This Be the Short Millennium?
By Ken
TFF associate
The moral cost of the Nato war on Yugoslavia is
only beginning to become plain. The material costs were
far from negligible, and have revealed considerable
weaknesses in the military preparedness of most Alliance
members. More than one thousand aircraft flew more than
38,000 sorties, and cost dozens of billions of dollars.
Twenty-eight countries have subsequently deployed 38,000
peace keepers, many of who will be needed to stay in
place indefinitely in conditions which are highly
Endemic ethnic violence rages through Kosovo, and even
the most robust optimism blenches in the face of such
ungovernable turbulence. Murders are commonplace. Former
guerrillas, once subject at least to token disarmament,
are now commonly armed again. Nato forces suffer
continual attacks, sometimes from minority Serbs and at
other times by majority Albanians. The real Government of
Kosovo is frequently said to be in the hands of the
Kosovo Liberation Army, but its power is not in any way
commensurate with the normal tasks of statehood. The
Mafia, and the frightening drugs trade, exert their
suffocating hold on what passes for civil society in the
All this provides the most cursory description of a
situation which is full of horror, and a social
disintegration which, it seems, remains beyond the
capacity of the Alliance and its other allies, to
influence, leave alone control. Were hostilities to
spread out to embrace Montenegro, or to undermine
Macedonia, the military costs would put the European
allies to the severest of tests, and create a political
crisis in the United States itself.
But of course, it is on the institutional level that
the Yugoslav war has produced the most intractable
problems of all. The decision to move into war from the
posing of the Rambouillet ultimatum completely sidelined
United Nations procedures. It was felt by the Americans
and the British that recourse to the UN Security Council
would invite a veto from the Russian and Chinese
permanent members. But that is why the veto was
established: to ensure that there must be unanimity
between the major powers before this kind of action could
be entertained. To smartly step around this inconvenient
obstacle was to step around all the carefully established
mechanisms which gave institutional shape to great power
interrelationships in the whole postwar settlement from
1945 onwards.
The painful result is now apparent. Since the Russians
no longer have diplomatic mechanisms through which to
deal with international crises, they are pushed into
nakedly confrontational power relationships. The result
of this decision creates a third phase in postwar
history. We had the cold war, and then we had the
post-cold war interregnum. Now we have the resumption of
forward nuclear deterrence as a primary instrument of
military policy, or the post post-cold war period. This
does not simply regress to the cold war. Both of the
major powers are weaker for different reasons. Popular
gut pacifism in the United States prevents military
action which might cost soldiers' lives: nowadays no body
bags can be repatriated from the new front lines. The
Russian conventional forces, too, meet strong pacifist
sentiment, and wars are profoundly unpopular, not least
among conscripts. But economic debility has also
undermined military capacity, on a serious scale.
The Americans had already appreciated the changing
balance some years earlier, when they compiled terms of
reference (in 1995) for the "Essentials of Post-Cold War
Deterrence". This doctrine was intended to extend nuclear
deterrence beyond Russia and China, in order to threaten
"rogue" states armed with weapons of mass destruction. It
"For non-Russian states, the penalty for
using Weapons of Mass Destruction
(WMD) should not just be military defeat, but the
threat of even worse
Deterrence should create fear in
an opponent's mind of extinction - extinction of
either the leaders themselves or their national
dependence, or both. Yet there must always appear to
be a "door to salvation" open to them should they
reverse course. The fear should be compelling, but not
To accomplish this, "The United States should have
available the full range of responses, conventional
weapons, special operations, and nuclear weapons.
Unlike chemical or biological weapons, the extreme
destruction from a nuclear explosion is immediate,
with few if any palliatives to reduce its effect.
Although we are not likely to use nuclear weapons in
less than matters of the greatest national importance,
or in less than extreme circumstances, nuclear weapons
always cast a shadow over any crisis or conflict in
which the US is engaged. Thus, deterrence through the
threat of use of nuclear weapons will continue to be
our top military strategy."
The document continued, "While it is crucial to
explicitly define and communicate the acts or damage
that we would find unacceptable, we should not be too
specific about our responses. Because of the value
that comes from the ambiguity of what the US may do to
an adversary if the acts we seek to deter are carried
out, it hurts to portray ourselves as too fully
rational and cool-headed. The fact that some elements
may appear to be potentially "out of control" can be
beneficial to creating and reinforcing fears and
doubts within the minds of an adversary's decision
makers. This essential sense of fear is the working
force of deterrence."
Regards obligations under international treaties, it
says "Putting forward declaratory policies such as the
"Negative Security Assurances" under the nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) creates serious
difficulties for US deterrence policy in the post-Cold
War era. It is a mistake to single out nuclear weapons
from the remainder of other WMD and such piece-meal
policies are not in the best interest of US long-term
security. Likewise, a no first use policy would undermine
deterrence in the post-Cold War era because it would
limit US nuclear goals without providing equitable
So the Americans see nuclear weapons as the
"centerpiece of US strategic deterrence". It is in the
light of this perception that we need to understand the
new Nato Jubilee doctrine which converted the Alliance
from its historic defensive posture, into an overt
instrument of intervention and offensive action.
Already, the economic difficulties of post-cold war
Russia were straining its traditional military
organisation. Over the years there had been discussion
about the continuing relevance of the Soviet precept that
there would be "no first use" of nuclear weapons. This
doctrine marked a sharp distinction between American and
Soviet nuclear policy. But after the war on Yugoslavia,
all this was changed. Now, on the 21st April 2000, we
have the formal promulgation of a new military doctrine
of the Russian Federation (see annexe), which now places
nuclear weapons within the operational arsenal of the
Russian forces.
The new doctrine has been in gestation for several
years. Back in November 1993, the Russian Ministry of
Defence published "Key Provisions of the Military
Doctrine". In 1997 it was announced that this document
was under revision. It is difficult for outsiders to be
certain of the influences which necessitated revision:
the collapse of the Soviet Union was undoubtedly very
strongly influenced, if not actually precipitated, by
unbalanced military spending, in which frightening
proportions of Soviet Gross Domestic Product were
swallowed up by the arms race. Yet it is difficult to
calculate how much of Soviet resources were earmarked for
military purposes because planning in Soviet society
could mobilise vast resources without needing to account
in conventional ways for their costs. Land, for instance,
would simply be annexed - allocated on demand, and would
not figure as a budgetary expenditure. But prices overall
also reflected administrative priorities, much more than
the pressure of markets, so that Soviet military
expenditures were not at all easily comparable with those
on Western programmes. The result of this severe
imbalance left the collapsed planning system with a
military sector, which was, in parts, very advanced
indeed. But the imbalance in the civilian economy as a
whole, with widespread underdevelopment in key sectors,
must have made very big demands on the economy, and
rendered arms expenditure and production planning very
difficult indeed.
This highly skewed development was bound to encourage
a revision of nuclear doctrine, which essentially
separated "deterrent forces" from day to day operational
deployment. More stringent spending limits made this an
expensive luxury. Whilst retaining a deterrent function,
nuclear weapons came to seem a likely answer to some of
the economic problems of the Russian armed forces. An
unpublished draft of the new document in 1997 triggered a
debate on the toughening of nuclear policies. Initially
proposals for a more forward nuclear policy were not
accepted: although evidently the debate continued.
It was Kosovo which finally tilted the
In 1993, Russian military doctrine formally ruled
out the use of nuclear weapons
"against any member-state of the Treaty on the
Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons of 1st July 1968
that does not possess nuclear weapons unless
(a) such a state, if it has an alliance agreement
with a nuclear weapons state, engages in an armed
attack against the Russian Federation, its territory,
armed forces and other troops, or its allies;
(b) such a state acts jointly with a nuclear
weapons state in carrying out or supporting an
invasion or armed attack against the Russian
But after Kosovo, the new document
"reserves the right to use nuclear weapons in
response to the use of nuclear weapons or other
weapons of mass destruction
and also in
response to large-scale aggression involving
conventional weapons in situations that are critical
for the national security of the Russian Federation
and its allies.
The Russian Federation will not use nuclear weapons
against member-states of the Treaty on the
Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
except in
the case of an invasion or other attack against the
Russian Federation
conducted or supported by
such a non-nuclear-weapons state together with or
under alliance obligations to a nuclear-weapons
In terms of the post Soviet (post cold war) evolution,
this doctrine reflects precisely the weakening of Russian
conventional forces to the point at which the Russian
Government is no longer certain of their capacity to
decide any conflict with non-nuclear states. But this new
doctrine moves us into the post post-cold war mode
already embraced by the United States government in that
it faces up to American smart military technology by
escalating to the nuclear dimension at any point when
there is a perceived threat to the survival of Russian
state security.
None of this repeals the earlier presumptions of
deterrence. But it does announce the possibility of more
restricted nuclear strikes, or "limited nuclear war". In
this respect, the post post-cold war returns us to the
argument which was frequently iterated in the last
fevered convulsions of the cold war itself.
The new Russian Military Doctrine contains three
chapters: one on the Military Political Principles, one
on Military Strategic Principles, and one on Military
Economic Principles. Within the framework of these
chapters it is emphasised that the Russian Federation
presumes that the Collective Security Treaty of the
Confederation of Independent Sates will continue "to
consolidate the efforts to create a single defence area
and safeguard collective military security".
Side by side, the post post-cold war foundations in
both the United States and Russia do show a certain
weakening of the bases of military confrontation earlier
established during the cold war itself. Both powers are
in some respects weaker than they were before, not so
much because of agreements on disarmament: but because of
the advance of public opinion, which is profoundly
reluctant to indulge warlike activities in both
It is true that wars can be fomented, but only under
the strong pretext of defence of human rights, opposition
to terrorism, or direct threat, real or imagined. In this
sense, public propaganda has assumed a military role
which is vastly greater than was once the case. But
military weakness is no guarantee of peaceful evolution.
In the days of the cold war we were repeatedly advised
that weakness invited aggression. Today, the perceived
weakness of Russia has already invited forward
deployment, not only by United States agencies, and by
Nato itself and its offshoot, the Partnership for Peace,
but by a very wide range of economic concerns. Some of
these may indeed be welcome in the Caucasus, or
throughout Central Asia: but some of them are clearly
not. It is quite clear that the Russian doctrine is
concerned to recover effective overall conventional
political control over the territories of the
Confederation of Independent States, and to render the
Confederation, as it says, "a single defence area".
The third age of nuclear confrontation, the post
post-cold war, surely invites a renewed movement for
peace, nuclear disarmament, and human rights. Human
rights must be on our agenda, because they cannot be left
to the militarists. Military intervention is the most
twisted and partial form of governance, clearly
ill-designed to uphold even the most elementary justice.
In an age of renewed nuclear confrontation, the nuclear
issue is no longer dormant, if ever it was. Today, the
military strategy governing both the most important
powers explicitly informs us that nuclear weapons are
seen as an active part of war-making capacity. These
strategies are currently in place, so that the time to
challenge them is with us now. And the struggle for peace
is clearly an imperative, because we could not have seen
the disruption of the post-cold war balance if anything
like a just society had been shaping itself. Widely
advertised as the end of history, the post-cold war
turned out to be the beginning of cut-throat competition
and the liberation of ever more avaricious instincts. The
poor became poorer, and the rich unimaginably richer. Now
political power, already careless of the rights of its
subjects, claims to "defend" itself by integrating the
ultimate weapon into its front line artillery.
If all this shows us that history has not ended yet,
it also shows us a distinct and uncomfortable possibility
that it might end soon. That is why we must match the
decline into warlike confrontation with a determined
resurgence of international humanity, crossing all
frontiers to defend and advance human rights, justice,
and peace and ending the nuclear threat for the new
generation over which today it hangs.
It is time to call on Europeans to reopen the proposal
for a European nuclear-free zone, and to combine to exert
every possible pressure on the nuclear powers to begin
joint moves towards comprehensive nuclear disarmament.
The alternative, to watch and wait while threats and
mutually destructive strategic doctrines fester, is to
guarantee that we have just entered what will be a very
short Millennium indeed.
There follows an excerpt from the new Russian Military
Doctrine, concerning its "military-political
"Military-political situation
1. The state of and prospects for the development of
the present-day military-political situation are
determined by the qualitative improvement in the means,
forms and methods of military conflict, by the increase
in its reach and the severity of its consequences, and by
its spread to new spheres. The possibility of achieving
military-political goals through indirect,
non-close-quarter operations predetermines the particular
danger of modern wars and armed conflicts for peoples and
states and for preserving international stability and
peace, and makes it vitally necessary to take exhaustive
measures to prevent them and to achieve a peaceful
settlement of differences at early stages of their
emergence and development.
2. The military-political situation is determined by
the following main factors:
- a decline in the threat of large-scale war,
including nuclear war;
- the shaping and strengthening of regional power
centres; the strengthening of national, ethnic and
religious extremism; the rise in separatism;
- the spread of local wars and armed conflicts; an
increase in the regional arms race;
- the spread of nuclear and other types of weapons
of mass destruction and delivery systems; the
exacerbation of information confrontation.
3. A destabilizing impact on the military-political
situation is exerted by:
- attempts to weaken the existing mechanism for
safeguarding international security (primarily, the
United Nations and the Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe {OSCE});
- the use of coercive military actions as a means of
"humanitarian intervention" without the sanction of
the UN Security Council, in circumvention of the
generally accepted principles and norms of
international law;
- the violation by certain states of international
treaties and agreements in the sphere of arms control
and disarmament;
- the utilization by entities in international
relations of information and other (including
nontraditional) means and technologies for aggressive
(expansionist) purposes;
- the activities of extremist nationalist,
religious, separatist and terrorist movements,
organizations and structures;
- the expansion of the scale of organized crime,
terrorism and weapons and drug trafficking, and the
multinational nature of these activities.
The main threats to military security
4. Under present-day conditions the threat of direct
military aggression in the traditional forms against the
Russian Federation and its allies has declined thanks to
positive changes in the international situation, the
implementation of an active peace-loving foreign-policy
course by our country and the maintenance of Russia's
military potential, primarily its nuclear deterrent
potential, at an adequate level.
At the same time, external and internal threats to the
military security of the
Russian Federation and its allies persist, and in
certain areas are increasing.
5. The main external threats are:
- territorial claims against the Russian Federation;
interference in the Russian Federation's internal
- attempts to infringe the Russia Federation's
interests in resolving international security
problems, and to oppose its strengthening as one
influential centre in a multipolar world;
- the existence of seats of armed conflict,
primarily close to the Russian Federation's state
border and the borders of its allies;
- the build-up of groups of troops leading to the
violation of the existing balance of forces, close to
the Russian Federation's state border and the borders
of its allies or on the seas adjoining their
- the expansion of military blocs and alliances to
the detriment of the Russian Federation's military
- the introduction of foreign troops in violation of
the UN Charter on the territory of friendly states
adjoining the Russian Federation;
- the creation , equipping and training on other
states' territories of armed formations and groups
with a view to transferring them for operations on the
territory of the Russian Federation and is
- attacks (armed provocations) on Russian Federation
military installations located on the territory of
foreign states, as well as on installations and
facilities on the Russian Federation's state border,
the borders of its allies or the high seas;
- actions aimed at undermining global and regional
stability, not least by hampering the work of Russian
systems of state and military rule, or at disrupting
the functioning of strategic nuclear forces,
missile-attack early-warning, antimissile defence, and
space monitoring systems and systems for ensuring
their combat stability, nuclear munition storage
facilities, nuclear power generation, the nuclear and
chemical industries and other potentially dangerous
- hostile information (information-technical,
information-psychological) operations that damage the
military security of the Russian Federation and its
- discrimination and the suppression of the rights,
freedoms and legitimate interests of the citizens of
the Russian Federation in foreign states;
- international terrorism.
6. The main internal threats are:
- an attempted violent overthrow of the
constitutional order;
- illegal activities by extremist nationalist,
religious, separatist and terrorist movements
organizations and structures aimed at violating the
unity and territorial integrity of the Russian
Federation and destabilizing the domestic political
situation in the country;
- the planning, preparation and implementation of
operations aimed at disrupting the functioning of
federal bodies of state power and attacking state
economic or military facilities, or facilities related
to vital services or the information
- the creation, equipping, training and functioning
of illegal armed formations;
- the illegal dissemination (circulation) on Russian
Federation territory of weapons, ammunition,
explosives and other means which could be used to
carry out sabotage, acts of terrorism or other illegal
- organized crime, terrorism, smuggling and other
illegal activities on a scale threatening the Russian
Federation's military security.
Safeguarding military security
7. Safeguarding the Russian Federation's military
security is the most important area of the state's
The main goals of safeguarding military security are
to prevent, localize and
neutralize military threats to the Russian
The Russian Federation views the safeguarding of its
military security within
the context of building a democratic law-governed
state, implementing
socioeconomic reform, asserting the principles of
equal partnership, mutually
advantageous cooperation and good-neighbourliness in
relations, consistently shaping an overall and
comprehensive international
security system, and preserving and strengthening
universal peace.
The Russian Federation:
- proceeds on the basis of the abiding importance of
the fundamental principles and norms of international
law, which are organically intertwined and supplement
each other;
- maintains the status of nuclear power to deter
(prevent) aggression against it and (or) its
- implements a joint defence policy together with
the Republic of Belarus, coordinates with it
activities in the sphere of military organizational
development, the development of the armed forces of
the Union State's {reference to the Union State of
Russia and Belarus} member states and the utilization
of military infrastructure, and takes other measures
to maintain the Union State's defence capability;
- attaches priority importance to strengthening the
collective security system with the CIS framework on
the basis of developing and strengthening the {CIS}
Collective Security Treaty;
- views as partners all states whose policies do not
damage its national interests and security and do not
contravene the UN Charter;
- gives preference to political, diplomatic and
other nonmilitary means of preventing localizing and
neutralizing military threats at regional and global
- strictly observes the Russian Federation's
international treaties in the sphere of arms control,
reduction and disarmament, and promotes their
implementation and the safeguarding of the
arrangements they define;
- punctiliously implements the Russian Federation's
international treaties as regards strategic offensive
arms and antimissile defence, and is ready for further
reductions in its nuclear weapons, on a bilateral
basis with the United Sates as well as on a
multilateral basis with other nuclear states to
minimal levels meeting the requirements of strategic
- advocates making universal the regime covering the
nonproliferation of nuclear weapons and their delivery
systems, resolutely enhancing the effectiveness of
that regime through a combination of prohibitive,
monitoring and technological measures, and ending and
comprehensively banning nuclear testing;
- promotes the expansion of confidence-building
measures between states in the military sphere,
including reciprocal exchanges of information of a
military nature and the coordination of military
doctrines, plans, military organizational development
measures and military activity."
© Ken Coates 2000

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