countries must act now to
break out of the
US/Iraq diplomatic blackout
PressInfo #
30, 2002
Jan Oberg, TFF
Harleman, TFF Board member
conflict-resolution's rules of thumb
Any professional conflict-resolution expert will tell
you that it is better to keep some channels open for
communication with the adversary than to close them. She
or he would also argue that the more we know about the
other side - and about ourselves - the greater the chance
that we will eventually make a compromise or otherwise
solve the problem.
That is, if we want to find a solution. The
Bush regime obviously doesn't, and the rest of the West -
in particular the EU - doesn't seem able to be able get
its act together and decide on much more than criticising
Iraq for one set of reasons and the U.S. for another. The
United Nations, who ought to be the mediator, has been
systematically marginalised by the U.S. and has little
legitimacy in the eyes of the Iraqis. So, we are heading
for war because, in reality, a U.S. war on Iraq is the
only plan in town, and it is as mad as it is bad.
It's sad but true; the world community (if there is
one) desperately needs go-betweens, mitigators and
mediators but no country or organisation is able or
willing to play that role. This speaks volumes about the
political and moral immaturity of the post-Cold War world
In Baghdad, the U.S. has some contacts at the Embassy
of Poland while Russia and China have huge embassies.
Norway has a functioning embassy headed by an experienced
charge d'affaires. When it comes to the EU, the present
chair, Denmark, does not even have representation. Sweden
has a not-too-high ranking diplomat from its embassy in
Amman going to Baghdad a few days per month. The only EU
member with serious representation in Baghdad, although
not a full embassy, is France, which also runs a
comprehensive cultural centre there.
This state of diplomatic affairs is a scandal in
itself. It guarantees that major Western governments know
virtually nothing about the reality on the ground and
remain unable to communicate face-to-face with Iraqis
from higher political levels. Add to this the fact that
there are very few Western journalists permanently
present in Iraq but, presumably, intelligence agents from
virtually all major Western nations, and you have a
perfect diplomatic blackout, a recipe for later political
As in the case of Belgrade in the early 1990s, the
presence, reduction or withdrawal of embassies is used as
a diplomatic tool. But to do so is as childish as it is
self-defeating. Without being present, without competent
diplomatic staff on the ground, no government will be
able to formulate an intelligent, comprehensive policy
vis-à-vis an adversary. During the Cold War, the
U.S. and the Soviet Union dispatched their most competent
ambassadors to each other's capitals.
Could it be that there are many secret channels open -
that western envoys are meeting with Iraqi high-level
people without the rest of us knowing about it? As is
natural in these situations, that could be the case. But,
first, is this really the way we citizens would like
fundamentally important international matters to be dealt
Secondly, it is hardly possible to see this sort of
secret diplomacy leading anywhere in this case. It should
be obvious to any observer that it is the Iraqi side that
has raised the best questions and come up with the most
productive proposals during the last few months. Every
single one has been turned down with extremely bellicose,
non-intellectual responses from Washington, which
presently seems to be in an autistic mood
vis-à-vis its friends in Europe. The only reason
the Bush regime would have to be simultaneously engaged
in secret diplomatic efforts aimed at finding a political
rather than military solution would be to save face if it
wanted to back down from its planned war.
A war against Iraq remains the most threatening
scenario in international affairs at this moment. After
more than a decade of so-called new conflict management
and preventive diplomacy, why do most people seem to
accept that the basic rules of thumb of professional
conflict-resolution are systematically violated and that
no mediators exist?
The sanctions will never be
lifted, they will crumble
Let's try to be a little empathic and see things from
the other side. The Iraqi leaders and people have drawn
the conclusion that no matter what they have done or will
do, there will never be a UN Security Council resolution
stating that it is now known for sure that no fissile
materials, not a gram of chemicals or any piece of
technology which could, sooner or later, provide Iraq
with weapons of mass destruction exist.
The reason is simple: no other country has opened
itself up to so much foreign inspection of
potential weapons capability. Not even the
manifest nuclear weapons countries, including
Israel, would ever accept to be inspected by anyone just
because they had invaded somebody else (which they all
have). Inspection, by the way, is clearly not the main
problem for the Iraqis; they want a timetable so they
know by which date what they see as a gross injustice and
a socio-economic hell will be over. They want to be
respected as a political player, as human beings, and
treated with respect by the West.
To put it crudely, it is not enough to call - like
many solidarity and peace groups do - for a lifting of
the sanctions. It just won't happen in the foreseeable
future. The U.S. would simply veto it in the UN Security
Council. What is needed is crumbling or sanctions-busting
- governments practise a kind of civil disobedience
against what are de facto American sanctions. These
sanctions, consequently, violate a series of human rights
in Iraq and prevent normal (oil) business and other
relations with many countries.
The US war on Iraq is not
only against Iraq
Iraq sits on the second-largest group of known oil
deposits in the world. The Iraqis naturally want to
control them and they know that they will be a powerful
country in the world community at some point in the
future. They are willing to sell to anyone; some 70% of
all oil leaving Iraq today ends up in the United States!
So, why should countries in the EU, Japan, China and
Russia not simply start trading with the country, bust
the sanctions, earn the money they want and see the
situation slowly move back to "business as usual"?
Such a decay of American clout, a world-wide
and Western questioning of the legitimacy of its
policies and attempt to hold power over everybody else is
probably the most threatening scenario the Bush regime
sees. It is likely to happen and the global debate is not
moving in favour of a U.S. war on Iraq.
Therefore, a war against Iraq must be seen not only as
a war against Iraq, but also as a way of asserting U.S.
power over the good part of the rest of the world - we do
as we please and you can't stop us because you don't have
an alternative policy, just as you did not have in Kosovo
and Afghanistan! This of course resembles the old Cold
War: the two masters threatened each other, but equally
important was disciplining their respective groups of
allies in Western and Eastern Europe not to have other
gods or fraternise with the "evil empire/capitalist
lackeys" on the other side. We can learn from that
Iraq is looking for partners,
but where is the European Union?
So, their best Iraqi strategy is to build trust with
their neighbours, and - much to the dismay of the U.S.
&endash; it has gone surprisingly well. The former major
foes, Iran and Iraq, are coming closer. Not one Arab
government supports a war against Iraq, and the U.S. is
increasingly at odds with its former close allies such as
Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Relations between Kuwait and Iraq
are slowly improving. Kuwait is also not supporting the
U.S. war.
But ask yourself to whom you would turn outside of the
Arab world if you sat in Baghdad and received daily
threats to your very survival coming out of the United
States. Two alarming facts are now true about the U.S.:
a) its military expenditures make up half of the whole
world's, and b) it has a nuclear doctrine allowing for
pre-emptive strikes, not deterrence, against countries it
just doesn't like. Yes, you would turn to Russia, to
China and to the only viable Western group as they see
it, the European Union, including countries such as
Sweden that once upon a time forcefully espoused (and
practised) mediation, global solidarity and
A high-level Iraqi diplomat told us: "We have done
anything we could to dialogue with the European Union,
but it seems impossible. Chris Patten in particular, it
seems, won't touch us." Vice-premier Tariq Aziz ended a
two-hour conversation with TFF's team by saying: "Now you
have asked me many questions. Before you leave I would
like to ask you just one question: what has happened to
Sweden? We knew it as a mediator, a country with a wide
international commitment. I knew Olof Palme and Jan
Eliasson personally when they worked hard to mediate when
we were at war with Iran. Where is Sweden's voice today
when we really need someone to talk with in the
The answer may well be connected with the fact that
Sweden is an EU member state, that the EU has no
policy on Iraq and that its criticism of the United
States and of Iraq won't make up for that fact. In
reality, the EU is without a common foreign and security
policy. We have witnessed this throughout the 1990s in
the former Yugoslavia, then in Afghanistan and now
vis-à-vis Iraq; larger EU countries conduct their
own policies irrespective of whatever might be "common"
policies within the EU. The Iraqi crisis should be seen
as a worthy enough subject to finally show that the EU
has a common policy on something and that it is different
from that of the United States.
What could the EU do?
First, (1) the EU should, as soon as possible
formulate a progressive and firm foreign and security
policy vis-à-vis Iraq. It's time to do
something new after 12 years of sanctions without any
other result than partly destroying Iraqi civil society
and welfare and ending up in a political and moral
cul-de-sac. Its member states should then (2)
recognise the importance of collecting facts and be
present on the ground through visits to Iraq by media
and independent researchers in virtually all fields. It's
time to (re-) develop professional ties and dialogues on
many levels between Iraq and EU countries. So, making
funds available for people to travel there and then
return, raising the level of knowledge about the
situation, is an essential ingredient in developing such
a policy.
It goes without saying that (3) governments should
encourage their business communities to develop trade
with and invest in Iraq. With a population of 25 million
often in need of the most basic things, the market and
other business potentials are huge. Trips there by
business delegations should be supported, the first
opportunity being the Trade Fair in Baghdad in
These first steps are not too politically sensitive,
could be implemented quickly, and could easily be
advocated and promoted by the EU. While these contacts
develop, the EU countries should (4) prepare to
re-establish their embassies as soon as possible
in Baghdad, staff them with their best, most independent
and creative diplomats.
It goes without saying that the EU must make a (5)
list of its own tough demands on Iraq and tell the
Iraqis that when they have complied before a particular
date, the countries of the EU will begin to ignore the
de facto US-operated UN sanctions and open normal,
full diplomatic, economic and cultural ties with
Then (6) the EU should establish a mediation/contact
group, perhaps in liaison with Russia, China and others
who want to participate in the work to prevent war
and find viable negotiated solutions. The group should
also send many different delegations to Iraq and invite
Iraqis to go abroad. It is natural that, sooner or later,
this group would (7) arrange a regional conference
with a comprehensive framework. It would be modelled upon
the OSCE process for Europe that started in the 1970s. It
would seek to link the Iraqi problem to that of the
Middle East in general, including the Israel-Palestine
conflict, and it would invite all relevant countries in
the region to participate.
Out of this could grow various forums for debate and,
later, concrete negotiations about all issues pertaining
to EU-Iraqi relations.
Another important measure would be to (8) give
priority to develop a new security regime for the
whole region. To be effective, it should aim for much
lower levels of armament, alternative military security,
nonviolent defence, reconciliation, democratisation and
peace education. All EU countries should stop arms export
to the entire Middle East and emphasise that, according
to a UNSC resolution, the entire Middle East, including
Israel, shall be a nuclear-weapons free zone.
Finally, (9) the EU should inform the United States
about everything it does but not be deterred if or
when the Bush regime disagrees. It's not enough to have
different views if a willingness to pursue different
policies on the ground does not exist.
The political ethos of this is simple: the EU should
declare that its goal is not to destroy Iraq, nor to
topple its present leadership or keep people suffering,
but to open an opportunity for open-ended dialogue and
possible co-operation, in short carrots rather than
sticks. Huge development assistance and economic
co-operation to compensate for, at least somewhat, the
huge losses Iraq has suffered should be mentioned as a
It is high time to get a violence-preventive strategy
in place and begin to develop a long-term peace process
between Iraq and the world. The European Union ought to
be a major player. The responsibility to move in a new
constructive direction lies with Denmark, the present
chair of the EU, and with Sweden, the former EU chair and
a country seen by many abroad as an advocate of humanity,
welfare and peace.
© TFF 2002

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