International Law Matters

Visiting Distinguished Professor, Global Studies,
University of California, Santa Barbara and Milbank
Professor of International Law Emeritus, Princeton
February 7, 2003
There is little doubt that the White House seems
resolved to wage war against Iraq, however weak its legal
case, and despite the withering away of support even at
home. It is probably late in the day to stop this
militarist juggernaught, but it is not too late to try.
There are several constructive steps that could still be
taken at this stage. A UN General Assembly resolution,
relying on its residual authority to uphold world peace,
could convene an emergency session of the General
Assembly to oppose recourse to war against Iraq, as well
as a reaffirmation of the Charter rules governing the use
of force. It would also be significant if Congress could
be persuaded to reconsider its premature authorization of
the use of force by the President, hold high profile
public hearings on the legal and political case for and
against war, debate, ideally, pass a restrictive
resolution relating to an Iraq War, and thereby finally
fulfill its own constitutionally responsibilities,
virtually forfeited by its behavior up to this point. Of
course, this is too much to hope for.
Beyond backing such institutional steps, the expanding
peace movement should continue to hold demonstrations in
which speakers develop the argument against war,
including its international law elements. It would also
be helpful to convene a panel of moral authority figures
and jurists to issue a report or white paper on the
relevance of international law and the just war doctrine
to the realities of the 21st century. As citizens, we
have the opportunity and responsibility to act as if it
is our duty to challenge this illegal and dangerous war
fever that grips the leadership of this country.
International law remains the best guide we have for
drawing a line between acceptable and unacceptable
behavior in world politics, especially in the war/peace
setting. The rest of the world, as well as the American
people, deserve a US Government that respects this
dividing line. It is regrettable, but true that such
respect will only be forthcoming if the grassroots
pressure from here and abroad grow strong enough. Our
Government shows no signs of being guided in its foreign
policy by any authority other than its own imperial
Among the more serious losses resulting from the
September 11 attacks has been the subversion of
international law as a source of guidance and limitation
in the foreign policy of leading sovereign states, and
especially the United States. Of course, this process of
erosion preceded the attacks, and even started well
before George W. Bush's arrival in Washington. The Gulf
War was fought with only a pro forma mandate from the UN
Security Council, with the operational control of the
ends and means of the war being run from the White House
and Pentagon. Such disregard of the proper UN role in
collective security was dramatically evident in the way
the Clinton Administration conducted its diplomacy prior
to the 1999 NATO War over Kosovo, seemingly rejecting
peaceful settlement options and bypassing the UN on its
way to war. But the presidency of George W. Bush has
greatly accelerated this process by its wider rejection
of international legal authority. Its arrogant
repudiation of such vital international agreements as the
ABM Treaty and its rejection of the Kyoto Protocol
seeking with due urgency to regulate the emission of
greenhouse gasses are indicative of this repudiation of
multilateral approaches to global problems.
What September 11 did was to extend this dangerous
form of American lawlessness to the most sensitive area
of all&emdash;warmaking, uses of force in disregard of
sovereign rights, and intervention in the internal
affairs of foreign countries.
Such a pattern of irresponsible, and in the end,
self-destructive behavior by the US Government, is
especially unfortunate because the unprecedented al Qaeda
challenge did require adjustments in the way in which the
international rules governing the use of force were
applied. International law has evolved throughout modern
times to meet the common goals of sovereign states
seeking to protect their vital interests in the face of
changing circumstances. World War II ended with the
historic understanding that recourse to war between
states could no longer be treated as a matter of national
discretion, but must be regulated to the extent possible
through rules administered by international institutions.
The basic legal framework was embodied in the UN Charter,
a multilateral treaty largely crafted by American
diplomats and legal advisors. Its essential feature was
to entrust the Security Council with administering a
prohibition of recourse to international force (Article
2(4)) by states except in circumstances of self-defense,
which itself was restricted to responses to a "prior
armed attack" (Article 51), and only then until the
Security Council had the chance to review the claim.
It is true that international lawyers have through
decades argued about the interpretation of these basic
rules of restraint, but these Charter guidelines have
generally been well enough understood to enable a clear
line to be drawn between permissible and impermissible
uses of forces in most circumstances. A measure of
flexibility existed, giving the UN legal authority to
authorize non-defensive uses of force so as to uphold
global peace and security, and some would add in light of
recent practice, to protect vulnerable populations from
severe abuses of human rights, especially ethnic
cleansing and genocide. It is especially unfortunate that
influential journalists such as Thomas Friedman pour
their amoral scorn on European opposition to the Iraq
War, flippantly claiming that it is "Euro-whining" to
insist on law and morality as restraints on Washington's
warmaking, what Friedman calls "deeply unserious." Given
the realities, such a dismissal of principled European
criticism is not only self-serving, but highly arrogant
even if in the end Paris and Berlin abandon their
opposition in a fit of geopolitical opportunism.
There is no doubt that events since the end of the
cold war have strained this earlier consensus. In the
1990s a series of conflicts that were internal to states,
yet posed humanitarian crises due to ethnic cleansing
(Bosnia, Rwanda, Kosovo) or breakdowns of governance
(Somalia, and several sub-Saharan states), created
degrees of support for what came to be called
"humanitarian intervention." When the US led the NATO
coalition in 1999 to avert the advent of ethnic cleansing
in Kosovo, a controversial precedent had been set for the
use of non-defensive force without a mandate from the UN
Security Council. The September 11 attacks challenge the
viability of the overall framework of international law:
a borderless war in which neither main adversary is a
state. On one side is a concealed terrorist network with
a hidden presence in 60 or more countries on one side
and, on the other, a global state with military bases in
about the same number of countries, as well as a naval
presence on all oceans and plans for the militarization
of space well underway.
What should "self-defense" mean in such an inflamed
setting that lacked geographic parameters? The basic
Charter idea was to regulate the use of force in
relations among sovereign states. As such, with a bit of
stretching international law could be responsibly
interpreted as justifying recourse to a defensive war
directed at Afghanistan. Even this was a stretch because
the Taliban regime was not directly implicated in the
attacks, and it was not given an opportunity to hand over
the al Qaeda leadership or to cooperate with the United
States in securing Afghan territory from being used in
the future as a major terrorist base area. At the same
time, the Taliban government was only recognized by three
governments (and two of these quickly broke diplomatic
relations immediately after September 11, leaving only
Pakistan, which joined the war on the US side), possessed
an abysmal human rights record, and was beset by both a
civil war and an imminent threat of mass famine that it
lacked the will and competence to avert.
Under these circumstances, the American war against
Afghanistan, although remaining controversial in some
anti-war circles, was widely accepted within the UN and
by most governments, as a reasonable extension of the
legal right of self-defense in these new circumstances.
After all, the country seemed to be the nerve center of
al Qaeda, and to contain its most notable leaders. There
was a sense of urgency given the magnitude of the harm
inflicted by the September 11 attacks, and the strong
indications that additional attacks were planned as part
of a continuing violent campaign against the United
States role in the world. It was under these
circumstances reasonable for the Bush leadership to
believe that dislodging the Taliban and destroying the al
Qaeda presence in Afghanistan was the most relevant first
step in defending the country against such an enemy. It
was a reasonable response, but not necessarily an
effective one, especially given the manner in which the
military campaign was carried forward. In retrospect, it
seems clear that the Pentagon tactics included an
excessive reliance on air power and on Afghan ground
forces that nullified much of the expected benefits of
striking at the al Qaeda headquarters. Furthermore, that
the halfhearted postwar occupation and reconstruction
efforts led by the United States are even raising doubts
about the durability of "the victory" over the
But the move from Afghanistan to the second phase of
American response, directed at the "Axis of Evil"
countries while imprudent on strategic grounds, seems
also needlessly destructive of international law. For
President Bush claiming a generalized right to wage
"preemptive war" was in flagrant contradiction with the
Charter's legal framework without any special
circumstances justifying an exception. And to apply that
claim to Iraq, given the absence of any credible evidence
of an imminent threat (something much more than "a
smoking gun," which itself the US has so far not managed
to find despite its vast intelligence capabilities and
the witness of numerous exiles) was to carry American
unilateralism to the frightening extreme of claiming an
extraordinarily dangerous and perverse right of
"preventive war" (that is, lacking the elements of
necessity and imminence). Even here the question "prevent
what?" cries for an answer given the absence of a
plausible Iraqi threat in the foreseeable future and the
razor sharp containment policy poised to annihilate Iraq
in the event of a Baghdad provocation in the years
Lest one be distracted by the guerrilla theater
performance of Secretary Powell at the UN, it needs to be
recalled that the initial Bush formulations of the
preemption doctrine made no mention of the UN, and only a
pro forma reference to Congress. The Bush preferred
option was pure presidential unilateralism. It was only
when Republican Party heavyweights (Scowcroft, Baker,
Kissinger) publicly warned the White House that there was
insufficient backing for the war that Bush was persuaded
that he needed to build more national and international
support prior to attacking Iraq.
It was in response that Bush shifted course, and
acknowledged a role for Congressional authorization, let
alone sought a UN mandate. All along, it was a matter of
building a case for a war that had already been decided
upon within the dark recesses of the US Government. What
has been alarming is that Congress, apparently
intimidated by Bush's lingering popularity, and the
Security Council membership seeming to prefer their role
as rubberstamp to that of being again (as in Kosovo)
bypassed, went along as sheep to the slaughter. In the
process, the UN ignoring its own Charter embraced the
pseudo-legalism of enforcing the punitive 1991 ceasefire
resolutions imposed on a defeated Iraq after the Gulf
War, embarking on this inspection safari that has found
pathetically little despite visiting more than 230
suspected sites, having unlimited access and extensive
intelligence, and the incriminating testimony of an array
of Iraqi defectors. The Bush administration has indicated
all along that it would greet a favorable report by the
UN inspectors in a spirit of defiance, further
undermining respect for international law and UN
procedures, and returning to its original impulse to
embark on war with or without prior UN approval. In fact,
it has distorted Hans Blix's balanced report,
highlighting only the criticism, and suppressing via its
full court media press the favorable comments on Iraqi
cooperation with access and requested information.
When September 11 occurred it was obvious to me and
others that this new struggle would exert pressure on the
capacity of international law to provide acceptable
limits on the way in which the United States pursued
security in the world. For this reason, it seemed to make
sense to give renewed attention to the Just War Doctrine
as a way of acknowledging and identifying limits on
recourse to force, yet loosening the restraints of legal
rules that had been crafted to minimize warfare between
territorial states. What could be done in relation to a
concealed terrorist network needed to be different,
including the authorization under exceptional
circumstances of extending notions of self-defense to
deal selectively in an anticipatory manner with threats
from abroad that were severe and immediate. At the same
time, there was no basis for abandoning international law
or undermining UN authority when dealing with conflicts
between territorial states, which continue to serve the
world well. The claimed right of preemption against Iraq,
given the realities of its capabilities and probable
intentions, seemed best understood as recourse to
"aggressive war" by the United States. To redefine the
issue of US aggressiveness toward Iraq as the enforcement
of UN Security Council resolutions or as a disarmament
measure is to trample on sovereign rights of Iraq, and to
subject its long suffering population to the scourge of a
one-sided war. To argue that the legal basis of the war
is to unseat Iraq's brutal ruler, a claim of humanitarian
intervention, is so far from the real American
motivations for the war is manifestly hypocritical,
although this did not stop the president from building
part of his case for war in the recent State of the Union
on graphic details of the cruel abuses toward the Iraqi
people by the dictatorial Saddam Hussein.
Even aside from the Iraqi debate, the issues at stake
are fundamental. Part of the difficulty is that the
debate about the relevance of international law has been
mainly between advocates of polar positions both of which
miss the point. There are the realists, perhaps best
represented by Michael Glennon, who argue that states no
longer respect the UN framework of restraint, that the
nature of international conflict has fundamentally
changed, and that we might as well acknowledge the
collapse of the international law enterprise in war/peace
settings. And then there are the legalists who insist
that nothing has changed, and that a rather literal
reading of the Charter restraints deserves unconditional
respect regardless of the gravity, the apocalyptic
worldview, and the non-territorial character of the
mega-terrorist security threats.
A more useful approach to international law, although
admittedly more complicated, and dependent on the messier
dynamics of judgment and interpretation, is to reaffirm
the persisting vitality of the Charter approach to war
and international force, but to acknowledge that the
nature of global terrorism makes certain extensions of
the doctrine of self-defense justifiable in exceptional
circumstances. Referring back to the argument made above,
there are grounds for loosening the restraints in
relation to al Qaeda, but not with respect to Iraq.
September 11 provides no persuasive grounds for departing
from the prohibition upon the use of aggressive force in
relation to Iraq, or other conflicts between sovereign
states. At most, such force could be authorized by an
explicit decision of the UN Security Council, but such
authorization would itself be dubious in this instance,
violating the letter and spirit of the Charter. It needs
to be recalled and confirmed anew that the primary
mission of the United Nations is war prevention.
There remains the possibility that America's
diplomatic muscle will intimidate the Security Council
membership to ignore their constitutional
responsibilities under the Charter, and either mandate an
unwarranted war or refuse to place obstacles in the way
of Washington's stated intentions. Such a UN posture will
weaken the credibility of the Organization as
representing the best interests of the peoples in the
world on matters of peace and security, and would further
undermine the role of international law. Not only the
peace of the world but the vitality of our democracy are
in acute danger if the US Government continues down this
path of lawlessness.
(rev II/3/2003 &endash; Not to be considered as
published. All rights reserved.)
TFF & the author 2003

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