Publications 6-21

6. Confidence-Building and Arms Restraint at Sea - A Common Security Perspective

TFF Statement # 1 1988, 12 pages, 30 Swedish kronor.

7. On Nordic Initiatives at the United Nations Special Session on Disarmament

TFF Statement # 2 "" 1988, 14 pages, 30 Swedish kronor.

8. TFF Nyhetsbrev - Newsletter 1

1986, 12 s, 20 Skr.

9. TFF Nyhetsbrev - Newsletter 2

1986, 16 s, 20 Skr.

10. TFF Nyhetsbrev - Newsletter 3

1987, 16 s, 20 Skr.

11. TFF Nyhetsbrev - Newsletter 4-5

1987, 28 s, 20 Skr.

12. Disarmament - But How? Swedish Professionals Against Nuclear Arms

By Galtung, Wiberg, Väyrynen, Øberg, Elworthy a.o. Stockholm 1988, 150 pages , 75 Swedish kronor.

13. TFF Nyhetsbrev - Newsletter 6

1988, 18 s, 20 Skr.

14. TFF Nyhetsbrev - Newsletter 7-8

1988, 40 s, 20 Skr.

15. Winning Peace. Strategies and Ethics for a Nuclear-Free World

Dietrich Fischer, Wilhelm Nolte, Jan Øberg, taylor & Francis / Crane Russak, New York, London 1989, 30 US $ or 300 Swedish kronor.

16. Leaving the Cold War behind. How the West Can Create Cooperation and Build Peace With the Soviets

TFF Statement #3, 1989, 21 pages, 3 US$ or 30 Swedish kronor.

17. TFF Annual Reports/Verksamhetsberättelse

1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000 - 2001

18. TFF Nyhetsbrev - Newsletter 9

1989, 18 s, 20 Skr.

19. TFF Nyhetsbrev - Newsletter 10

1989, 18 s, 20 Skr.

20. Surviving Together. The Olof Palme Lectures on Common Security 1988

By Peter Jarman, Raimo Väyrynen, Barry Buzan, Toshiki Mogami, Håkan Wiberg, Sverre Lodgaard, Pierre Schori, Wilhelm Nolte, Michael Klare, Sara Miles, Lev Voronkov and Richard Falk.
LUPRI, Dartmouth Publishing Company, Hampshire, 1989, Hardcover, 214 pages, 170 Swedish kronor.


- Trust building
- Conceptualization
- Europe
- North - South
- Super Powers
- Comon Change

21. The Future of the Peace Movements

Ed. Katsuya Kodama, LUPRI & TFF, Lund University Press, Lund
1989, 175 pages, 105 Swedish kronor.


- Peace Movements and the Future - An introduction
- Creating Global Visions for Peace Movements
- Peace Movements in Eastern Europe
- Sociological Implications of Hiroshima and the Anti-Nuclear Weapons Movement
- The Peace Movements for the Future - From a Survey on Swedish Peace Movements
- Trident Town: Action-Research and the Peace Movement

Bibliography with Literature Survey on Peace Movement Studies, books and articles compiled by Katsuya Kodama.


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