Perspectives on the 2nd Bush term
Features collected by TFF between November 2, 2004
and January 20 - Inauguration Day, 2005This collection contains pointed comments on various aspects of the second term of the Bush Administration. Bookmark it and check now and then the next four years: what was right and what was wrong, what was too 'hard' and too 'soft' as predictions?
On imperialism
Gore Vidal, In These Times
Imperial amnesia or the United States of Amnesia...Ignacio Ramet, Le Monde Diplomatique
Bush second time aroundHoward LaFranchi, Christian Science Monitor
On foreign policy: how bold will Bush be?
There is Iraq but new challenges also loom in Iran and North Korea.Seymour Hersh, The New Yorker and Information Clearing House
The Coming Wars.
What Pentagon can now do in secret.Tom Barry, Laura Carlsen, and John Gershman, International Relations Center
The next four years: A political forecastChalmers Johnson,
Creating a WIA - Worthless Intelligence Agency.Scott Ritter, Aljazeera
The Salvador option
The Pentagon is considering the organisation, training and equipping of so-called death squads, teams of Iraqi assassins who would be used to infiltrate and eliminate the leadership of the Iraqi resistance.
On democracy and leadership
Greg Palast,
Kerry wonMaureen Dowd, The Age
The loonies have taken control.Howard Fineman, Newsweek
Karl Rove unleashed.Tom Barry, The Right Web
Robert Zoellick: A Bush Family Man.
No. 2 at Rice's State Department
On the economy
Paul Krugman, TurthOut
Economic crisis a question of when, not if.The U.S. National debt Clock
Each U.S. citizen's share of this debt is $25,792.10.Joseph Quinlan, The Globalist
Behind the sinking dollar: America's image as a "rogue nations".
On human rights
Information Clearing House
The Human Costs of War
- a project by Patricia Foulkrod and in association with Operation Truth, an non-profit organization created by Iraq veteran Paul Rieckhoff. This film is our soldiers' perspective of the Iraq War, and how they are being treated upon returning home.Jim Lobe, Information Clearing House
Congress pushes penalties for Global Court Support
U.S. allies in the developing South are now being targeted by lawmakers here, who have already meted out punishment to nations that support the new International Criminal Court (ICC).Jim Lobe, Foreign Policy in Focus
Mainstream media miss Rumsfel'd "Dirty Wars" talk
Rumsfeld blurs the line between the police and the military.Eric Margolis, Information Clearing House
Uncle Sam has his own gulag.
Behaving like the Soviet secret police won't make America safer...Amnesty International
Human rights not hollow words
An appeal to President George W. Bush on the occasion of his re-inauguration.Scott Horton, Los Angeles Times
A Nuremberg Lesson - Torture scandal began far above 'rotten apples.'
On global development
Editorial in the New York Times
America, the indifferent
Almost a third of the way into the program (The UN Millennium Declaration goals), the latest available figures show that the percentage of U.S. income going to poor countries remains near rock bottom: 0.14 percent.Tom Reagan, Christian Science Monitor
"They hate our policies, not our freedom".Timothy Heritage, Reuters
Four more years of Bush makes the world anxious
Mistrust also runs deep among ordinary people. Some 58 percent of people surveyed in a British Broadcasting Corporation poll in 21 countries said they believed Bush's re-election made the world a more dangerous place.
On media, censorship and puritanism
George Monbiot, Common Dreams
A televisual Fairyland.
The US media is disciplined by Corporate America into promoting the Republican cause.Dominic Timms, The Guardian
Fearful US TV networks censor more shows
The panic that is gripping American TV bosses facing a puritanical backlash or exorbitant government fines has today extended to a cartoon series and a BBC drama.
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On arrogance
Katrina vanden Heuvel, The Nation
Annal of Outrage
The Bush administration's ten most outrageous scandals - and orgy in fraud, mismanagement and corruption.Dafna Linzer, The Washington Post - TruthOut
IAEA leader's phone tapped
U.S. pores over transcipts to try to out nuclear chief ElBaradei
- a type of intimidation used before...The Progress Report
When it comes to inaugural excess, the numbers speak for themselves.
What you could get for the 40 million dollars inauguration...
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