TFF's 15th Anniversary - the past,
the present and the future
By Jan
TFF director and co-founder
Originally published in
AFB-Info 2/2000
- Newsletter of the Peace
Research Information Unit Bonn
AFB, Beethovenalle 4, D - 53173 Bonn,
From 1983 to 1989, I served as director of the Lund
University Peace Research Institute (LUPRI), the origins
of which went back to 1963. At that time, Håkan
Wiberg and his colleagues had begun to develop the very
first seminars and projects on peace research.
Circumstances beyond our control led to the closure of
the institute in 1989. 'The Cold War is over. What use is
peace research now?' mused certain academics and
bureaucrats of prophetic inclination.
To justify their position, they cited 'budgets',
'rationalization', and the 'necessity' of preserving the
university as a 'discipline-based' institution. And yet
LUPRI's activities, much appreciated by the university's
chancellor, had extended far beyond what might have been
expected of this, the smallest of the university's
institutes: LUPRI had produced a steady stream of
dissertations, books, reports, and courses, and had
organized public debates with American, European, and
Soviet academics. Young and full of energy, my colleagues
and I firmly believed that our ability to deliver
satisfied students, our publishing activities, and our
productivity would be encouraged and rewarded. I thought,
for example, that we could achieve more within the
constraints of our tiny budget if we simplified
administrative procedures. (One of those who occupied the
post was Ann-Sofi Jakobsson-Hatay, now a member of the
TFF executive and a leading expert on Northern Ireland.)
The money thus saved could then be used to finance guest
lecturers, publications, and other productive
Although I saw joining the ranks ofthe unemployed
academics as something of a catastrophe at the time, I
have come to view it as having given me one of the most
wonderful opportunities of my life. I was now free to
take up visiting professorships and to benefit from the
inspiration of students without having to shoulder any of
the usual administrative burdens.
2. Creation and
Guiding Principles of the TFF
In 1985, after a period spent travelling and
researching (including a spell in Somalia from 1977 to
1981), my wife and I set up the TFF as a non-endowed
private non-profit-making research association, and we
began operating from our two-family house, half of which
is now taken up by foundation facilities. The latter
include our combined private and TFF library (containing
6,000 volumes), a seminar room, archives, and a kitchen.
The TFF executive consists of a number of academics, one
NGO representative, a lawyer, and various colleague
friends. Håkan Wiberg has been a member since the
foundation's inception.
To begin with, the foundation was maintained by a
combination of grants, individual contributions
(equivalent to $US25 per year) from the 'Friends of the
TFF', and our own voluntary work and funds. Neighbours
and friends helped us print and send out newsletters.
During the first five years, we designed research
projects and, working through academic publishers, we
produced books on issues relating to security and
development, world order, and alternative defence.
Gandhi has been, and remains, a major source of
inspiration for us at the TFF. During my stay at the
International Christian University (ICU) near Tokyo, I
had the wonderful opportunity of sitting in calm,
meditative Japanese gardens&emdash;particularly the
Taizanso Garden at the ICU&emdash;and immersing myself in
the writings of Gandhi. I also gave a seminar on Gandhi,
which was attended by a small but extremely devoted group
of students. It slowly dawned on me that TFF's mission
could not come to fruition without more solid links to
the 'real' world outside academia. Researching conflict
ought to entail going out to the people concerned,
listening to them, and empathizing with them.
The concept of 'conflict mitigation' gradually took
shape&emdash;a much more modest, 'Gandhian' approach than
that of 'conflict resolution', or of the now-fashionable,
misleadingly termed 'conflict prevention'. The TFF
executive endorsed this idea as soon as we returned. In
September 1991, with a team of TFF associates, we went on
our first mission to former Yugoslavia (this was to be
followed by 40 more). Two months later we published a
report entitled After Yugoslavia&emdash;What? We know
that this influenced a number of people, including the
chief UN envoy, Cyrus Vance, not least because it was the
first written document proposing the deployment of blue
helmets in Croatia&emdash;a measure that was decided on
just a few weeks later.
3. Conflict
Mitigation in Ex-Yugoslavia
It was also during this period that we began our work
in Kosovo, and in 1992 we published Preventing War in
Kosovo. This was followed up, in 1996, by
UNTANS&emdash;Conflict-Mitigation for Kosovo&emdash;the
result of four years of shuttle diplomacy facilitating
the only written dialogue between the Yugoslav/Serb
leadership in Belgrade and the Rugova leadership in
Kosovo. The text is a memorandum of understanding between
the UN and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia concerning
a United Nations Temporary Authority for a Negotiated
Settlement in Kosovo (UNTANS). Since then, the foundation
has produced some twenty books and reports on the
Why Yugoslavia? It so happened that some members of
our executive&emdash;including our first chairman, Ulf
Svensson, assistant under-secretary at the ministry of
foreign affairs&emdash;and a number of TFF associates
such as Johan Galtung had many years' experience of
Yugoslavia. In 1974, I myself had started attending
courses at the Inter-University Centre (IUC) in
Dubrovnik, when Galtung was director there; and during
the 1980s I had gone back there many times as a 'resource
person'. Håkan Wiberg had been there many times,
and other TFF members had networks of friends and
colleagues in all the Yugoslavian republics.
In addition, engaging in conflict-diagnosis on the
ground, and extending therapeutic help through practical
multi-party, multi-level conflict-mitigation (a method we
had developed), was a valuable experiment in the
methodology of peace research. If these activities were
to be justified morally against the background of the
sufferings going on in the region, the minimum condition
was that we should have adequate prior knowledge of the
area in which we had chosen to operate&emdash;if only to
reduce the risk of doing more harm than good.
(a) Mode of
How did we tackle the task? In the 1992&endash;3
period, for example, the team travelled to Italy or
Slovenia, rented a car there, and drove into Croatia, to
Zagreb. We then met up with intellectuals&emdash;Croats
and Serbs&emdash;whom we had contacted previously and
took their advice as to whom we should speak to next. We
drove on to Knin, in the Krajina war-zone, removing our
number-plates (we used white cars similar to UN
vehicles!), and negotiated our way through checkpoints,
into UN Protected Areas and Serb-held territory. There,
UN staff helped us contact leading figures. At the time,
the only other foreigners who had been to Knin and talked
with the Serbs were Cyrus Vance and David Owen.
We then went to eastern Slavonia, when Osijek and
Vukovar were being bombed. Later we also travelled to
western Slavonia. Unlike international mission staff and
journalists, we had no accreditation and we never worked
with interpreters assigned to us by a ministry or other
WAS IT DANGEROUS, MANY ASK US? ooHowever, it was less
risky for us than for permanently deployed UN civilians
and military, and much less risky than for the local
citizens, who were the targets of mutual violence, ethnic
cleansing, or worse.
(b) Seeking Support
for Action Research
Did what we do constitute research? I remember, in
1992, sitting in the elegant MacArthur Foundation in
Chicago, with its marble-clad walls and thick carpets.
Another world entirely. I was trying to find out whether
we would have any chance of success if we applied for a
grant to boost our work on Yugoslavia. After some 40
minutes during which I was interviewed about our work,
the programme director interrupted me and asked: 'But Dr
Oberg, are you saying you work in Yugoslavia, not with
Yugoslavia?' 'Yes, our team often goes there, touring the
war zones to learn from ordinary citizens&emdash;and also
from politicians and presidential advisers&emdash;how
they themselves see the conflict, to listen to their
stories, and
' Before I could finish, I was asked
'And how do you do your sampling?' I tried to explain
that this was no easy matter when every house in a
village had been damaged or destroyed and many people had
died. To get a scientifically clean and clear-cut sample
was, I said, practically impossible in a country where
hundreds of thousands were criss-crossing borders and
exchanging houses in the process. We submitted a funding
proposal but were not surprised that the MacArthur was
'unfortunately' unable to sponsor our work.
In all fairness, it is difficult to say exactly what
it is that the TFF does. It certainly isn't pure
research, of a kind that has to meet the rigorous
criteria of hypothesis-formation, that tests, revises,
and builds theory and uses the methods of scientific
experimentation. Nor do we take statistically valid
This part of TFF's work is empirical; it takes place
on the ground, and is much closer to reality than any
academic exposition - - however solid its credentials - -
that is based on other academic works.
4. Stimulating
Research and Raising Public Awareness
The 3,000 and more interviews and talks we conducted
with all parties and at all levels of society were a form
of empirical action-research. They constitute a sustained
research-effort (they cover some 40 missions),
investigating a hugely complex conflict in an attempt to
arrive at some kind of understanding of it. We had
developed the idea of conflict mitigation; we had
considerable personal experience of the region, gathered
over several decades; we had multi-disciplinary teams;
our analysis of the factswas based on study across a
number of academic fields and on extensive reading. It
was time to find out how far our theories and concepts
could be put to use in the real world. The answer turned
out to be that some could, and some, quite definitely,
could not.
TFF teams also intervene (one hardly dares use this
word anymore) in the political domain; they do
advocacy-work; they get involved with the media. They are
ready to champion conflict-management schemes and peace
proposals that run counter to those proposed by
governments in the international 'community'. Our work is
therefore research and something over and above this that
can never qualify as pure research. In contrast to most
NGOs who are operating in ex-Yugoslavia today but were
not there in the early 1990s, the TFF has remained
non-governmental and has not become either
quasi-governmental or politically correct.
5. Value-Oriented
My vision is that there will continue to be a basic
peace-research sector, consisting of university studies,
individual courses, library work, historical study,
bibliographical research, etc. There will still be trips
to conferences; inordinate amounts of time will still be
spent honing ideas and arguments, producing solid
findings, publishing weighty tomes.
But alongside this there will be
another&emdash;hopefully growing&emdash;sector committed
to an action-research style of working. Its protagonists
will be peace researchers, and researchers from a host of
other domains, who will travel frequently to conflict
regions and war zones, who will interact with numerous
diverse communities, who will apply a consistent
methodology and code of conduct but will not act as if
they have allthe time in the world. (There have been
situations in which TFF teams have operated more like
humanitarian agencies than members of a research
If ever I thought there could be research and insight
without empathy, ten years of conflict-analysis and peace
work in ex-Yugoslavia, Georgia, and, more recently,
Burundi, and my advocacy work in various Western
countries, have taught me otherwise.
On the basis of my 25 years in the 'trade', I firmly
believe that peace and non-violent conflict-resolution is
as strongly value-oriented as is health. I can see no
reason for doing medical research other than to reduce
pain and disease and improve human health worldwide.
Likewise, I see no reason to do peace research unless it
is with the intention of reducing all types of violence
and promoting peace worldwide. With this in mind, I think
it is time for more peace researchers to go out into the
'killing fields'. It is time to foster a kind of
peace-research that extends beyond the confines of state
and university. In short: it is not a case of
or', but of 'both
6. Current Status
and Future Prospects of the Transnational
(a) General
'The TFF's mission is peace&emdash;learning to handle
conflict with less and less violence. Our tools are: new
ideas, listening, research, mitigation, education, and
advocacy.' This is our mission statement. It is an
ambitious one for a small institution like the TFF; but
it is a signpost,not a goal. We want to help move people,
organizations, and structures in the direction of less
violence. We do more than research: we work with and for
'patients' and we train others to become 'conflict
The TFF is a hybrid: it is an academically oriented
organization with about 60 advisers in the Nordic
countries and around the world, some of them academics
and some not, from a variety of backgrounds. Resources
permitting, it engages in field-based conflict-diagnosis
and mitigation, sometimes involving peacemaking. It
organizes lectures, seminars, and training-sessions.
(b) Technological
We have a comprehensive, dynamic, easy-to-navigate
website (currently visited by 200&endash;400 people each
day). It offers a wealth of analyses, articles, appeals,
peace proposals, criticisms of mainstream
conflict-(mis)management, and press information with
succinct analyses designed for a wider audience
(approaching 10,000 e-mail recipients around the world).
We offer 'TFF Wire', a selection of news and views from
the Internet&emdash;a kind of Utne Reader of world
affairs. Our latest addition, 'TNN'&emdash;the 'TFF News
Navigator'&emdash;is a guide to world media, both
mainstream and alternative. It aims to help those who
want to find things out for themselves rather than just
depending on what is put out by the Western news agencies
(all of whom are biased to a greater or lesser degree).
The Internet represents a revolution at our
fingertips&emdash;enabling us to gather knowledge from
primary sources and come to our own views. The TFF has
been developing its presence on the web since it launched
its site on International Women's Day in 1997.
(c) Key Areas of Interest and
Methods of Funding
Over the years, the TFF has produced about 65
'hard-copy' publications and has built up a website
containing thousands of documents, many of them produced
by TFF associates.
For the first five years, we focused on alternative
security, and during the next ten on field-based
conflict-mitigation, policy-oriented work, and advocacy.
What areas we shall concentrate on after the Balkans, the
Caucasus, and Burundi depends on how the following
situation develops.
Since 1991, the foundation has, like some fifteen
other NGOs, received a grant from the ministry of foreign
affairs in Stockholm. This was originally for 400,000
Swedish kroners (equivalent to $US55,000 at the rates of
the time) and was subsequently reduced to 300,000 kroners
(currently equivalent to $US35,000&emdash;which means the
grant had lost 45 per cent of its purchasing power). This
grant was meant to cover rent, photocopying, machinery,
communications, and salaries, but not projects. In
January 2000 we were informed that the TFF would not be
given a grant in 2000. The cut took immediate effect:
there was no advance notice, no consultation, and no
explanation. The only other NGO to have its grant reduced
to zero was the group 'Women for Peace'.
In terms of Swedish bureaucratic procedures, this is a
highly unusual occurrence. The normal approach after nine
years would have been to give us proper warning so that
we could make alternative arrangements for funding. When
we requested a written explanation, we were told that the
necessary funds were 'unfortunately' lacking and that
special criteria had therefore been applied. These
stipulated that recipient organizations should benefit
young people in particular, that they should be using
modern technology so that they could get their message
across to the widest possible public, and that they
should have the character of genuine social
The TFF has fulfilled all these criteria, at least
partially, since its inception.
The TFF is the only non-state, non-university
peace-research body in the Nordic countries. It is
regarded by many as outspoken but genuinely independent.
It responded promptly to one of the most fundamental
conflicts that has occurred since 1945&emdash;and it did
so with more than just armchair analyses. It went out
into the field, and into the place where the 'other war'
is fought&emdash;namely, the media. I leave it to the
reader to work out why the Swedish government should have
chosen 1999 of all years to withdraw its financial
We shall again be applying for a government grant for
the year 2001, and we are collecting signatures on our
website in support of the restoration of our grant. TFF
associates have also designed a three-year project on
reconciliation and forgiveness, one element of which is a
survey of ten conflict-regions. The foundation intends,
in addition, to operate more commercially, doing more
lecturing and training, thus enhancing its own income
and, we hope, increasing the extent of self-financing. We
shall also be instituting online payment for publications
and donations.
Something good always comes out of a crisis, and the
TFF will survive. We are on the way to becoming a
'people-supported' institute. Perhaps this is still a
far-off dream, but, thanks to global awareness, to the
growing realization that violence must be tempered, to
people's sense of urgency, and to the good offices of the
Internet, it is a more realistic one than when we first
set up the TFF.
Jan Øberg, Director of the TFF, Lund
TFF 2001

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