Sanctions Against Iraq
and the Consequences of
the "Oil-for-Food" Programme
PressInfo #
23, 2002
Christian Hårleman, TFF Board
Two weeks in Iraq are not sufficient to acquire the
knowledge necessary to produce an extensive and detailed
analysis of the conditions prevailing in this part of the
Middle East. It is, however, long enough to be able to
verify the picture so powerfully presented by the
individuals and organisations involved who fight daily
for the several humanitarian issues that plague those
most ignored and forgotten developing countries. The aim
of this text is not to try to influence one's opinion
with emotionally charged expressions but to discuss some
of the reasonable arguments concerning the "Oil-for-Food"
A Short History of the
For more than a decade the UN has been imposing
sanctions against Iraq. During the last few years, three
of the highest UN representatives have left their
positions in protest against the unreasonable character
of the sanctions programme. Various organisations (the UN
and others) involved in the so-called "Oil for Food"
programme have in different ways expressed their
opposition to the sanctions and demanded the abolition or
the reformulation of the sanctions programme. Why?
Following Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in 1990, the UN
Security Council, based on Chapter VII of the UN's
Constitution, decided to introduce sanctions against
Iraq. Essentially, this implies that all economic and
diplomatic relations with Iraq have been interrupted,
including all forms of traffic (sea, land, air and
television). The Security Council decided in 1991 (UNSCR
687) that the sanctions would only be abolished after
Iraq had fulfilled the following requirements: the
destruction of all weapons of mass destruction; the
promise not to develop or to acquire any other weapons in
the future, and co-operation with the UN's inspection
programme aiming at verifying that Iraq does not possess
or develop weapons of mass destruction. In addition, Iraq
also had to agree to recognise the 1963 international
border agreement with Kuwait; not to support and carry
out international terrorism; to repatriate all Kuwaiti as
well as all other nationals to their respective
homelands; to return all Kuwaiti properties; and to offer
compensation to those who suffered from losses and
injuries caused by the invasion.
Iraq has for the most part fulfilled the Security
Council's requirements. But the vital issue of the
weapons of mass destruction has not been resolved in a
way judged satisfactory by the UN. The politics and the
mediatisation of this particular issue have been feeding
a most heated debate.
The Oil-for-Food Programme:
No Income for Iraq
Despite the fact that the UN has proposed two
resolutions since 1991, it is only in 1996 that Iraq
first accepted that a programme based on the previous
year's decision (UNSCR 986) could be implemented. The
resolution authorises Iraq to export a certain amount of
oil and to buy food and other "humanitarian necessities"
with the income of authorised oil exports. During the
first six months of that mandate period the value of
these exports raised up to 2,000 million US Dollars and
during 2001 (two mandate periods) up to approximately
11,000 million US Dollars.
Unfortunately this is not the whole truth. Of the sold
oil "income", only 53 percent is allocated to the part of
Iraq under the control of the government, which
represents approximately 20 million inhabitants. The rest
is reserved partly (30%) for the compensation of those
who suffered losses or injuries during Iraq's invasion of
Kuwait, partly (13%) for the three Northern Provinces
(3.5 million Kurds), and partly (4%) to cover the
operation costs of the UN for the so called "Oil-for-Food
Programme" (OFFP). Consequently, in 2001, Iraq only had
6,000 million US Dollars at its disposal to buy medicines
and other essential goods. In other words, the Iraqi
government is supposed to support and answer for the
welfare of a population that is double the size of the
Swedish population with one quarter of the Swedish
State's annual costs for social expenditures. The income
from Iraqi oil goes directly into a certain UN bank
account from which the UN remunerates foreign suppliers
of goods and services. Thus, Iraq does not dispose of the
incomes in liquid capital. Rather, the exchange can be
seen as an ancient barter trade system. Iraq delivers the
oil and the UN delivers the food and other goods
The List of the Goods
Forbidden To Iraq Is Unlimited
Within that system, Iraq states and sends its
collective needs for the upcoming six months. Through the
so-called Sanction Committee, the UN controls and ensures
that the needed goods and services traded to Iraq conform
to the content of the sanctions - i.e. that the goods and
materials acquired cannot be used for military purposes.
The difficulty is that high technology is a necessity for
the economic and general development of a "normal" modern
society. Today, such material is used in most countries,
as much in civilian as in military structures;
nevertheless, Iraq is not authorised to import such
The list of materials forbidden to Iraq that could
eventually be used in a military context is infinite and,
unfortunately, pathetic in its detailed formulation of
technical details. The strict and rigid character of the
list is comprehensive. For example, is it reasonable that
the import of chloride (one of the WHO recommended
products for the purification of drinkable water) is not
allowed for fear that the product could eventually serve
a dual purpose - i.e. as a component of a chemical war
product. When reading through the thousands-of-items-long
list, one wonders if the objective is to prevent the use
of the listed articles for military purposes or if it is
to hinder the development of a sovereign state - or even
worse &emdash; its survival.
A Welfare Society in
As a result, Iraq is deprived of the bulk of what
constitutes a country's wealth and competitiveness. One
is forced to conclude that we are presently witnessing
the "de-development" and the delaying of a country's
progress, a country which, until no more than 15 years
ago, counted among the world's most progressive with a
blooming industry and an extensive free health-care
system. A significant number of reports reflect the
devastating effects of the sanctions on the individual.
Although certain people live relatively well (even in
times of shortages), the majority of the population lives
in unacceptable conditions - although not necessarily in
terms of kilocalories. Through a comprehensive food
distribution programme, each family receives the amount
of calories necessary to survive (2472 kilocalories per
day per individual along with 60.2 grams protein per day
per individual). Through the ongoing "Oil-for-Food
Programme", the UN has created a dependency that is
totally unique for its kind.
Between 1991 and 1998, the World Food Programme (WFP)
distributed a total of 500,000 tonnes of provisions,
while today the total amount of provisions distributed
through the UN programme is as high as 350,000 tonnes per
month. In other words, in a country that owns the world's
second largest oil resource, people are nearly fully
dependent on a share of provisions that would otherwise
be distributed to those developing countries "really" in
need. Seen in that light, Iraq's dependency on the
provisions distributed through the "Oil-for-Food"
Programme appears completely absurd.
Implications for the Average
For a middle-class earner (although that term has lost
much of its relevance today), for example a teacher, this
quantity of provisions represents 83% of his/her total
monthly income. In real terms, a teacher is paid 25 of
his/her 30 USD salary in provisions. The result is, among
other things, an increase in black market exchanges and
trade, emigration, and, regrettably, prostitution. The
amount of kilocalories that is provided to the individual
citizen by the UN is sufficient to ensure his/her
survival. However, the educated middle-class of the
pre-Gulf War era has been reduced to such a degree that
will surely affect Iraqi society for many generations to
come. The fact is that money exists in very limited
quantities. As mentioned previously, the "Oil-for-Food"
Programme is a "natural trade" system. Even if in theory
it does include a so-called "cash component", for
political reasons that part of the programme has never
been implemented. With the inflation of the Iraqi Dinar
(ID) from 1 ID against 3 USD in 1985 to 2000 ID against 1
USD today as well as the scarcity of liquid capital, the
notion of "salary" as we know it in the West loses all
meaning. Unemployment has thus taken on absurd
proportions and left up to 40-50% of the population
without jobs.
The Worst Consequences of the
Sanctions Are "Hidden"
Teachers (like many other professionals) cannot be
paid and students do not have the means to pay tuition
fees, which did not exist previously. Consequently, the
number of teachers per student has diminished
drastically, both at the university and pre-university
levels. We can already speak today of a lost generation.
The consequences of this will affect society for the next
20 to 30 years. Reports from different organs of the UN,
human rights organisations, aid agencies, members of
parliament and researchers all say the same thing: the
sanctions programme is devastating. Malnutrition and
unserviceable drinking water have produced a negative
transformation of the country's general health profile.
This, along with the lack of healthcare resources, has
given way to an increase in the mortality rate and a
decrease in the birth rate. The dramatic increase of
child mortality reflects the seriousness of the
situation. The amount of students attending educational
institutions has diminished, and the declining number of
female students is highly significant. Increased gender
segregation and a diminished secularisation are other
features indicating the transformation of the social
structure. At the same time, an intellectual
impoverishment is taking place, which is partly due to
the scarcity of educational tools and partly to the
emigration of the middle-class that has taken place and
continues to do so. To this, one must add the lack of
economic and material resources, which render impossible
the maintenance and upholding of the industrial, economic
and social infrastructure.
Famine and War Politics of
the Middle-Ages
To sum up, in 10 years, the UN sanctions against Iraq
have transformed a nearly fully developed country into a
developing one. The "Oil-for-Food" Programme has not
become the solution to the problem - it has become the
problem itself.
Speculating about the future is something that should
be left to politicians and economists. An eventual war
could be perceived as decisive for Iraq. But it is not
for the individual citizen; strict survival and
subsistence are the only concerns of his/her everyday
life. Presently, with total dependency on the 350,000
tonnes of food distributed monthly, the Iraqi people
survive. But in the eventuality of a war, in which the UN
and Iraqi authorities' exceptionally well-functioning
distribution mechanism breaks down, the situation becomes
totally different. From an historical perspective, Iraq
is an interesting case study. In order to reach their
military objectives, rulers and warlords in the Middle
Ages first encircled and besieged their opponents'
fortifications. Then, when starvation and poverty had
reached a sufficiently high level and done enough damage,
they attacked, destroyed whatever was left, and divided
the booty among themselves. Have we not made any progress
since then?
© TFF 2002
Translated by Jean-Francois Drolet

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