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INAUGURATED March 14, 2002


Flip-over notes from training course for the Tibetan youth


Tibetan Centre For Conflict Resolution, TCCR
Nangsi Rest House
Dharamsala -176215.
Distt. Kangra, (H.P.) India.
Telephone : 01892-26627

Inauguration message

Tibetan Centre for Conflict Resolution (TCCR) is a non-profitable, educational organisation dedicated to the non-violent management of conflicts in the Tibetan Community and the world as a whole.


Tibetan Centre for Conflict Resolution Aims :

To promote the approaches and tools of non-violent conflict resolution and democratic processes in our Tibetan community in exile and elsewhere. Thus strengthening our unity, which, in turn ensures the continuance of our non-violent struggle in the long run.


We Believe That :

Conflicts are challenges

Conflicts are life's challenges to us. As His Holiness the Dalai Lama said during a private audience to us, "As long as there is human Society, there will always be conflicts. As I always say that if we do not want conflicts at all we have to make the entire humanity stupid or dull, and then there will be no problems at all." Therefore conflicts are an inevitable part of any change and potential development. Conflicts can lead to hostility and stagnation or they can lead to social progress and better understanding. It depends entirely on how people cope with conflicts.


The Tibetan youth we trained and who celebrated the inauguration of TCCR on March 14, 2002. Left on first row, TFF associate Else Hammerich, the Danish Centre for Conflict-Resolution who is chief responsible for the training


Conflicts can transform

Conflicts should not necessarily be prevented. If conflicts are managed using the tools of non-violent conflict resolution, they may lead to progress in relations and a more comfortable and transparent environment. The axiom of non-violent conflict resolution is to deal with conflicts in ways that lead to personal and social transformation, to transform conflicts into creative energy.


Our Main Activities :

  • Building up TCCR into a viable Tibetan NGO.
  • Educating different groups of people by giving workshops.
  • Organising Seminars.
  • Training of new trainers.
  • Mediating between individuals and groups who face problems and wish to make use of us.
  • Promoting public dialogue.
  • Fact finding into problems in the Society.
  • Integrating the known approaches to conflict resolution with Buddhist philosophy and Tibetan culture in order to evolve a new perspective.

We are available to those who require our assistance.


Government Square in McLeod, the centre of the Tibetan exile government


Founding Data :

The idea of setting up a centre for conflict resolution in our community took root in1996 when Mrs. Else Hammerich, the founder of the Danish Centre for Conflict Resolution met His Holiness the Dalai Lama at Copenhagen in Denmark.

The project was carried out by the DCCR in partnership with the Home Department of our Government in exile, with financial aid from the Danish Foreign Ministry (DANIDA).

Mrs. Else Hammerich and Mr. Bjarne Vestergaard from the DCCR, came to India to work on this Project. They trained sixteen young trainees in conflict resolution and democratic processes. The intensive training spanning over a period of six months reached completion successfully in April 2001. The TCCR office started functioning wef. 1st of May 2001.


People Working at the Centre :

Three employees designated as co-ordinators, and thirteen other well-trained members together form the core group of the centre. The three co-ordinators are responsible for the functioning of the TCCR office and it's various activities, with the help of the other members.

For the first two years the TCCR will be under the wings of the Home Department of the CTA and financially linked to DANIDA. During this period, for smooth functioning, the centre has an administrative board comprising of the Minister, the Secretary, and the Joint Secretary of the Home Department and the three co-ordinators.


The Logo of the centre :

The logo of TCCR consists of a triangle, each corner of it represents the conflicting points of view. They are joined together by mutual co-operation and clear communication carried out in a compassionate way. This, then results in the non-violent resolution of conflicts and a harmonious environment represented by the popular Tibetan symbol of the Four Harmonious Friends at the centre of the logo.


Conflict Resolution And Buddhist Philosophy:

TCCR highlights the importance of Tibetan Buddhism, Tibetan culture and traditions and tries to blend it with Western approaches so that the outcome is a genuine and most appropriate set of tools and skills for our community.



© TFF & the author 2002  



Tibetan monks in Dharamsala


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