Founders receive
Peace Award in Italy
on Human Rights Day 2003
Founders Christina Spännar and Jan Oberg have
been awarded the Annual Award for Building Peace by the
City of Castelnuova Magra. The ceremony will take place
in Castelnuovo
Magra on December 10.
The Award is related to Dante Alighieri who - exiled
in the land of Lunigiana, - in 1306 mediated a peace
agreement between the powerful Malespina family and the
Bishop Count's diocese, after years of war. Thus, the
Municipal Council of Castelnuovo Magra has written into
the Preamble of the Statutes of the City "that
Castelnuovo and its people are obliged to work for peace
and "to learn how to become peace makers."
The Award which is given in co-operation with the
Buddhist Institute of Soka Gakkai of Italy goes to
personalities who have distinguished themselves in the
promotion of a peace culture. The founders have asked to
receive the Award on behalf of all who are related to and
work with TFF.
In 2001, the Award was given to another TFF Associate,
Dr. Daisaku Ikeda of Soka Gakkai; in 2002, Father Elias
Chacour, founder of of the multi-religious college of
Ibillin in Nazaret, received the honour.
"This is a very important recognition of TFF's work.
We are honoured and moved," the founders say. "We also
look forward to meet the peace people of Italy during our
lectures - one in Castelnuovo and one at Pisa University
on the 11th - and during press conferences and meetings
with Italy's Soka Gakkai members. The world would be a
more peaceful place if more municipalitites and their
citizens were committed to learn how to contribute to
peace and human rights."
TFF & the author 2003

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