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Is Iran Next?
The US, Iran and Nuclear Proliferation

Features collected by TFF • Materials from the last few years till today
Last updated September 26, 2005

A series of guides, directories and articles with many and quite different aspects.
TFF produces Feature Collections on topical issues to to help anyone inform themselves and search for more information. TFF accepts no responsibility for the content of these articles.
Newest stuff added at the bottom

Guides, directories and link collections

Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia
Iran - lots of relevant background materials

US Library of Congress
Country study Iran
Probably the largest Iranian Internet portal
General information on Iran

Iran Online - link collection & Persian Journal
Progressive Iranian Community
Iran - an extremely comprehensive list of links to all aspects of Iran

EIA, Washington
Iran - economy and its oil

The Economist
Iran Factsheet

MSNBC - The Secret Empire - The Iran Files

Better World Links
Iran - numerous resources for the understanding of Iran

Wikipedia - the Free Encyclopedia
Iran's nuclear program
Disputed by some but full of useful links

The Guardian - Special on Iran
Numerous links over time

The Guardian
Iran's nuclear programme

The International Atomic Energy Agency - IAEA

IAEA: all about its activities concerning Iran
Included all relevant documents

Norbert's Bookmarks
Iran - very comprehensive link collection organised in themes


The EU and Iran

The EU's relations with Iran

Netiran Political desk, November 30th, 2004
Final text of EU draft resolution on Iran's nuclear dossier



Iranian government resources

Iran's government spokesman

Iran's Ministy of Foreign Affairs


U.S. government resources

State Department
Iran in General & US-Iranian relations

State Department - Iran

John Bolton, U.S. Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, August 2004
Preventing Iran from acquring nuclear weapons

Paul Richter, Los Angeles Times
U.S. adds Israel to the Iraq equation
The Jewish state "might well decide to act first" to foil Tehran's nuclear ambitions, Cheney says.

US House of Representatives
Iran Freedom and Democracy Support Act


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U.S. sanctions

Global Policy Forum
UN sanctions against Iran?

Mehrdad Valibeigi
Law on unintended consequences: US sanctions and Iran's hardliners

Herman Franssen & Elaine Morton, Middle East Economic Survey
A review of US unilateral sanctions against Iran

Jeffrey J. Schott, Institute of International Economics, Testimony 1997
The Iran and Libya Sanctions Act of 1996: Results to date

More than 30 U.S. companies are operating in Iran despite sanctions imposed in 1980

Powell: U.S. wants U.N. sanctions against Iran


Backgrounders to the nuclear crisis

Mohammad Sahimi, Payvand
Iran's nuclear program: Part I - Its history
Part II: Are nuclear reactors necessary?
Part III: The emerging crisis

Iran: Nuclear crisis timeline

Eric Marquardt, PINR Report 2003
Iran's race for nuclear weapons

Scott Peterson, Christian Science Monitor
A push for candor in Iran nukes
Iran rejects curbs on nuke plans

Dan Murphy, Christian Science Monitor
Why Iran wants its own nuclear deterrent

Safa Haeri, Asian Times
Tehran pushes its own agenda

Dan De Luce, Christian Science Monitor 2003
50 years later, Iranians remember US-UK coup

CNN, November 2004
UN: No proof of Iran N-bomb work

International Crisis Group
10 reports and briefings since 2002 concerning Iran


U.S. intervention - is Iran next?

Seymour M. Hersh, The New Yorker 2001
The Iran Game. How will Tehran's nuclear ambitions affect our budding partnership?

In Our Name
U.S. Intervention Timeline: Iran

Jim Lobe, IPS & FPIF
Shadowy neo-con adviser moves in Iran
Is Tehran back in the crosshairs of the neocon crusade?

Jim Lobe, Terraviva
Iran: Hawks plan 'peaceful' regime change

Seymour M. Hersh, The New Yorker
Plan B
On Iran-Iraq-US relations and the involvement of Israel in the Kurdish areas with operatives inside Iran...

Ivo H. Daalder, Brookings Institution
Uncle Sam's regime change in Iran.
Review of Kinzer's book, All the Shah's men

Tariq Ali, The Nation 2003
Operation Iranian Freedom (3 parts)

Tom Barry, In These Times
Is Iran next?

Mariah Blake, Columbia Journalism Review & AlterNet
Targetting Tehran
By beaming dissent into Iran, much of it aimed at improving the lot of women, expat broadcasters are weakening the clerics' chokehold on news.

Steven Weisman, New York Times & TruthOut
Bush confronts new challenge on issue of Iran


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Steven R. Weissman, The New York Times
U.S.-European discord over Iran is deepening

U.S. conducting secret missions inside Iran

ISNA - Netiran
Iran detains more than 10 nuclear spies

Kaveh L. Afrasiabi
How Iran will fight back

Iran's foreign minister, Aljazeera
Iran may strike if sites threatened

Rupert Cornwell, The Independent
Why the hawks are circling over Iran

Dafne Linzer, Washington Post, Nov 19, 2004
Nuclear disclosures (Colin Powell's) on Iran unverified

Douglas Jehl & William Broad, The New York Times, November 20, 2004
Doubts persist on Iran nuclear arms goals
Intelligence shortfall on Iran' arms

Uncertainty hinders U.S. push for hard line, officials say.



Sultan Shahin, Asia Times
Iran, nukes and the South Asian puzzle

Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch
Persian paranoia?

International Crisis Group
Where next on the nuclear standoff?

Kam Zarrabi, Asia Times
Iran approaches a flashpoint
The official motives - and alternative interpretations

Kaveh L. Afrasiabi, Asia Times
The dilemmas of Iran's policy toward Iraq

Kaveh L. Afrasiabi, Asia Times & ZNet
China rocks the geopolitical boat with Iran oil deal

Amy Goodman, Democracy Now
Iran: The next strategic target
Interview with Seymour Hersh

Seymour Hersh, The New Yorker
The coming wars. What the Pentagon can now do in secret

Iran dismissive of US military threats
Iran has said a US military strike against it would be a strategic blunder but brushed aside tough talk from Washington as psychological warfare rather than a real threat.

Lawrence Smallman, Aljazeera
Will the US attack Iran?
The consensus among experts is that any proxy war, invasion or missile strike on Iran would be a costly mistake, but opinion is divided as to whether it could happen anyway.

Steve Weissman - TruthOut
What if Iran has the bomb?
U.S. is waging a psych. war- Iranian ambassador warns

Iran: Bush shouldn't point fingers on terror

Ignacio Ramonet, Le Monde Diplomatique
Iran: the wrong threat

Information Clearing House
Will Iran be next?

David E. Sanger and Steven R. Weisman The New York Times
U.S. and EU forge joint strategy on Iran talks

Channel NewsAsia
Iran snubs US incentives, vows to continue nuclear programme




January-September 2005 - Selected articles

Times Online - March 13, 2005
Revealed: Israel plans strike on Iranian nuclear plant

Frank Barnaby, Oxford Research Group
Briefing papers - Iran's nuclear activities
You can download the analysis as pdf file

Rageh Omar, The Guardian, April 1, 2005
Another country
As rumours persist of US plans to invade Iran, Rageh Omaar, the face of the BBC during the Iraq war, visits Tehran - and finds a nation far removed from the one George Bush seems to fear...

Scott Ritter, Aljazeera/ICH, March 30, 2005
Sleepwalking to disaster in Iran

Persian Journal, June 9, 2005
U.S. favours Iran's NPT exit

Scott Ritter, Aljazeera/ICH, June 19, 2005
The US war with Iran has already begun


Take a break and visit
Iranian Artists' site

...wonderful diversity, creativity and beauty


Michael Klare, TomDispatch
Oil, Geopolitics, and the coming war with Iran

Kaveh L Afrasiabi, Asia Times
The myth of an Israeli attack on Iran
Very interesting counterargument by Tehran political scientist

Ray Takeyh, International Herald Tribune
Europe is talking Iran around

Juan Cole, ICH
The Iraqi war is over, and the winner is...Iran

Michael Klare, The Nation
The Iran war build up

Julian Coman, News.Telegraph
Now America accuses Iran of complicity in World Trade Center attack

William R. Clark, ICH
Petrodollar warfare: Dollars, Euros and the upcoming Iranian Oil Bourse

Mike Whitney, ICH
Why Iran will lead to World War 3

Peter Grier. Chritian Science Monitor
Is a larger "nuke club" inevitable - Iran dares the West by restarting nuclear plant

FPIF, Foreign Policyin Focus, Aug 10
The Bush Administration and Iran's New President

Thomas Fuller, International Herald Tribune
Iran rejcts UN nuclear concerns as 'absurd'
this too on why Iran does not accept EU 'bullying'
The main points of IAEA resolution on Iran's N-plan
IAEA adopts resolution on Iran's nuke program

Siddharth Varadarajan, The Hindu, September 22, 2005
What the IAEA really found in Iran

Siddharth Varadarajan, The Hindu, September 23, 2005
The world must stand firm on diplomacy

Siddharth Varadarajan, The Hindu, September 21, 2005
Iran and the invention of a nuclear crisis


See also

TFF Feature Collection on Iran September-December 2005

TFF Feature Collection on U.S. Empire

TNN - The TFF News Navigator
with Middle Eastern and Iranian news sources


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