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Daisaku Ikeda

Born in Tokyo in 1928, a Buddhist thinker, philosopher, and poet laureate who in 1960 became the third president of the Soka Gakkai lay Buddhist association.
Since 1975 he has been president of the SGI (Soka Gakkai International), which has a total of 12 million members around the world and aims to promote peace, culture and education, based on the philosophy of Buddhism.
He is the founder of the Min-On Concert Association, the Institute of Oriental Philosophy, the Soka education system, the Fuji Art Museum, the Boston Research Center for the 21st Century and the Toda Institute for Global Peace and Policy Research.
He is the author of many books on Buddhism, the human condition and prospects for humankind, and has published dialogues with, among others, Arnold Toynbee, Aurelio Peccei, Andre Malraux, Henry Kissinger, Norman Cousins, Linus Pauling, Chingiz Aitmatov, Mikhail Gorbachev, and TFF Associates Johan Galtung and Hazel Henderson.
Dr. Ikeda has received honorary doctorates from numerous universities and has traveled widely to promote peace, dialogue and international exchange.

Every year he publishes a Peace Proposal outlining his current concerns and proposals - these can be found under Highlight on this site.

"..I suggest that for the sake of overcoming the identity crises undermining the soul of modern humanity we must attempt to discover a new cosmology. Unless we raise our sights this high, hopes of nurturing true world citizens must inevitably prove illusory."

Further details about Dr. Ikeda and SGI can be found at the homepages below.

Dr. Ikeda became a TFF adviser in 1992.


President, Soka Gakkai International, SGI,
32 Shinanomachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160, Japan


+81-3-5360 9830


+81-3-5360 9885


Soka Gakkai International home

President, Dr. Daisaku Ikeda

Daisaku Ikeda
© The Seikyo Shimbun

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Articles by Daisaku Ikeda

The most recent on top

Daisaku Ikeda, August 3, 2011
Japan: Responding creatively to crisis

Daisaku Ikeda, February 18, 2011
Peace Proposal 2011
Towards a world of dignity for all: The triumph of creative life

Daisaku Ikeda, September 3, 2010
Buddhist leader pushes for a nuclear abolition treaty

Daisaku Ikeda, February 22, 2010
Annual Peace Proposal from the Soka Gakkai International President
Towards a new era of value creation

Daisaku Ikeda, October 20, 2009
Building global solidarity toward nuclear abolition

Daisaku Ikeda - Soka Gakkai International, February 23, 2009
The Buddhist leader's 2009 peace proposal
oward Humanitarian Competition: A New Current in History
It also highlights nuclear abolition and many other constructive proposals for a better world.

Daisaku Ikeda - Interview in Tricycle, February 23, 2009
Faith in revolution
To believe in both oneself and others, and to treat others as one would a Buddha - this is the practice that awakens and calls forth the Buddha-nature that resides within us all. It is precisely because we are able to muster faith in the Buddha-nature of the other person that we can bring forth compassion from within ourselves and, desiring happiness for all, continue an earnest and respect-filled process of dialogue.

Daisaku Ikeda, February 13, 2008
2008 Peace Proposal: Humanizing Religion, Creating Peace

A major event in peace politics every year...

June 15, 2007
President Ikeda's message to TFF

May 2, 2007
Restoring the Human Connection: The First Step to Global Peace
Much of the responsibility for the current situation must be laid at the feet of the states already possessing nuclear weapons. Any effective movement toward nuclear disarmament must be predicated on the sincere efforts of the existing nuclear-weapon states to disarm.

February 21, 2007
Dag Hammarskjöld's commitment to dialogue
I believe there is much we can learn from the life and example of Dag Hammarskjöld, the second Secretary-General of the organization. His achievements shine in the annals of UN history, and his moral force and integrity as the "conscience of the United Nations" command wide respect to this day.

December 29, 2006
A new era of the people - Forging a global network of robust individuals
Daisaku Ikeda is the president of the Soka Gakkai International (SGI), a Buddhist association of more than 12 million members in 190 countries. A prolific writer, poet, peace activist and leading interpreters of Buddhism, Ikeda gives his view on a better world from the vantage point of the year we are now leaving behind.

January 4, 2007
A power to resist the currents of history

December 29, 2006
A new era of the people - Forging a global network of robust individuals
Daisaku Ikeda is the president of the Soka Gakkai International (SGI), a Buddhist association of more than 12 million members in 190 countries. A prolific writer, poet, peace activist and leading interpreters of Buddhism, Ikeda gives his view on a better world from the vantage point of the year we are now leaving behind.

October 5, 2006
Emerging from the nuclear shadow
President Ikeda argues for nuclear abolition and emphasizes the need for giving youth a voice in this matter. To emerge from the shadow of nuclear weapons we need a revolution in the consciousness of countless individuals -- a revolution that gives rise to the heartfelt confidence that "There is something I can do."

September 21, 2005
The power of empathy
Ikeda here tells a deeply personal story from the 2nd World War, how his mother showed empathy towards an enemy soldier and how the family lost its eldest son. "An empathetic recognition of our common humanity can make our century a century of life," he concludes. (From The Japan Times August 9, 2005).

September 21, 2005
Toward a new era of dialogue: Humanism explored
This is the SGI President's 2005 Peace Proposal. He explores the power of dialogue with examples from his own life and shares a Buddhist-inspired perspective on humanism as we need it today.

Gandhi-King-Ikeda - A Legacy of Building Peace

Challenge of building peace

Det er en udfordring at skabe fred

Looking for Hope

A Global Ethic of Coexistence: Toward a "Life-Sized" Paradigm for Our Age

Life is wonderful

A spiritual response to September 11

Initial perspectives on the terror - a plea for nonviolence

Peace proposal 2001: Creating and sustaining a century of life: challenge for a new era

Reviving education: the brilliance of the inner spirit

Proposal for Education - Building a Society Serving the Essential Needs of Education: Some Views on Education in the Twenty-first Century

Peace Proposal 2000
Peace Through Dialogue: A Time to Talk
Thoughts on a Culture of Peace

Peace Proposal 1999
Towards a Culture of Peace: A Cosmic View

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