Born 1941 in Leipzig. Dr.phil., Dipl.-Ing. (Aeronautical engineering), since 1972 Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies at Free University, Berlin. 1982-83 Vice President of Free University, 1983-84 consultant to the Department of Disarmament Affairs at the UN HQ in New York. 1990 head of planning, Ministry of International Affairs, GDR, Nerlin-East. Since more than 25 years a distinguished expert on armament processes, arms trade, arms technology and security issues in Europe and worldwide. Among his books you find "Die Spezialisten. Die Migration deutscher Wissenschaftler in die UdSSR" and "The History of the Soviet Armament Industry" both from 1992. Albrecht is also a very active public speaker. His current interests include conversion studies, East-West integration, German foreign and defence policy. Professor Albrecht retired in 2006. Professor Albrecht joined
TFF as adviser in 1985.
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