- The TFF News Navigator -
Internet Event
PressInfo #
18, 2000
By Jan Oberg, TFF director
We are proud to launch TNN, the TFF News
The Internet permits us to develop a global rather
than national focus, to reduce the Western biases of a
handful of media conglomerates and to say "no thanks" to
standardized and simplified "truths" about matters
TFF's News Navigator is your tool - a uniquely
comprehensive collection of more than 350 links to world
news and comments: newspapers, info services, (mega)sites
and bureaus as well as magazines of culture, security,
alternative economics, media research - and news
departments of major international organizations.
It gives you access to Buddhist, Muslim, Christian,
Hindu and many other sources and perspectives on what
happens. TNN is remarkably broad but not so big that you
get lost - with all links on one page.
There are other meta sites with news. But TNN is
unique because of its:
- choice and combination of alternative &
mainstream sources,
- simple but careful layout and choice of colours making
it easy to navigate,
- easy-to-browse categories and quick access,
- inclusion of sources you see nowhere else,
- inclusion of other meta sites.
We at TFF have sometimes criticized the media. TNN is
our constructive contribution, a gift from us to any
media person - and everybody else - who cares about
improving the ways global affairs are conveyed to
Those who have tested it for us think it is an event
on the Net.
While you will find the mainstream media here, you
will also find many alternative. We've set it up to help
you reach many original sources and media in any region
where things are happening.
Your breakfast paper or the tabloid on the train has
its local, domestic and foreign pages. It offers no
global aspects, and its foreign page is almost identical
with those of other newspapers in your country because it
subscribes to the same few (Western) news bureaus.
Fortunately the real world is not so repetitive.
With TNN you stop being out of touch with a world that
moves toward globalization with so many views, cultures
and arguments different from the ones you saw this
Pluralism in news and commentary is a precondition of
democracy, of grabbing a new freedom to challenge the
powers that be. Your mainstream news sources will not
give adequate coverage (perhaps no coverage at all) to
politically less correct - or non-profitable - news and
interpretations, no matter how objectively important they
may be for millions or for our global future.
TNN enables you to become your own editor, to shape
your personal views. When you have used it for some time,
you'll ask yourself: why did the media I used to watch
never tell me that?
The information society is characterized by an
increasing mix of actual news, propaganda, entertainment
and - concealment. This is why we have also included a
box with links to media research. TNN is your reality
check, your best option if you - like most - can't go to
the spot where news happens.
What we are saying is: Don't trust the opinion or
coverage of a few media. You could well be fooled. There
are also positive news, the world is not grey or black,
there are many colours - and lighter colours that offer
Globalization - and the Internet - are rapidly
revolutionizing the way we understand the world. We must
become eclectic news gatherers and fight the trend toward
uniform greyness, standardization and monopolization of
our rights to know. We must win instead the freedom to
dialogue, interprete - and take action for change.
TNN is free and it is only on TFF - a Gandhi-inspired
shoestring outfit serving both democracy and peace.
Just go to and look for the
symbolic searching lights in the dark...
PressInfo # 102 will analyze the changed conflict
formation in the Balkans.
© TFF 2000
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