the Nuclear Monster
PressInfo #
9, 2002
and David
Not since the dawn of the nuclear age at the end of
World War II has the danger of nuclear war been greater.
And what is as troubling, this danger is not widely
understood. Several developments account for this most
disturbing situation.
The US Government has apparently adopted contingency
plans that look for the use of nuclear weapons against
specific countries and in a wide range of circumstances.
Terrorist networks with genocidal agendas have been
making strenuous efforts to acquire nuclear and other
weapons of mass destruction. The spread of biological and
chemical weapons increase political incentives to
threaten nuclear retaliation. The American push for
missile defense is likely to lead other nuclear weapons
states to increase their arsenals. India and Pakistan,
hostile neighbors, continue their conflict over Kashmir
with their nuclear arsenals lurking in the background.
And, in addition, the atmosphere created by the September
11 attacks has given rise to a good and evil worldview
that seems less inhibited with respect to nuclear
It is against such a background that the parties to
the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) will meet from
April 8-19 to review progress on the treaty and, most
important, on its Article VI commitment to nuclear
disarmament. The recent revelations of the classified US
Nuclear Posture Review (NPR), which was first released in
partially unclassified form in January 2002, indicated
contingency plans for the potential use of nuclear
weapons against at least seven named states. These
revelations are sure to have alarmed these governments,
and hopefully awakened the international community
generally to an atmosphere of mounting risk.
Any US plans to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons
would be contrary to international law as well as to
long-standing US assurances not to use nuclear weapons
against non-nuclear weapons states. It also constitutes a
provocative threat to the named states and others as well
as to international peace and security overall.
This US approach to planning nuclear weapons use, as
well as other developments that increase the risk of
nuclear war, will undoubtedly adversely affect the
approach taken to non-proliferation by all countries. It
is likely to induce further nuclear proliferation and to
weaken seriously the non-proliferation regime. US policy
toward nuclear weapons use, combined with its plans to
develop and deploy missile defenses, is almost certain to
encourage the expansion of nuclear weapons programs by
Russia and China as well as the development of nuclear
and other weapons of mass destruction by other countries.
It is also likely to give rise to destructive new arms
See and order book by
three TFF associates
on how we get rid of nuclear weapons
Dietrich Fischer, Wilhelm Nolte & Jan Oberg
Peace. Strategies and Ethics for a Nuclear Free
The fact that the US is developing contingency plans
to use nuclear weapons is viewed by most of the world as
a dangerous expression of bad faith. In the past, nuclear
weapons have been reluctantly tolerated, but only as a
deterrent against the use of nuclear weapons by other
states. The US Nuclear Posture Review reveals that
nuclear weapons are apparently being integrated into a
full spectrum of potential war fighting situations.
US policy seems to make nuclear weapons no longer
weapons of last resort, but rather instruments that may
be used in fighting wars, even against non-nuclear
weapons states. Detrimental steps have already been taken
following the US lead. The UK announced that it is also
prepared to use nuclear weapons against any state that
may attack it with any weapon of mass destruction. Such
an expanded role for nuclear weapons is bound to have
other destabilizing effects.
In the post-September 11 world it is vital that the US
and other nuclear weapons states assume full
responsibility for assuring that nuclear weapons and
weapons grade materials, particularly in the former
Soviet Union, do not fall into the hands of terrorists.
It is also crucial that leading nations do their utmost
diplomatically and by way of the United Nations to defuse
war-prone tensions in South Asia and the Middle
The most urgent challenge at this time involves steps
that should be taken to restore the restraints on this
most menacing of all weaponry. Just as it is accepted
that it is essential to establish reliable regimes of
prohibition for biological and chemical weapons, it is
long overdue to give the highest priority to establishing
a comparable regime for nuclear weapons. Non-nuclear
states should insist that nuclear weapons states at least
adhere to the declared Chinese position of no-first use,
thereby retaining nuclear weapons only for nuclear
deterrence purposes until they can be eliminated
In this vein, the US and the UK should retract their
dangerous and destabilizing plans for nuclear war
fighting and, in their own interests as well as those of
the rest of the world, provide leadership toward
eliminating nuclear weapons and ending the nuclear
weapons threat to humanity and all life. The states that
are parties to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
cannot afford to remain passive, but should use their
leverage to remind the world that we are all facing an
unprecedented and growing danger that nuclear weapons
will be somehow used for the first time since 1945.
Richard Falk
is professor emeritus of international law and
practice at Princeton University, and visiting
distinguished professor at the University of California,
Santa Barbara.
Krieger is president of the Nuclear Age Peace
Foundation (www.wagingpeace.org).
© TFF 2002 & the authors
See also
PressInfo 147 on Learning to live without the

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