Road to Peace With Iraq -
PressInfo #
early December 2002
von Sponeck,
TFF Associate and former UN Assistant Secretary General
United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq.
This comprhensive peace proposal
was submitted to Feature editor Robert Donahue, the
International Herald Tribune on December 5. On December
19, Donahue accepted the article for publication by
e-mail. Then nothing happened. On February 6, however,
Mr. Donahue told us that he had let another editor read
the article. This editor "didn't like the article and
thought that many of its points were unrealistic - and I
respect my colleague," he said over the phone. So the
International Herald Tribune changed its mind and hoped
we would accept their apology. On February 17, the
European Council of the EU came together and began
formulating a common foreign policy in relation to the
Iraq crisis.
The International Herald Tribune
made a politically motivated turnaround and effectively
wasted exactly two months of this proposal's life in the
public debate. We are proud to publish the original
manuscript with all its "unrealistic" points
Unfortunately, UN Security Council Resolution 1441
does not free concerned citizens from thinking of
alternatives to the planned war against and occupation of
Iraq. Even in the unlikely event of a complete Iraqi
compliance acceptable to the United States, the
resolution, unlike earlier ones, does not promise Iraq
the lifting or even the suspension of sanctions.
As long as war is "the only plan in town" there is a
grave danger that war will be seen as a solution. Given
our experience with the Iraqi people, the UN, and
conflict-mitigation in various parts of the world, we
object to war being the only option. In fact, it is no
solution at all. A pre-emptive war will be a clear-cut
violation of the UN Charter and international law, both
in its letter and spirit, and of humanity's intellectual
and moral capacity. In short, a legal and moral defeat
for those who start it.
The real intellectual, political and moral challenge
is this: What can be done to move towards a genuine
solution of this manifest conflict other than war and
occupation? Or, more philosophically, how do we learn to
clash as civilised human beings rather than as
What follows are suggestions that we see as relevant
to a European debate. We identify these out of protest
over the prospect of mass killing and intensified
suffering of the Iraqi people, combat soldiers of Iraq,
US and other nationalities, and citizens of neighbouring
Safeguards must be identified for the UN arms inspectors
to be able to do their work without external or internal
interference. Should interference occur, it must be
reported to the UN Security Council. UN arms inspectors
providing intelligence services to governments must be
dismissed immediately.
2. The
free press and non-governmental organisations must
significantly step up their analysis and reporting to
challenge war propaganda and disinformation of the ground
realities in Iraq. In almost all nations, there are now
clear majorities against a war. Democracies need honest
information and open debates, not disinformation and
psycho-warfare against their citizens.
3. If
Western governments refuse to listen to Iraqi arguments,
they must at least listen to the Arab League, which is
clearly against war as a means to solve the conflict.
4. There
is a strong argument for dialogue, explorative talks, and
later structured negotiations between the US or other
Western countries and Iraq. The Secretary-General of the
United Nations, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, must
take such a step now. He can do so according to Article
99 of the Charter and he is obliged by Article 100 to not
seek instructions from any government. The UN must be
reminded of its essential peace mission to "save
succeeding generations from the scourge of war" and never
serve to legitimise wars before everything else has been
tried. A consistent, visionary mediation and negotiation
process has not been tried by any government or
organisation thus far.
5. The
European Union professes to have a common foreign and
security policy as well as a new conflict-management
unit. But this does not seem to apply to the case of
Iraq. Prime Minister Blair supports the war option,
President Chirac rejects "automaticity" in the UN
Security Council, while Chancellor Schroeder says no to
the military option. Sweden endorses war if based on a
future UN mandate. Denmark, which presently holds the
Presidency, will participate in a war provided there is a
UN mandate. Neither Denmark nor Sweden has a diplomatic
presence in Baghdad.
In short, the EU as an inter-governmental body has no
policy! But it could.
Two EU hearings on Iraq in 2001 - 2 have not produced
a European Iraq policy that has made any difference to
the international debate. This is worrisome, particularly
since European political and economic stability and the
future of the anti-terrorism coalition are at stake. The
EU is internationally increasingly perceived as a
'follower' instead of as a leader in the discussion of
global issues. Disappointment about European Union
complacency is growing, particularly in the Middle
There are a number of steps which the EU and
individual member governments would have to take to show
that the political will and determination exist to make a
difference in dealing with issues so vital to peace and
security. The EU simply cannot sit, wait, and watch the
United States go it alone like in the Balkans and
Afghanistan. Its creative "niche" is genuinely political,
peace by peaceful means as stated in the UN Charter, not
to imitate the military might of the U.S. It won't be
able to match the US in that respect, and it should not.
This is what the EU - and other concerned governments -
could do and should do quickly:
Encourage media and parliamentary delegations to visit
Baghdad and see and listen and dialogue with Iraqis at
various levels. Iraq is not one man, it is 23 million
fellow citizens. They have points of views, hopes, and
fears like all of us.
7. Move
towards re-establishing embassies. It is a scandal that
many government do not have any representation and, thus,
cannot collect first-hand facts and impressions and make
their own independent analyses on which to base their
Encourage trade and investments with Iraq first inside
the sanctions framework, and later outside it, should the
United States and others uphold the sanctions regime ad
Establish a contact group, perhaps in liaison
with China, Russia, and others who want to prevent war
and find peaceful solutions. Apart from mitigating the
conflict and establishing some initial trust between the
world and Iraq, the group should plan for a comprehensive
regional conferences, somewhat like the OSCE process for
Europe that had such ground-breaking results from its
start almost 30 years ago.
10. Work
for a just peace in the Middle East in general and in the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Iraq issue is not
unrelated to it. Acknowledge that US initiatives have
failed and that we need other completely impartial
mediators in that process.
Develop a new security regime for the whole region and
honour, finally, UN SC Resolution 687 that requires that
the Middle East shall become a zone free of weapons of
mass destruction. On a more general level, it is time to
realise that the threat of WMD will only increase as long
as holders of nuclear weapons ignore their obligations to
completely disarm their nuclear arsenals according to the
Non-Proliferation Treaty of 1968. Full compliance and
access to nuclear sites everywhere would be a natural
corollary to preventing new states from acquiring
Develop a new security regime that would include
economic, political, environmental, and other essential
aspects of security and prohibit new military trade and
establishment of bases in this already grotesquely
over-militarised region.
Inform the United States about all such
initiatives when they are launched but develop them
independently. The EU should not be deterred if the
United States objects to them.
14. What
about Saddam Hussein and regime change? This is not part
of our program. This is for the people of Iraq to decide.
But if they want to oust the President, contemporary
history makes one thing abundantly clear: such changes
succeed only with non-violent struggle, civil
disobedience, and alternative government based on
integrity and participation; in short, democracy with
democratic means. Violence will only replace one
authoritarian elite with another.
Peace is possible. Peace can be learnt. Peace is the
only battle worth waging, as Albert Camus once said. And
we must find peace with fellow global citizens. We plead
to the United States government to be with the world and
not against it.
* A US-led attack on Iraq could kill between 48,000
and 260,000 civilians and combatants in just the first
three months of conflict, according to a study by medical
and public health experts. Post-war health effects could
take an additional 200,000 lives. (The report,
"Collateral Damage: The Health and Environmental Costs of
War on Iraq," was issued by International Physicians for
the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), recipient of the
1985 Nobel Peace Prize, and produced by Medact, the
organisation's United Kingdom affiliate.) The study adds
that if the conflict spreads to Israel-Palestine and if
weapons of mass destruction are used, there could be 3,9
million dead. No political, economic or psychological
motive can ever legitimate that!
© TFF 2003

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