seems especially urgent at present since it is
an issue that continues to haunt us, not least in view of
what is happening in Kosovo, Chechnya, East-Timor,
Afghanistan, Tibet, etc., or with respect to
international terrorism. (On TFF's website here).
16. Hitler, Shame and
Humiliation: The Intricate Web of Feelings Among the
German Population Towards Hitler
Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2000).
Hitler, Shame and Humiliation: The Intricate Web of
Feelings Among the German Population Towards Hitler. In
Medlemsbladet for Norske leger mot atomvåpen, med
bidrag fra psykologer for fred, nr. 1, februar 2000, pp.
This paper addresses the intricate web of feelings
among the German population towards Hitler. It is argued
that the 'little people' or 'broad masses' were routinely
humiliated in the hierarchical structure of German
society before and after World War I, and that they were
lifted up by Hitler insofar as he gave them a sense of
importance and purpose. It was only after the
'Zusammenbruch' after World War II that they slowly and
painfully recognised that he had abused their gratitude
and loyalty.
The aristocracy on the other hand had initially hoped
that Hitler would become their puppet to regain national
honour. They underestimated him and were humiliated by
the fact that he was much more successful than expected
and they had to bow to him.
During the war Hitler was a reason for pride among the
'broad masses' but a source of humiliation for the
aristocracy. However, after World War II, nobody could be
proud. Humiliation was not a public phenomenon as it was
after World War I, when a proud nation had been brought
to its knees. After World War II humiliation was an inner
experience felt by individuals. Every follower of Hitler
must have felt humiliated by their own adherence to
Hitler: the 'little people' for allowing a dangerous and
dubious character like Hitler capture their hearts, the
aristocracy for letting it happen.
17. Were the Germans Hitler's
'Willing Executioners'?
Lindner, Evelin Gerda
(forthcoming 2000). In Medlemsbladet for Norske leger mot
atomvåpen, med bidrag fra psykologer for
Germany is currently undergoing a period of 'working
through' the 'Nazizeit' [Nazi period].
Documentaries fill German TV screens, and 'Zeitzeugen'
[witnesses of history] are interviewed before
they die and it is too late. Everywhere, in private homes
as in TV chat shows, people are beginning to talk, people
who have been almost completely silent for over 50 years.
The paper presents findings from fieldwork in Germany in
April 2000 that indicate that one of the sorest
humiliations felt today by many Germans who lived in
Hitler's Germany seems to be the humiliation they
suffered as a result of their own beliefs: 'We were told
that our Sold [pay] would help Germany win the
Endsieg, and that we would get it afterwards! I believed
that! This is so humiliating! You cannot imagine!' The
paper links the humiliation felt by Germans caused by
their own loyalty to Hitler with a case from family
therapy where a woman feels humiliated by her own
feelings of love and loyalty to a man who exploited her.
The suggestion is made that the fundamental mechanisms at
work are very similar in the two cases. The aim of the
research is to build a theory of humiliation that
encompasses all relations, from the national to the
individual level. This text is an introduction to the
endeavour of building this theory.
Evelin Linder 2000
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