Dr Kamran Mofid, who holds dual British and Canadian nationality, was born in Tehran, Iran in 1952, received his BA and MA in economics from the University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada, in 1980 and 1982 respectively. In 1986 he was awarded his doctorate in economics from the University of Birmingham, UK. In 2001 he received a Certificate in Education in Pastoral Studies at Plater College, Oxford. From 1980 onwards he has been teaching and supervising undergraduate and graduate students in development economics, business studies, international business and the political economy of the Middle East. He has also acted as external examiner for undergraduate and PhD research thesis at different universities. In recent years Dr. Mofid has developed short courses, seminars and workshops on economics and theology, the economics of the common good, religion & globalisation, altruism &service: Islam and Christianity in dialogue, and an inter-faith perspective on globalisation. He has been a frequent speaker at major international conferences in Europe, United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, Russia, Kenya and the Middle East. Dr. Mofid's work is highly interdisciplinary, drawing on Economics, Politics, International Relations, Theology, Culture, Ecology and Spirituality. Dr. Mofid's writings have appeared in leading scholarly journals, popular magazines and newspapers. His books include Development Planning in Iran: From Monarchy to Islamic Republic (1987), The Economic Consequences of the Gulf war (1990), Globalisation for the Common Good (2002) which has been translated into Japanese and was published in May 2003 by Don Bosco-sha, Tokyo, and Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility and Globalisation for the Common Good (March, 2003). Dr. Mofid has been invited to speak on his research and publications at major international universities, amongst them: Oxford; School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS); Manchester; Glasgow; Sussex (First and Second US/European School on Global Security and Arms Control); Durham; Exeter; Columbia (New York); University of California at Berkeley; Michigan (Ann Arbor); George Mason (Fairfax, Virginia); Sophia (Tokyo); Hosei (Tokyo and London); Kyoto Sangyo; Reitaku (Japan); The Australian National University and the University of Queensland (Brisbane). Dr. Mofid has also been invited to present papers at well-known international think tanks, amongst them: Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security (Ottawa); Institute of Developing Economies (Tokyo); International Energy Forum (Tokyo); The Japanese Institute of Middle Eastern Economies (Tokyo); Japan Cooperation Centre for the Middle East; Idemitsu Kosan (Tokyo); Institute for International Economic Studies (Tokyo); Africa Research and Resource Forum, Nairobi; American Business Council of Dubai and World Trade Club of Dubai. In 1994, at the personal invitation of the late George Bull OBE, the former Director of the Anglo-Japanese Economic Institute, Dr. Mofid joined the Advisory Committee of the International Minds Forum and its journal International Minds. In 2002, at the personal invitation of Sir Sigmund Sternberg, co-founder of The Three Faiths Forum, (an inter-faith dialogue forum for the three Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam) Dr. Mofid joined its Advisory Committee. Dr. Mofid has organised and convened major international conferences, including: Japan and the UK economy, NAFTA and the EU, Japan and the Global Economy, Iran and the Emerging Global Order, Forgiveness & Reconciliation and The Ambassadors' Lecture Series. In 2002 he founded an annual international conference on An Inter-faith Perspective on Globalisation for the Common Good. The Inaugural Conference took place in Oxford and in 2003 it was held in St. Petersburg, Russia. The 2004 conference was held in Dubai. The 2005 conference will be in Nairobi and Kericho, Kenya, in association with Bhai Mohinder Singh Ji, Chairman of the Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha, Birmingham, UK. The 2006 Conference will be held at Chaminade University of Honolulu, Hawaii, and the 2007 Conference will be held in India. Moreover he convened a Programme on "An Inter-faith Perspective on Globalisation for the Common Good" at The Parliament of the World's Religions conference in Barcelona during 7-13 July 2004. At the invitation of The Hommes de Parole Foundation, Paris, Dr. Mofid was invited to participate at and comment on his work- An Inter-faith Perspective on Globalisation for the Common Good- at the First World Congress "Imams and Rabbis for Peace" which was hosted at the Egmont Palace in Brussels, January 3-6, 2005. At the invitation of the City of Philadelphia- hosting a Social Issues Series- "Ending Poverty in Africa: What Role should the G8 Play? What Can Americans Do?" as part of the City's Live 8 activities, in association with the Centre for Global Negotiations, Philadelphia, Dr Mofid gave two keynote lectures on "Globalisation for the Common Good and Africa: A Continent of Hope and Inspiration", (Arch street United Methodist Church, July 2, 2005) and "An Inter-faith Perspective on Globalisation for the Common Good: The Long Walk to Justice", (First United Methodist Church of Germantown, July 3, 2005). Dr. Mofid has been a frequent speaker on the BBC World Service, BBC Coventry and BBC Radio Oxford and on occasions he has been interviewed for Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and The Voice of America. Dr. Mofid is currently carrying out research on the relationship between economics, spirituality, cultures, faiths and globalisation. These are highlighted in his collaborative forthcoming book, Promoting the Common Good: Bringing Economics and Theology Together: A Theologian and an Economist in Dialogue, Rev. Marcus Braybrooke and Kamran Mofid, Foreword by Richard Harries, the Bishop of Oxford and , Afterword by Bhai Sahib Bhai Mohinder Singh, ( Shepheard-Walwyn, London, April 2005). Dr. Mofid is seeking to establish The Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Spiritual Capital for the Common Good and is the co-editor of the Journal of Globalization for the Common Good. Kamran lives in Coventry with his wife Annie and their two sons, Kevin and Paul and joined TFF as Associate in September 2002.
Articles by Kamran Mofid The most recent on top Kamran Mofid, November 24, 2011 Kamran Mofid, November 1, 2007 Kamran Mofid,
November 26, 2006 Kamran Mofid, August 13, 2006 Kamran Mofid, June 22,
2006 Kamran Mofid, September 12,
2005 Kamran Mofid, September 12,
2005 The Path to Justice and Peace in Africa From
Poverty and Terrorism to Jutice and Peace
Making: Sustaining
the Common Good: A theologian and an economist in
dialogue An
interfaith perspective on globalization for the common
good |
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