and U.S. militarism
increases insecurity in South Eastern
Europa and the Black Sea Region

Frithjof Brand-Jakobsen, TFF Associate
March 1, 2006
''Every gun
that is made, every warship launched, every rocket
fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from
those who hunger and are not fed, those who are
cold and are not clothed.''
President Dwight Eisenhower
The agreement recently signed
between the government of Romania and the government of
the United States represents one of the greatest
political failures in Romania in recent decades. It is
part of a continuing policy rooted in the absence of
responsible politics and a reliance on increasing
militarism and aggressive military engagement in a
broader US dependent alliance.
Romania is the first post-Warsaw
pact country to establish permanent US military bases in
its territory, contributing to increased insecurity and
militarization of the Black Sea region. This step is part
of the policies of Romanian governments over the past 14
years - regardless of political party - which have led to
the promotion of increased militarization, participation
in three foreign wars and accompanying occupation, and
misuse of national resources for excessive and
unnecessary military expenditures.
US military deployment in Romania
will include use of the Mihail Kogalniceanu airbase in
southern Romania as the centre for its Eastern European
Task Force (EATF). US forces will also use the Smardan
training range, Babadag training area and Cincu training
range. This is not the first time Romania has cooperated
with the US military. In 2003 American soldiers used the
Mihail Kogalniceanu air base to transfer US soldiers and
military property into Iraq during the early stage of the
Iraq war. Romania is also one of the few countries in the
world which has increased its military presence in the
occupation and war in Iraq, rather than calling for their
withdrawal. Romania has 860 troops in the US occupation
of Iraq, and additional troops in Afghanistan. Romania is
also widely believed within Europe, internationally, and
by Human Rights Watch, to be hosting a secret prison at
the Mihail Kogalniceanu airbase as part of the United
States global prison terror network, involving
wide-spread illegal abduction and use of torture.
Given Romania's own historical
experiences of brutal and violent repression and use of
torture against citizens by an authoritarian regime,
Romania's believed participation in this US run torture
network, if true, is one of the greatest betrayals by the
regime to the cause of human rights, democracy and
freedom in Romania and internationally.
Active and engaged discussion of
these issues, by all levels of Romanian society, media,
academics and politicians is essential, whatever one's
position. Dialogue and investigation of alternatives and
appropriate policies are vital. The participation of
Romania as a host of foreign military bases and
participant in wars which escalate and increase violence
and threat of terrorism world-wide represents an extreme
negative choice in the range of options facing the
country. The measly economic benefit which will be
brought in by US bases - a core focus of nearly all media
reporting on the issue - will not equal the economic loss
to Romania through misappropriation of revenue for
increased military expenditures and the Bechtel highway
in the country, nor the damage done by Romania for
prospects for greater democratization and economic,
social and political cooperation in Europe, South Eastern
Europe and the Black Sea Region. Romania today is
becoming a country rapidly losing the respect of its own
citizens and the world for the foreign policy roles it is
In 1968 when the Soviet military
illegally invaded Czechoslovakia, Romania had the courage
and integrity to refuse to take part, and provided a
refuge and asylum to Czechoslovak dissidents. This
represented a high-point in Romania's refusal to be
involved in illegal acts of aggression and war, even when
under significant pressure, building upon its past
positive experience in the inter-war period in promoting
disarmament and non-aggression. In 2002 Romania was one
of the first countries to ask to be allowed to
participate in the illegal war and occupation in Iraq
which has so far contributed to the deaths of more than
100,000 Iraqi citizens, and continued instability and
violence in the country, including wide-spread use of
torture and human rights violations by the occupying
In 1958 Soviet military forces and
bases were withdrawn from Romania representing a step, if
only a small one, to increased independence and
sovereignty for the country. In 2005, Romania has invited
another foreign power to establish military bases on
Romanian soil, contributing to the expansion of military
bases world-wide and a failure to develop responsible,
effective and practical policies to deal with the
challenges and issues facing Romania and the world today.
Experience from the United States global network of bases
has also shown a long track record of increases in
prostitution, sexual violence, and rape, bringing
negative social consequences, environmental pollution and
human rights violations.
Proposals and Therapy
These policies and their importance
to the country mean that they belong in the democratic
space of decision making where all citizens have a right
and responsibility to take part. Media, academics, NGOs,
writers, politicians and all citizens in the country have
a vital role to play in engendering a vibrant,
constructive discussion of the challenges and issues
facing Romania, domestically and internationally, and
developing effective policies and responses which address
the needs of Romania and its citizens and contribute to
the promotion of democracy, human rights, and the
effective and peaceful transformation of conflicts in the
region and internationally.
The following are a number of
proposals which represent a practical and principled
alternative for Romanian foreign policy:
of foreign military bases in Romania:
a policy which would prevent any country from maintaining
foreign military bases in Romania, including withdrawal
from all treaties which allow for the positioning of
foreign military bases and the use of Romanian territory
and airspace for military action against other
in illegal wars and acts of aggression against foreign
countries: including respect
for international law and the UN charter and withdrawal
of all Romanian military units and personnel
participating in the US wars of occupation in Iraq and
participation in international fora, the UN and European
Union to develop effective responses and practical
solutions to the challenges of war and terrorism in the
world today: Romania has so far
played a minimal if not totally absent role in meaningful
efforts by countries internationally to develop effective
responses to addressing the root causes of terrorism
(state and non-state), and developing effective
mechanisms and tools for the resolution of domestic and
international conflicts and prevention of war. This
should change, with Romania, building upon its own
historical experience, playing an active role in building
international cooperation and alliances (with governments
and citizens) to promote dialogue, respect for human
rights, and regional and international efforts to
transform conflicts constructively and effectively
through peaceful means.
of a 'Demilitarized Zone/Peace Zone' in the Black Sea
Region: As an example of this,
Romania could pioneer a policy of constructive engagement
with all countries in the Black Sea Region for the total
demilitarization of this international space and the
promotion of greater regional social, political and
economic development and integration and creation of a
Zone of Peace in the Black Sea Region.
Support for
the creation of a UN Commission on Peacebuilding and EU
Peace Commissioner and Peacebuilding Office:
Going a step further, Romania
could play an active role in supporting the development
of effective infrastructure and mechanisms for the
peaceful resolution and transformation of conflicts
within Europe and internationally
Establish a
Romanian Ministry for Peace, Civil Peace Service and
national peacebuilding infrastructure:
Addressing this on a domestic
level and following the model now being developed
throughout Europe and internationally to professionally
train foreign service and civil personnel for crisis
response and prevention, conflict transformation,
emergency relief and humanitarian aid, and post-war and
post-violence recovery and reconstruction
democratization, human rights mobilization and peace work
in Iraq, Afghanistan, the United States and Britain:
Providing direct
government-to-government, citizen-to-citizen, civil
society and sectoral cooperation - including teachers,
engineers, and human rights workers - to organisations,
communities and citizens in these countries working to
promote democratization, respect for human rights, and
the transformation of conflicts within their countries
and in their countries' engagement
Support and
encourage responsible media reporting:
The media has a vital role to
play in ensuring that citizens have access to correct and
diverse information. Citizens, academics, politicians,
and NGOs should support and encourage media and
journalists in Romania to critically question and
investigate and provide professional and responsible
reporting and coverage of diverse opinions on such
important issues.
democratic discussion and involvement on these issues in
Romania: Including creating
citizens fora and spaces for discussing these issues,
public meetings, and vibrant dialogue and sharing of
opinions and perspectives, as well as direct action to
promote awareness and understanding of the issues facing
the country and responsible policy options and
These are policies which, if
properly discussed and brought forward, could be
supported by the overwhelming majority of citizens in
Romania, and earn Romania the respect of the
international community.
Continuing on Romania's current
path can only lead to increased disillusionment and loss
of respect for Romania as a member of the community of
nations, and Romania's continuing contribution to war
crimes and crimes against humanity through participation
in wars and (possible) torture networks.
Alternatives are possible. It is up
to citizens, media, academics, writers, politicians and
all sectors of society in Romania to discuss these
issues, to explore the impacts and effects of different
policies and actions, and to choose through democratic
processes the policies which meet the needs of the
country, and contribute to the promotion of peace, human
rights, and the abolition of war and terrorism
The challenge is there! May we have
the courage to take it up.
and Resources
Action, Training and Research Institute of Romania
Policy in Focus
Department of Peace
for peace UK
of Peace Canada
- Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future
Prevention Partnership
Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict
Peacebuilding Liaison Office
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TFF & the author 2006

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