Articles by
Johan Galtung
The most recent on
Johan Galtung, January 19, 2012
Davos: The 1% world
Johan Galtung, January 12, 2012
Where are we heading?
On history, social groups and fights...
Johan Galtung, December 28, 2011
Who was Jesus?
Johan Galtung, December 20, 2011
Right wing extremism? Or Fascism?
Johan Galtung, December 13, 2011
Poor USA: What a Choice!
Johan Galtung, December 4, 2011
Three crisis, three ideas - North-South, Lift the Bottom Up and Human Development
Johan Galtung, November 29, 2011
The Arab Revolt - What's next?
Johan Galtung, November 24, 2011
Kashmir-Afghanistan-Central Asia
Speaking upon receiving the Abdul Ghaffer Khan International Peace-Builder Award
Johan Galtung, November 12, 2011
The bad in the good and the good in the bad
Johan Galtung, November 1, 2011
Mexico - lots of problems but new winds are blowing too
Johan Galtung, October 27, 2011
Columbia-revisited: Ultra-stability !!
On the deep ongoing conflicts and some peace-promoting solutions
Johan Galtung, October 19, 2011
And the world moves South and East
A macro-spiritual coming together in the future
Johan Galtung, October 19, 2011
The economic crisis: 7 proposals
Johan Galtung, October 4, 2011
And then the decline and fall of China?
Ask yourself how many people in the West can deal with China in this macro-perspective. Here we never tire of talking about human rights in China while benefitting from cheap Chinese labour, says Jan Oberg
Johan Galtung, September 27, 2011
A (North) East Asian Community - with two important appendices. Speech given in China.
Johan Galtung, September 20, 2011
Japan, Article 9 and the Self-Defence Forces
Johan Galtung, July 25, 2011
Norway 7/22. What? And then what?
Johan Galtung with Abbas Aroua, July 20, 2011
OIC - Organization of Islamic Conference becomes Cooperation
Johan Galtung, July 11, 2011
The West has a peace theory - and it's a bad one
Johan Galtung, July 5, 2011
Rule of Law versus Rule of Mediation
Johan Galtung, June 28, 2011
Libya: Deep structure and the surface
Johan Galtung, June 13, 2011
Retired all over the world - unite!! Learn the difference between jobs and work!
Johan Galtung, May 17, 2011
What happened to the Western Left?
Johan Galtung, May 11, 2011
Osama and Obama
Johan Galtung, April 18, 2011
On Libya and the role of Western countries historically and today (RT video)
Johan Galtung & David Swanson, April 11, 2011
The Libya War could last 20 years or more
Johan Galtung, March 14, 2011
A broader discourse needed about what's happening in the Middle East...
Johan Galtung, February 28, 2011
The Decline of the US Republic
Johan Galtung, February 23, 2011
Think cosmically, act globally, eat locally
Johan Galtung, February 16, 2011
World history unfolding: What's next?
Johan Galtung, February 7, 2011
World history unfolding II
Johan Galtung, January 31, 2011
World history unfolding
The larger perspective on Tunesia, Egypt, Lebanon, etc.
Johan Galtung, January 26, 2011
On Olof Palme and world interests
A lecture at Leeds. From his personal friendship to global reflections...
Johan Galtung, January 21, 2011
US versus China - and the Nobel Peace Prize
Johan Galtung, December 30, 2010
Women in the 21st century
Johan Galtung, December 27, 2010
The Middle East - One more look
Reflections while riding a bus - and 12 predictions about Israel
Johan Galtung, December 16, 2010
The Korean Peninsula: Two scenarios
Johan Galtung's speech at receiving the distinguished DMZ Peace Prize
Johan Galtung, December 6, 2010
Global domestic policy - and Wikileaks
Johan Galtung, December 1, 2010
Islam and the West - Some differences
Johan Galtung, November 23, 2010
Hitler and the Germans
Johan Galtung, November 19, 2010
Civilization as a way of life
Johan Galtung, November 15, 2010
The decline and fall of Norway
Johan Galtung, October 25, 2010
The UN, peace and peace education
Johan Galtung, October 24, 2010
Singing Boris Vian's "Le Deserteur" from 1954
Johan Galtung, October 18, 2010
Peace as a way of life
Johan Galtung, October 15, 2010
The Western Peace Prize
Johan Galtung, October 7, 2010
The future of what was once Yugoslavia
New models for each, several and all units of that torn-apart Yugosphere
Johan Galtung, September 29, 2010
China and world harmony - some ideas from a bird's eye perspective
Johan Galtung, September 14, 2010
China Ying/Yang
A talk at the Beijing Foreign Studies University
Johan Galtung, August 31, 2010
Japan right now. What is happening? A view from Kyoto
Johan Galtung, August 25, 2010
Education and peacebuilding
Johan Galtung on Democracy Now! June 25, 2010
I love the US Republic & I hate the US Empire! - 4 parts on YouTube
Johan Galtung, May 31, 2010
Where is the world economy heading?
Johan Galtung, April 19, 2010
International norms and standards
Galtung's speech to ASEAN, a bird's eye view of contradictions worldwide
Johan Galtung, April 6, 2010
A world of regions and the EU role?
Johan Galtung on BBC, December 12, 2009
Why Obama does not deserve that Prize and why the Nobel Committee violates the will of Alfred Nobel
Johan Galtung in Ahmedabad, Nov 30, 2009
Incredible India...they say
Turning its back on Gandhi, selling itself to the US, facing new conflicts - but there are also solutions all the way around.
Johan Galtung, November 9, 2009
Johan Galtung in Seoul speaking on the Eastern Cold War that we always forget in the West...
The trilateral conflict USA-North Kore-South Korea
Johan Galtung, October 26, 2009
China and the global economic crisis
Johan Galtung, Transcend Media, October 5, 2009
Gandhi and Mao - two giants comparedJohan Galtung, Transcend Media Service, October 2 - Gandhi Day
The tide is turning - away from the West
On the recent UN General Assembly, on Obama, Qaddafi, Chavéz, Israel and China. A fascinating bird's eye view contrasting the uniform coverage in the Western mainstream media of that same event.
Johan Galtung, August 30, 2009
More creativity, please!
On Michelin meals, the Japanese election result and the boredom over much political.
Johan Galtung, July 6, 2009
Honduras and Iran: What is going on?
Johan Galtung, Transcend, April 6, 2009
G20. NATO. And the world
The West is behind. Do not be surprised if the rest of the world is not waiting, but finds its own way.
Johan Galtung, March 26, 2009
The Energy-Environment-Development Triad
Concluding talk, Energy Pact Conference, Geneva, March 16-17 2009.
Johan Galtung, September 29, 2008
The U.S. economic crisis: 10 proposals
Johan Galtung, September 26, 2008 - TFF Video Channel
Can Japan become sovereign and peaceful?
Japan's deep culture, its relations with its neighbours, why it is a client state of the U.S., and how it can change and become a factor for world peace
Johan Galtung, September 24, 2008 - TFF Video Channel
Galtung's "True Worlds" - As Told Between Two Planes
On the world after the U.S. Empire has gone, on civilizations, global governance, the UN - and the coming Muslim-Hindu conflict
Johan Galtung, February 21, 2008
Kosova's independence - a crime against the Serbs and a crippling of the United Nations
Johan Galtung, at the UN, October 2, 2007
Gandhi's struggle against imperialism: Five points
Point 1: Never fear dialogue
Point 2: Never fear conflict: more opportunity than danger
Point 3: Know History or you are doomed to repeat it (Burke)
Point 4: Image the future or you will never get there
Point 5: While fighting occupation clean up your own house!
One of the most enlightening speeches at the UN for years...
Galtung, March 22, 2007
from Gandhi - Towards a nonviolent world order
Presented at the Satyagraha Centenary in New Delhi, the author presents
a fascinating vision of the world atructured around regions and with
a fading West. Two important Appendices about Kashmir and about why
Gandhi did not receive the Nobel Peace Prize (like a few others).
Galtung, Jan Öberg & Håkan Wiberg,
Aftonbladet, 5:e mars 2007
om Kosovo"
Ahtisaaris plan är orättvis och kommer att leda till ökat
våld. Varför är Martti Ahtisaaris så kallade medling
om Kosovo och presstäckningen av denna så partisk och så
lite objektiv?
Øberg & Wiberg,
Jyllands-Posten, 28. februar 2007
En uholdbar plan
Martti Ahtisaaris forslag til Kosovo-provinsens fremtidige status er
fredsforhindrende, mener forfatterne, der er tilknyttet den Transnationale
Stiftelse for Freds- og Fremtidsforskning, TFF. De har fulgt udviklingen
på Balkan i over 30 år.
Johan Galtung,
January 5, 2007
mini theory of peace
Johan Galtung, August 23, 2006
does professionalization in peace research mean?
A path-breaking analysis - with autobiographical inputs - of how to
move beyond the dichotomy between government "Realism" and civil society
organizations/peace movements "Idealism." Deals also with the code of
conduct and accountability of the peace reseacrcher/worker and the parallel
with the health worker.
Johan Galtung, August 4,
Middle East and the EU as a solution
There are three building blocks - and not at all
unrealistic. There are moderate and legitimate demands and
extremist demands; the latter must be substituted on all
sides. But most important: there is a model for a
sustainable solution: that of the European Community or
Union. Thus, we need a new comprehensive approach beyond
today's rather naive proposals. The road to security for all
goes through peace!
Johan Galtung, 26. juni
gør Norge i
Fem gode punkter ved en mæglingssession i Peshawar
kontrasteret af en forudsigelse: "Stabilitet kan man trygt
se bort fra. At den hundre år gamle krigen mellom det
angloamerikansk-kristne og det arabisk-islamske skal stilne
av kan man også trygt se bort fra, unntatt overfor
Spania med den eneste vestlige politiker med klarsyn,
Zapatero. Heroinen vil fortsatt nå frem til vestens
gater. Pengene vil fortsatt flyte inn i de korruptes
Johan Galtung, June 21,
& UK versus Iran: A Transcend
Diagnosis, prognosis and therapy: "The keys to acceptable
and sustainable ways out of this conflict are in the
subtexts, not in the texts. Why is the obvious road toward a
solution not even discussed?
Johan Galtung, TFF
Associate, July 15, 2005
rights and the illegal US/UK attack on
By some counts the attack on Iraq is US aggression no. 239
after the Thomas Jefferson start in the early 19th century
and no. 69 after the Second world war; with between 12 and
16 million killed in that period alone. All of it is in
flagrant contradiction of the most basic human rights, like
the "right to life, liberty and security of persons"
(Universal Declaration, UD:3) and the condemnation of the
"cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment"
Johan Galtung, TFF
Associate, July 14, 2005
Korean Peninsula: From the DMZ to a Zone of
What world conflict formations are the two divided Koreas
part of? How can we envisage them coming closer to each
other? Can the present 2+4 talks be supported by a parallel
process? And how can today's De-Militarised Zone be turned
into a Zone of Peace useful for the Koreans and everyone
else? Compared with the general reporting in our media,
Galtung's speech offers much richer perspectives, opens up
for broader understanding and convinces us that there is a
lot of constructive things that can be done.
PressInfo 223, July 13,
Boycott as Nonviolence
Economic boycott was very important in Gandhi's way
of fighting
the U.K. Empire. Any boycott of the United States should be
informed by
Gandhian nonviolence.
The purpose is to reduce and
the U.S. military,
economic, political and cultural choking
grip on
the world, not to kill U.S. children by hitting the U.S.
economy. By Johan Galtung.
PressInfo 223, 27. juli,
boykot som ikkevold
Økonomisk boykot var helt central i Gandhis kamp mod
det britiske imperium. Enhver boykot af USA må
inspireres af gandhiansk ikkevold. Formålet må
være at ramme det amerikanske militær,
økonomien, politikken og det kulturelle
kvælertag om verden, som imperiet har - derimod ikke
at dræbe dets børn eller skabe problemer for
befolkningen. Af Johan Galtung.
PressInfo 223, 27. juli,
boykott som ickevåld
Ekonomisk boykott var hel centralt i Gandhis kamp mod det
britiska imperiet. Varje boykott av USA bör inspireras
av gandhiaskt tänkande. Syftet är att minska och
avlägsna USA:s kvävande militära, politiska
och kulturella grepp om världen. Målet är
USA-imperiet, inte republiken USA.
Johan Galtung, TFF
Associate, June 4, 2005
Studies - A Ten Point
Historic! A concise, handy introduction to peace studies, a
lecture at the histoic first meeting ever in China, at
Nanjin University, on peace studies.
- and the EU's? - foreign policy: A
Terrorism/Terrorism, USA/Iraq, Israel/Palestine Right
Needs, Humanitarian Intervention, Human Security and the War
in Iraq
the Coming Decline and Fall of the US
fall of the empire (posted on
the Abolition of Nuclear Weaponry: A Theological
There are Alternatives! And Resistance is
Iraq Conflict 2002: A TRANSCEND Perspective
11/October 7, 2001 and its Aftermath: Three
11, 2001: Diagnosis, Prognosis, Therapy
for oppjør med Norges
(med Jørgen Johansen)
til Kald Krig II
of Zelim Skurbaty's "As If People Mattered"
Oslo Accords: a flawed process. The TRANSCEND perspective as
a constructive alternative
Ireland - Some dialogue-based
(with Terence Duffy)
Tokyo-Pyongyang negotiations - some reflections on
demilitarised zones to zones of peace
World in Economic Crisis