Columnist, film-maker and writer. M.Sc in economics, trained as a geographer and agricultural economist. For the first ten years after graduate school community work in slum neighborhoods in Chicago and London. Worked for Martin Luther King 1966-1967. For 30 years a journalist, of which 17 as columnist for the International Herald Tribune 1974-1991; he has been a regular guest columnist in New York Times and Encounter. Silver Medal at the Venice Film Festival 1972 for "It's Ours Whatever They Say". Author of several books on economic development, world hunger and on Amnesty International and human rights issues. Consultant to numerous international organizations and editorial adviser on the Independent Commission on Disarmament and Security chaired by Olof Palme. Now the author of a weekly column appearing in 41 papers around the world - all featured since 1997 at the TFF Forum, just click! He is a regular contributor to the opinion page of the International Herald Tribune and Prospect Magazine and he is also working on a new book, '"Conundrum", a foreign correspondent's look at twelve of the world's most difficult to answer questions. Follow this link to read about - and order - Jonathan Power's book written for the 40th Anniversary of Amnesty International: "Like Water on Stone - The Story of Amnesty International". Power is a regular contributor to the opinion page of the International Herald Tribune and to Prospect Magazine. He became a TFF Associate in 1991.
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