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Two Examples of Misinformation on
Iraqi Biological Weapons Production



Hans von Sponeck, TFF associate

Former UN Assistant Secretary General &
United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq


This table contains quotes from three sources concerning two Iraqi biological weapons production facilities. Below please see von Sponeck's contrasting on-site observations.



Al Dora Foot & Mouth Vaccine
Production Unit

Al Fallujah III
Castor Oil Production Plant


"Work appears to have started. The facility has about 25% of its 1991 capacity." (1a)


"Plant destroyed in Dec. 1998. Current status unknown." (1b)

US Government:

"One of two known bio-containment level-three facilities that have an extensive air-handling and filtering system." (2a)

US Government:

No reference.

UK Government:

"Facility of concern". (3a)

UK Government:

"Facility of Concern. The castor oil plant was damaged in UK/US air attacks in 1998 but has been re-built. The residue from the castor bean pulp can be used in the production of the biological agent ricin." (3b)


1. International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS): "Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction - A Net Assessment.", London, 9 Sept.2002, (1a) & (1b), p.30

2. US Government.:"A Decade of Deception and Defiance", Washington, 12 Sept.2002, (2a), p. 8

3. UK Government.: "Iraq's WMD Programme", London, 24 Sept. 2002, (3a) & (3b), p.22



EVIDENCE as of mid-July 2002

"I visited the two facilities, Al Dora and Fallujah III, on 9 and 12 July 2002. They were filmed in my presence by ARD German TV.

Al Dora was in the same fully destroyed state in which I had seen it in 1999 as the then UN Humanitarian Coordinator. The castor oil unit at Al Fallujah III was seen in a fully dismantled state."


H. C. von Sponeck

Geneva, 21 October 2002



© TFF & the author 2002  


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