Demilitarized Zones to Zones of Peace:
A Transcend Perspective
By Johan
Galtung, TFF associate, TRANSSCEND
A demilitarized zone, DMZ, usually a buffer zone
between two entities that have been at war, is an
important conventional measure to protect a ceasefire by
keeping the belligerents apart, at least geographically.
As such it is a symbol of war rather than of peace, or at
best of a cold peace, a peace in the narrow sense of
abstaining from violence; negative peace in other words.
The two borders of this presumable no man's land would be
heavily guarded, ideally by some third party, a condition
not really satisfied in the Korean DMZ case.
A zone of peace, ZoP, is something quite different
since it is supposed to be an enactment of positive
peace. The idea is not to keep parties apart and have
them abstain from something, but to bring them together
and have them cooperate on something. The smallest ZoP is
a person who has come to terms with him- or herself, the
largest is the whole world. The idea certainly includes
the absence of violence, but would add a number of other
items; which ones and how many can then be discussed.
"From DMZ to ZoP" is a political program from negative
to positive peace by gradually changing the character of
a zone. The word "gradual" is important here. There is no
assumption that negative and positive peace exclude each
other. A process could be envisaged whereby
fortifications gradually disappear or become ritualistic
only, and the borders become more porous.
A DMZ would generally have two borders that may or may
not run parallel to an original border or dividing line.
The zone would be closed to anybody but authorized
personnel. A basic change would be to open the Southern
border to South Koreans and the Northern border to North
Koreans and let them mix, under supervision. The next
step would be to open the second border.
Some years ago (1995-1998) I had the occasion to
suggest a zone of peace as a solution to the border
problem between Peru and Ecuador. The proposal, briefly
formulated as a binational zone with a natural park, was
considered useful, and became a part of the peace
treaty--57 years overdue--between the two countries. It
should be kept in mind that this is not so different from
the Korean case. Up in the Andes there was also once one
Inca nation, Quechua and Aymara, with an overlayer of
Spanish conquista. That multiple nation-hood, Inca and
colonial Spanish, was divided by the struggle for
independence so we may almost talk about two states
dividing two nations.
Let us look at some of the reasoning put into the
Ecuador-Peru case and then see to what extent it could
apply to the DMZ.
By the classical logic of the state system now
celebrating its 350th anniversary since the Treaty of
Westphalia, each piece of land - clearly demarcated by a
border - belongs to one and only one state. But what if
two or more states claim the same piece of land, for
instance because the border demarcation is not clear? The
classical answer is a war to arrive at a "military
solution", and this is what Ecuador and Peru did in 1941,
1942, 1981 and 1995. Another answer would be for somebody
stronger, a big state or a community of states, to take
But an answer much more in line with our increasingly
borderless world would be for the two states to
administer the disputed territory together as a
condominium. If both parties have reasonable claims, then
rather than divide the territory define it as joint
territory shared by the contestant parties. Rather than
fighting it out, the joint territory may be used for
cooperative ventures. But exactly what would that
First, the two states could mark the territory -
thinking of the "zona inejecutable", the zone where the
Rio de Janeiro Protocol from January 1942 failed to
establish a precise boundary so that the treaty could be
executed - with both flags, together. There is an
important symbolism in flag coexistence.
Second, they could establish a major natural park with
the help of IUCN, the World Conservation Union and its
Programme on Protect ed Areas, making the zone more
untouchable, in the interest of both peace and
environment. The park would be jointly administered
whether a border between the two has been clearly marked
inside the park or not.
Third, camping facilities for youth and others from
both countries would easily fit into a national park,
like they do in any national park, but in this case
focusing on cooperation, not only cohabitation on a
camping ground.
Fourth, they could establish an economic zone for
joint ventures, inviting companies from both sides.
Traditional polluting factories would have to be outside
the zone to preserve its character as natural park, but
administrative facilities could fit in. In today's
electronic world that presents no major problem;
moreover, the concept of factory is changing in a less
polluting direction.
Fifth, the troops of the two countries would not only
disengage and withdraw, but procedures would be
established for joint security, patrolling, early warning
of military movements, etc. This could best be done by a
genuine UN policing entity.
Sixth, some work would have to be done adjusting the
legal codes to each other, to adjudicate crimes and
facilitate cooperation. The ZoP would be an entity of its
own kind, there would be people in it, and human beings
bring in human problems.
In short, two countries with a history of hostility
could use conflict creatively to grow together at the
disputed point, at the speed national sentiments would
tolerate and demand.
But, seventh, they could go further and
internationalize the zone, retaining joint administration
and sovereignty between the two of them as a fall-back
position. They could simply donate or lease the zone to
such organizations as the United Nations (and in Latin
America the Organization of American States), and run
their flags alongside the national flags. UN peacekeeping
troops would internationalize security, using contingents
from the two countries, and others. But they may also
prefer to keep the binational condominium character,
depending on where they are in any peace process.
Eighth, a compound for negotiating border (and other)
disputes would be constructed, for parties from anywhere
in the world; some conference facilities, with easy
access like a (small) airport/helipad. This does not
presuppose step 7, and would in either case make very
much sense for a purpose developed below.
Ninth, the area would be declared an international
zone of peace, and a register for such zones could be
established at the United Nations with emerging rules for
a code of conduct. Regional organizations elsewhere (like
OAU, OSCE) might be interested in the same constructive
approach to border disputes, and follow up, using such
zones as staging area for peace- making and
Tenth, if intergovernmental organizations cooperate,
so could NGOs, international people's organizations, in
this case particularly from East Asia, staging an
international civil society in the former DMZ, using the
ZoP for their headquarters.
In short, possibilities are numerous if the courage is
there, these are merely some indications. Of what? Of hoe
the two Koreas could gain experience in deep cooperation
on the way to the next stages toward a possible
The reader now have ten components, emphasized above,
in the concept of a zone of peace. There is nothing
sacred about that number; the parties may decide to add,
and to subtract. The basic point, I think, is the mutual
agreement that the zone is not only demilitarized
(negative peace) but is used for constructive,
cooperative relations between the parties (positive
I would like to add three elements for special
consideration in the Korean case of two states, one
[1] There is still time to build a football
stadium for an all-Korean team playing in the World Cup
in 2002. And the stadium would remain as an all-Korean
[2] The broken Korean RR, rail & road,
facility passes through the DMZ. Relinking is an obvious
joint economic venture of prime importance and high
profile politically. It could very well be combined with
camping facilities for volunteers who could assist
professional railroaders in building that link.
[3] Any peace in the Korean peninsula will
depend on the surroundings; the four big powers, the
whole complex context. Not that the OSCE, OAS and OAU
have functioned perfectly, but they are better than their
absence. And for Asia there is no such organization, no
Organization for the Security and Cooperation in Asia,
OSCA. A DMZ that had managed to become a ZoP would be a
perfect venue for such an organization, next to a
football stadium and a well functioning RR link that
connects Asia (with Japan) and Europe. A realistic
© Johan
Galtung 2000
Johan Galtung, dr hc mult, Professor of Peace Studies
Director, TRANSCEND: A Peace and Development Network

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