TFF PressInfo 52 December 19, 1998
"There cannot be just one way to describe the problem with Iraq. Or one way to handle it. However professional CNN is, it exposes the American foreign policy and security establishment to an extent that borders on monopolising "truth." We need more than American media to cover the bombings of Iraq. We need more than bomb coverage, we need an understanding of that the underlying conflict is about. War and violence IS not the same as the conflict but the result of conflicts mismanaged by the parties and the so-called international community," says Dr. Jan Oberg. "In situations like this it is essential to gather many and varied facts and interpret the issues through other lenses than those of the mainstream media. Internet permits you to combine many sources and perspectives, find the less well-known facts and construct your independent opinion. I don't believe we can know what is really happening and why by watching CNN alone or reading our local newspapers; their coverage is also based on predominantly American media, many of which are related to the military-industrial complex and those who favour violence over better means to handle conflicts. It's not enough to criticise the violent approaches. Media people, experts and opinion-makers also need inputs of constructive alternative thinking, speaking and acting. This is essential for the emergence of a new paradigm of global conflict-management, based on ever lower levels of violence," Oberg continues. Thus, this service from TFF. We are happy to assist you in your search for knowledge and qualified opinions. In two ways: 1) Go to our website's link section - and find almost 40 links - mainstream and alternative, news and background - each with many links. For example: BBC's background, U.S. State Department and Pentagon, Arabic News, Arab Net links, all about Iraq, the Iraqi National Congress, Iraq's Permanent Mission to the UN, UNSCOM, Security Council documents, Kurdistan web - as well as peace activism in support of the Iraqi people, e.g. Anti-Iraqi War project, International Action Centre, Iraq Action Coalition, Voices in the Wilderness etc. Handy, all in one place, for you to browse. 2) Go to our PressInfo section - and you'll find PressInfo 50 "Negotiate a Sanctions Lifting Plan for Iraq;" PressInfo 31 on what the Iraqi conflict is about and PressInfo 32 on what can be done - based on an international brainstorm among conflict-resolution experts. "There is a world of facts and perspectives out there. This conflict must not be reduced to 'Bill-versus-Saddam.' Simplified interpretations lead to "fast politics" - i.e. politics without diagnosis, prognosis or real treatment. In short, low-quality decisions and high levels of violence. Free information and independent opinion-formation is essential for enlightened conflict-resolution and peace," TFF's director concludes.
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