Personal View on Iraq:
is the Truth?
PressInfo #
15, 2003
There is an agreement over the Iraqi war. It seems as
if everybody prefers virtual to real reality: it applies
equally to military experts, politicians and even the
public! It is said that truth is the first victim of
every war, but I am wondering why it has to be the case
in Macedonia nowadays. Why do people prefer not to hear
the truth? Is it possible that the majority can calmly
consent to the deceit and misinformation about this war
in which Macedonia is an "honourable member of the
Alliance of the Willing"? How is it possible in a country
whose population recently declared over 80 percent
disagreement with the war in all public opinion polls?
Are people honest only in their protected anonymity, or
are there very few who dare say something which is not
politically correct and desirable, or maybe even risky?
Or perhaps our petty souls do not like to be bothered,
and our conscience distressed by the true picture of the
war in which we take politically part? After all, why
should a poor and depressed Macedonian citizen care about
other people's sufferings, about the real motives and
consequences of a war that takes place so far away?
Can we actually just say: it does not concern us? Our
grandparents used to say that every mountain has its own
weight, and here in Macedonia we have too many
mountainous of daily problems to cope with, such as
post-war traumas, poverty, insecurity, corruption, lies
and scandals. And after all, what can we do and how can
our voice make a difference in global affairs far beyond
our individual ability? Talking about the Iraqi drama, I
have problems naming it war as the opponents have not
been even nearly equal, and everything resembles the old
legend about David and Goliath. The only difference
nowadays is that Goliath is supposed to be the good, just
and endangered one. Without a visible reason, the
memories of our 2001 conflicts keep coming back to my
mind. In the spring of 2001, for us here in Skopje, it
was so tempting to go out and sit with friends, to get
away from all disturbing TV news coming from the war
fronts (only 30-40 kilometres away), all in a futile
attempt to find temporary oblivion: to forget that
everything was happening here and now and not somewhere
behind the hills...
We still owe ourselves an honest encounter with the
truth about our own conflict, just as in this very moment
we, as members of the global village, have no moral right
to turn a blind eye to the events that are changing this
world, make it uglier, less secure and more unjust. The
truth about what is happening in Iraq is the truth about
our own future and about ourselves.
As in 2001, I have been repeatedly overwhelmed by the
feeling of helplessness and powerlessness. To be an
expert, to be able to foresee the tragic outcome, to be
certain about the forthcoming terror which cannot be
justified by any legal, political or moral arguments, and
still to be doomed and unable to do anything in order to
prevent it! At least, if only those around you had been
willing to listen and understand...
The main defeat these days has been the obviously
failure of the intellectuals in the Balkans to get
together and sign a joint anti-war declaration. Two
drafters (a colleague from Belgrade and I) were assisted
by an Italian NGO in an attempt to join our voices
against the war in Iraq, against the violence, against
anybody that uses terror and force, whether it be the USA
or Saddam's regime. We tried to offer an escape from the
false trap imposed on us by saying that if one is against
the war, it means s/he is supporting the cruel regime in
Baghdad. We failed miserably. Many of us, alleged
intellectuals from the Balkans, representative of peoples
who have gone through the horror of inter- and
intra-state wars, failed to find common ground, a stand
against the war and the violence, no matter where it
comes from and who justifies it. We are still hostages of
our own divisions and hatreds, prejudices and traumas.
Sadly, it appeared that we are still unable to heal our
own wounds and to offer hands of understanding and
reconciliation - thus we miserably failed to offer the
Iraqi people some moral support, understanding and
In a moment of despair, a wise and experienced
colleague and friend described to me the destiny of peace
researchers, i.e. the fate of the mythical Cassandra, who
won Apollo's prophetic power in exchange for her love but
was condemned to remain unable to convince others: no one
believed her prophecies. Nevertheless, applied to the
Iraqi tragedy, evoking Cassandra's syndrome is simply not
enough, it would be pure exaggeration. It has been so
unbeliveably easy to foresee and to identify the real
motives and goals of the invasion, even insultingly easy
to get to the true explanations. All that increases the
frustration with the majority of "intellectuals" who seem
to keep silent about or openly deny the obvious farce and
lies and take the "right" side on a political and public
scene in their own societies.
For weeks now I have been starting my day by reading
the latest updates about Iraq, about that biggest war in
the new millenium. And constantly, a thought has been
bothering me and raising the question: Hey, wait a
minute! What's happening with Afghanistan - that first
war in the 21st century? What's going on with those poor
people showered with bombs and bread, and then generously
"liberated" by the US, overwhelmed with promises and
commitments to the effect that after the fall of the
Taliban regime a brighter future would be just around the
corner, that there would be a dignified life for
dignified people, progress and democracy, women's
Even under the pressure of the latest developments, I
do not want, I refuse to forget about the people who paid
their "liberation" with 10,000 civilian casualties
(collateral damage!). It's simply unfair, it's immoral to
forget about them and to abandon them in their despair
and renewed chaos. As it is equally unfair to forget
about the victims of our Balkan conflicts and
international "remedies". Alas, the world media cry for
fresh blood and fresh news... But, see a miracle: there
is again a kind of virtual reality which provides
interactive maps about what is really happening in Iraq,
strategic analyses and serious military reports. The
media ask their reporters not to display disturbing
scenes of human sufferings (again called collateral
damage and unfortunate mistakes). Allegedly, it would not
be in compliance with international humanitarian law. All
of a sudden, after the most blatant breaches and
disregard of it, somebody has remembered that there is
something called international law and Geneva
conventions!? What a hypocrisy!
It feels unfair and unjust to prevent a tear from
dropping - at least, a tear for a child, whose name I
learned from Robert Fisk's daily reports from Baghdad. In
his and some other reports coming from the spot, from the
eyewitnesses, being it journalists or ordinary people,
I can hear people's screams, despair, their blood
flows from each printed line... Still these
testimonies do not feel like an insult, like the
"sensation hunting" of ambitious "embedded" journalists.
These are not technically sophisticated reports, but
probably the only voices that can make Iraqi civilians
heard. Only a handful lonely moral giants have the
courage to see the truth, to write it down, and to
"disturb" the White House, Westminster, or the Macedonian
President - who, by the way, is a priest, a man of
Still, how can we make these voices heard in a small
country where the majority does not read English, and
even rarely reads local newspapers? Despite everything,
day by day, I have to begin my day by sending a motherly
thought of care and consolation to a little boy or girl
to whom these reports draw my attention. If I fail
to do so, I won't be able to go on into the day and face
my little and big problems, if I may call them problems
at all. The least I can do is to loudly translate the
reports to my old mother, as in my intellectual
loneliness and isolation I badly need a person to share
with these thoughts and pains. While reading, my voice
starts trembling and ends in weeping. As a good woman, my
mother cannot stand seeing my breaking down in front of
her eyes, so she begs me to stop reading because it
upsets me too much. She says it is bad for my health.
Poor woman, she cannot understand that this is the
healthiest thing I can do for my moral and mental
well-being. I am going through the article to its very
end, while tears are dropping on the keyboard.
In the vast ocean of alleged "information" on
strategic moves, sieges and urbocide, use of new and
unknown weapons (but also for the well-known ones such as
DU missiles, cluster bombs, etc.), about the "heroism" in
an action in which one female POW was rescued, I clearly
see - there is no real information. The only meaningful
and horrible information, the only thing that really
matters is, in Fisk's words, the immorality and the
total failure of the human spirit, about humiliation and
human degradation. How many are there like him, how
many dare go behind official reports about the military
advances of the "coalition" (i.e. the lonely, isolated
and robust allies, in alliance only with themselves and
their deceit about the war)? Again, only the lonely
giants are there, those who are not afraid to look at the
eyes of the children in agony, to hear the voiceless cry
of their parents, and to tell us that these are fellow
human beings! As I fear for the civilians, I fear even
more about these "heroes'" well-being. How
would this world look like without such journalists, such
human beings and their brave voices?
Why is it so difficult to understand that even the
soldiers have names, that they are human beings, young
recruits, not characters from some American comic strips?
It is at all heroic to claim thousands of killed "enemy
soldiers" when you possess so much superior militarily?
The purpose of international humanitarian law is to
humanise war; the military goals should be to disable the
enemy army not to destroy it. Not to talk about civilian
casualties... Collateral damage in the international law
vocabulary is called war crimes.
At the beginning of (the visible part) of this war,
the media rushed to get some expert opinions about its
possible duration, development and outcome. It was
certainly an absurd question: the war had started long
before the first missile was fired, and it had been lost
for the Iraqis on the military front. The "coalition" had
been a political and moral loser before it really moved
into Iraq. Today's media inquiries are even worse: they
want to document the victory and the real end of this
war. They rushed to picture the joy of the "liberated"
and grateful Iraqis, applauding as the symbols of the
regime were being toppled, and did nothing about the
destruction of museums, cultural and national heritage of
the Iraqi nation. Again there is just a lonely voice
talking about the dark side of that victory, about the
shame on the victors, on the occupying force which again
turns a deaf ear to the demands arising from the Geneva
conventions. The "heroic" American and British troops
again care more about their own safety, shamefully and
cowardly speaking about the necessity to protect their
"boys", leaving the chaos, death and destruction to
Will there be an end to this war? Will there be any
visible outcome? Yes, the outcome is here: it is called
irresponsibility, immorality and ineptitude! It is called
greediness, cowardice and chaos. Isn't it enough after
just one war? However, the story is not over yet: the
doors of the second Vietnam have been opened, a
spill-over effect induced in the region, while a highly
divided, hypocritical and impotent "international
community" remains idle. And definitily there will be
many more stories about innocent suffering written
by the brave reporters and analysts.
Ages will pass before the Iraqi youth recovers from
the quarter century of Saddam's rule, from twelve years
of genocide due to UN blessed sanctions and the several
weeks of the "victorious" military campaign of the most
powerful military force in history. However, I am
wondering how long it will take before the USA recovers
from this moral decay: will American society ever summon
the strength to face the truth about the crimes done by
"our boys"? If our Balkan experience teaches us anything,
it is surely that it will be a painful and very long
© TFF 2003

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