West does not
understand Iraq:
Perhaps we need an
intellectual Intifada?
PressInfo #
25, 2002
Jan Oberg, TFF director
November 19, 2002
The demonising of the enemy before the war is intense.
The Swedish media, for instance, take for granted that a
war against Iraq will take place. No alternatives to war
are mentioned. Iraq has become a synonym for Saddam
Hussein in the Swedish media, leaving 23 million human
beings in oblivion. Iraq as a society and culture, from
now on, belongs to the zone of silence.
It is above all very important that not even the
tiniest element of humanness affects our perception of
the country. Iraqis must not be pictured as human beings,
mothers, fathers, children with hopes and fears, poverty
or wealth. We must only imagine Saddam and his palaces
that we will pulverize in a technological inferno. None
of the potential consequences of a full-fledged war are
being discussed. Millions of refugees; tens of thousands
of dead and injured (both Iraqis and Americans,
especially if chemical weapons are used); environmental
disaster; a sky rocketing price of oil; possible
spreading of the conflict to Israel-Palestine; the need
for hundreds of billions of dollars for reconstruction
that could take ten or even twenty years; eventual
partition of Iraq in three; war in Turkey against the
Kurds; and so on. Can anyone guarantee that none of that
will happen?
No, we are supposed to accept the war because it will
bring democracy, peace, stability, a market economy and
gender equity. But then not a word about the possibility
that it is all about taking control of Iraq's oil, not to
mention the oil of Saudi Arabia, who is no longer a
reliable ally.
Thanks to TFF's e-mail services, all the relevant
Swedish media know that our team is one of the few in the
Nordic region to have been there. But not a single one of
them thought that it would be interesting to do an
interview. TFF is against the war, and has provided
propositions for a non-violent resolution of the
conflict, in other words, the "wrong" point of view.
Instead, journalists from various media sources
(including "Dagens Eko") call us up because they want to
know how to travel there and get a visa, which hotel to
stay in and how dangerous it is. Unfortunately, we are
not a travel agency.
Bush wants to make us think that all is black in Iraq
and that all is white in the United States, that it is
the bad guys threatening the good guys. Most of the
people who believe that do not have the intellectual
capacity to see more than a two-fold matrix when what we
need is a four-fold matrix: there are good things and bad
things in Iraq just like there are good things and bad
things in the United States and in the West.
According to that logic, because they are the evil
ones, all that we do is by definition good. That way, we
are free to impose several unilateral demands on Iraq
(the United States will not promise anything in return),
and if Iraq does not comply it has made its own choice to
be bombed. So the West has no responsibility whatsoever
for what it does or how it chooses to influence and
answer to Iraq's politics.
The Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh is getting
dangerously close to that war-legitimising logic in a
recent TT telegram following her meeting with Iraq's
Foreign Minister at the UN: "Iraq must give access to all
facilities, and I insist to all facilities. I pointed out
that the responsibility is now in the Iraqi camp - - it
is up to them to decide if military actions will be taken
or not." Literally, this means that the United States and
Sweden are thereby no longer responsible for their own
actions. Even if we unilaterally dictate the conditions,
Saddam alone is responsible for our actions.
This is obviously philosophical nonsense and it is
totally immoral. Such reasoning could only be plausible
if there were a pre-established mutual agreement about
the rules of the game. It is absurd to claim that the US
is not responsible for the decision to bomb or not. It
has the freedom to choose to do something other than war.
To cling to such views is to distance oneself from one's
moral responsibility, not to mention eventually closing
the borders to the traumatised Iraqis who will begin to
come knocking on our doors after the war.
In addition to the actual substance of the conflict we
have a gigantic communication problem with prejudice,
stereotypes and huge differences in the meaning of words.
Above all, we have a Christian and a Muslim political
fundamentalism that match one another perfectly.
Ofra Begio's book "Saddam's
Word; Political Discourse in Iraq" is an extremely
useful tool for those who want to understand the
influence of culture and language on this conflict. Among
many other things, what I have learned from Begio is that
the Arabic language, through its politeness, ceremony,
its talking around the core of the matter, and its many
repetitions with tiny differences is very suitable for
both diplomatic and manipulative purposes. Further, the
line between rhetoric and action is rather fuzzy in the
Arabic language. Rhetoric can be so powerful that, when
repeated many times and with sufficient energy, a threat
of war can replace a real war. It has a collective
self-absorbing function. Arabic, spoken by Saddam, is
full of code words and references to concrete past events
that lead individuals to interpret their own situation in
a historical context.
Let us for example take the word "intifada", which
became known during the first intifada in Palestine in
1987. An Arabic dictionary from the 15th Century defines
the word as "Give me a stone so that I can save my soul
with it." The word describes a situation in which one
runs from an oppressor and tries to keep him at distance
by throwing stones. It became a core concept in the Iraqi
Baath party ideology during the 1960's. Little by little,
the meaning of the word changed to "uprising," to "make a
revolution," to "lead Iraq towards unity, socialism and
freedom." The word intifada was also used in the context
of the invasion of Kuwait. It was argued that the
invasion was in support of the Kuwaiti intifada against
the corrupted Sabah family, Kuwait's sovereign
Another example is the concept of "thawra." It is
associated with "revolutionism" but has become synonym
with the highest, almost holy order in society. The word
can mean war or fight, but it can also mean to get the
cows moving and drinking water. Other meanings of that
word are "a fight against a foreign occupying power" or
"a coup against one's own regime if it is corrupted."
When the Iraqi people have had enough of war,
revolutions, coups and political murders the political
content of the concept of thawra was oriented towards
"the highest good,"towards order and stability rather
than change.
In Arabic, words have a 'magical' and emotional
connotation that we do not really understand in the West.
There is nothing really magical about what comes out of
the mouth of our politicians. Arabic is an ocean of
meanings, associations and images. It is said about the
Arabs that they like words for their own sake, for the
sake of poetry, sound and eloquence. One can listen to
people talk for hours without even saying anything, it
sounds so beautiful, just like music. From what I
understand, where we draw a sharp line between
abstractions, description of reality and fantasy, Arab
countries do not make such clear distinctions.
Such a language is perfectly shaped for manipulation.
Whoever is in power can decide that a certain word will
now have a new nuance and represent something that is not
clearly understood by all. For example, the word "yellow"
can appear harmless but it was used politically in
reference to the Mongol invasion 800 years ago and about
Iran during the war. Words are thus not only symbolic but
they are also charged emotionally: they enhance the
mobilisation of strong positive or negative feelings of
belonging against "the others."
What we can be sure of is that what the Iraqis are
saying in this ongoing pie throwing contest with the West
is a lot more sophisticated than it seems to be in the
English translation. We should not believe that all the
rhetoric and statements about war and combat are in fact
meant as concrete war declarations: they can downright
replace them. By saying this or that and repeating it
often enough, the promised actions do not always have to
be actually taken. It is the case for example with all
the speeches on Arab unity that concludes all Arab States
One may hope that the war rhetoric of the United
States and Iraq will lead to similar results. But I fear
that we understand each other's culture so little that we
are on the course of collision. Perhaps what we need is
an intellectual and moral intifada in the entire Western
world to stop the war against Iraq!
Translation from Swedish
Jean-Francois Drolet
© TFF 2002

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