Muslims Remembered,
The Rest Silenced
PressInfo #
11, 2005
TFF director
There is every reason to
commemorate the massacre by Serb soldiers on innocent
Muslim civilians in Srebrenica ten years ago today. But
unless it is considered acceptable to quantify crimes and
politically misuse human suffering, there is no plausible
reason to forget or silence other cases of massacres,
ethnic cleansing and terror bombings in which other
innocent people lost their lives.
crimes silenced
In September 2003, mainstream media
around the world forgot to commemorate the 10th
Anniversary of the Croatian Army's killing of civilian
Serbs in the Medak
Pocket in Croatia.
In May 2005, they forgot to
commemorate the 10th Anniversary of Operation
Flash in Croatia and in
August this year they are likely to remain silent about
Storm in Croatia. Here is
Amnesty International has to say
about the fate of civilian Serbs in Croatia in the years
1991-95 during which 300.000 Croatian Serbs were forced
to leave and/or actively driven out with violence from
their country. Today's
Croatian leaders are proud of this
- and of course present at the Srebrenica ceremony
together with diplomats from the United States that, at
the time, assisted the Croatian Army in its
On March 24 this year the
international community passed over the 6th Anniversary
of NATO's bombings of Serbia and Kosovo in silence. These
bombs killed more people propotionately than the terror
attacks on the U.S. on September 11, 2001. There has been
no coverage of the innocents who suffered there, no
silent minutes and no speeches of solidarity - neither
has there for the suffering in Afghanistan and
The bombings ended 78 days later on
June 10 after which the same international community
turned a blind eye to the fact that about 200.000
innocent, civilian Kosovo-Serbs and Romas were ethnically
cleansed out of Kosovo by the province's
Western-supported Kosovo-Albanian nationalist leadership.
Some of them have been the close partners of the UN,
OSCE, NATO and the EU missions ever since. Virtually no
Serbs or Romas have returned or been helped to return to
Kosovo. Instead, pressure is put on Serbia to let them
become citizens of Serbia - and then they will have no
right to return to Kosovo in the future.
While blaming systematically the
Serb side for what happened in ex-Yugoslavia, the
international community - governments, diplomats and
media - has conveniently decided to pass over in silence
the violence against Serb civilians and ignored every
opportunity to express sympathy with their
media coverage of Srebrenica - nothing learned since
And what can be said about the
coverage these days of Srebrenica? That it is an
exhibition of lessons still not learned by the
media since the Balkan crisis began more than 15
years ago.
The complex background to the
Srebrenica massacre is ignored. The fact that everything
is related to everything else in Bosnia as well as in all
of former Yugoslavia is ignored. The fact that Muslim
atrocities against Serbs preceded those of the Serbs
against the Muslims is ignored. The fact that Srebrenica
was one of the "safe areas" for refugees/displaced people
but also militarised with the consent of the U.S. and
others is never mentioned. That the Bosniaks gave it up
because there was a plan to let the Serbs have Srebrenica
in exchange for the Muslims taking control over Serb-held
parts of Sarajevo - well, also omitted.
The fact that there are different
sources and figures for the missing, killed and displaced
persons is ignored. So is the fact that there are more
reports and different views about what really happened
and why. The fact that the Bosnian Army's military leader
in Srebrenica, Naser Oric, is indicted at the Hague
Tribunal is ignored. Soldiers from the Dutch UN battalion
portray him as "a
crook, a robber, a pimp and a
murderer". He is the only
Srebrenica Muslim to be tried at the ICTY. His trial,
which began on 6 October 2004, has shed light on
little-known aspects of Srebrenica's history. For more,
see also Carl Bildt's account of what happened in and
around Srebrenica.
And ignored is the relation between
the then Bosniak political and military leadership on the
one hand and Al Queda and Islamist networks on the other.
Are we really to believe that the West has killed
hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi Muslims the last
14 years, but have such passion for and solidarity with
Bosnian Muslims? Hardly, it's more likely that they have
to still demonize Serbs because any other attitude and an
open recognition of Balkan complexities would place in
doubt the simplified black-and-white image of the
conflict on which that international community has
operated in ex- Yugoslavia since 1991.
Thus, the complicity of the United
States and European countries in making the massacre
possible politically and militarily is ignored - because
it has to be ignored. The rampant violations of the UN
arms embargo and the secret arming of the Muslims by the
U.S. is another aspect conveniently left unmentioned when
covering Srebrenica. See the Dutch government report in
the link collection below.
The only guilty ones mentioned -
and condemnned - by the media is Karadzic, Mladic and
Milosevic - none of whom have been convicted yet. There
is no reason to assume that they are innocent, but isn't
it the norm that anyone shall be considered innocent
until proven guilty?
Richard Holbrooke, Pierre-Richard
Prosper and CNN's Christiane Amanpour as well as
everybody talking about it in Swedish radio and
television know that Karadzic and Mladic is in
Serbia-Montenegro and should be handed out by Belgrade.
But how come they know that while NATO - the
world's strongest military alliance with most highly
developed intelligence-gathering network - has not been
able to find these two men over the last 3650 days? And
are they unaware that Serbia has accepted that FBI and
CIA people have searched them for several months in
Serbia without, so far, being able to find them
the failure of "the UN" but of its member states and the
Clinton administration
As usual we are told that it was
the failure of the "United Nations". No, it wasn't that
simple. It was the failure of each and all of the member
states of the UN. Why? Because instead of making
available the 30.000+ troops required to make the
designated Safe Areas safe, only Turkey delivered - and
only 1.300. And some - the Clinton administration in
particular - let these safe areas be filled with
soldiers, weapons and ammunition of the Bosnian army.
Thus, while protected by refugess all around them inside
the 'safe' areas, the Muslims could shoot out on Serb
villages and soldiers while they were supposed to not
respond in kind.
This is not to say that the
media coverage about Srebrenica up to July 11 is false or
only propaganda. A horrendous crime was done by Serb
forces and they must be brought to justice. But we do
need some other views both to understand history and
promote reconciliation.
is a broader picture and it is available to those who
There is a broader picture. One
less black-and-white and not simplified beyond
recognition. One that does not cover up Western peace
prevention in the Balkans. One that is broad enough
to help us understand how future Srebrenicas can be
I believe that every human life -
not just the life of some - is sacred. To remember
Srebrenica is morally right; to forget and to silence
other suffering individuals and nations is wrong. To lay
the blame collectively on only one party in an extremely
complex multi-dimensional civil war that was massively
related to international interests is indecent and
And let's remember too, today, that
politicised and fragmented media-manufactured "truths"
easily turn into half lies that serve whatever purposes
but human compassion, solidarity and
If you are interested in knowing
more about Srebrenica than the mainstream media and the
international so-called "community" let you know, I
suggest you visit some of the links below. They are only
a small selection of what is available - by the way also
to journalists who care to investigate and seek
objective, complex knowledge. Some offer a Serb
viewpoint, most don't. Some are government reports, some
are the UN and some are invididual eyewitness reports.
The only truth there is is the one we put together
ourselves by using as many and as different sources we
can. And apply sound judgement in the face of the -
ongoing - media war. & Wikipedia
of the Balkans
Srebrenica Massacre
TFF Feature - Lewis MacKenzie,
The Globe & Mail, Thursday July 14, 2005
Real Story Behind Srebrenica
wrongs never made a right, but those moments in
history that shame us all because of our indifference
should not be viewed in isolation without the context
that created them."
A devastating blow to the mainstream media's biased
coverage of the anniversary of the massacre - by a man
who was there and knew the wider picture.
Edward S. Herman
Politics of the Srebrenica Massacre
Richard Aldrich, The
Used Islamists to Arms the Bosnian Muslims:
Srebrenica Report Reveals the Pentagon's Role in a
Dirty War
The Dutch Government's
Srebrenica Report
A 'Safe' Area
Report "Lets West Off the Hook"
Mark Danner, The New York Review
of Books
- The Great Betrayal
The United Nations
Fall of Srebrenica: Report of the Secretary-General
pursuant to General Assembly resolution 53/55
Republika Srpska's Secretariat
for Relations with the International Criminal Tribunal
in the Hague
documents - including "Islamic Fundamentalist's Global
Network-modus operandi-Model Bosnia."
The Srebrenica Research
"Srebrenica and the Politics of War
Forbidden Srebrenica Report
Official Implicated with Bosnian High Representaitve
Ashdown in Attempting to Force Fabricated Report on
ICTY, the Hague
indictment of Karadzic and Mladic
ICTY, the Hague
indictment of Naser Oric
Izetbegovic (1925-2003) - former president of
ICTY, the Hague 2003
Official Says No Evidence Connecting Milosevic to
Srebrenica Massacre
Carlos Martins Branco, UN
political officer
of the fall of Srebrenica
Carl Bildt on July 6, 2005
Story of the Fall of Srebrenica
Anatomy of a massacre
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© TFF and the author 2005

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