Born in 1950 in Melbourne. Degrees in Law and Criminology. Social Sciences, La Trobe University 1991. Co-ordinates the Peace Studies Area at La Trobe University in Melbourne and teaches in the Politics Department. Weber's main publications are: On the Salt March: The Historiography of Gandhi's March to Dandi, New Delhi, HarperCollins (1997); Gandhi's Peace Army: The Shanti Sena and Unarmed Peacekeeping, New York, Syracuse University Press (1996). Conflict Resolution and Gandhian Ethics, New Delhi; Gandhi Peace Foundation (1991). Hugging the Trees: The Story of the Chipko Movement New Delhi; Viking (1988, published as a Penguin paperback in 1989). With Yeshua Moser-Puangsuwan, he is working on a book on grassroots initiatives in unarmed peacekeeping titled " Nonviolent Intervention Across Borders: A Recurrent Vision," the Matsunaga Institute for Peace, Honolulu 2000. Tom Weber
joined the foundation as adviser in 1996.
Articles by Tom Weber The most recent on top Thomas Weber, July 12, 2007 |
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