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Vibeke Bing

Born 1945, educated as social worker from the School of Social Studies in Gothenburg, Sweden, in 1974. Ongoing education ever since through various short-term courses in subjects such as ethnology, social and public health, preventive medicine, crisis theory, family therapy and, in 2006, journalism.

Over the years, Vibeke Bing has been employed by the municipality of Gothenburg and the Swedish National Institute of Public Health; between 2002 and 2004 she was employed by the Värmland County Council to establish 9 family centres and develop a strategy for public health.

In 2003-2004 she served as guest lecturer at Karlstad University Master's program on children and public health. 2005 to the present assistant lecturer at College Väst in Sweden. Simultaneously, Bing has had a series of project as consultant, mostly related to various dimensions of public health. Thus, for instance, between 2002 and 2005 she was a member of the Sahlgren Academy program council for public health studies and education at Gothenburg University.

Vibeke Bing has written or co-authored a number of books in Swedish several of which emphasize the role of children in the modern welfare state, public health and family sociology. Among her latest books are Små, få och fattige. Om barn och folkhälsa, Studentlittreratur 2003 (in English, "Small, few and poor. About children and public health") and Föräldrastöd och samverkan - familjecentralen i ett folkhälsoperspektiv, Gothia 2005, (in English, "Parent support and co-operation - family centres in the perspective of public health").

Vibeke Bing has been a TFF Asociate since August 2006. With funds derived from an award she has received for her social work she became a main sponsor and partner of the project run by Christina Spännar, Integration - A Swedish Example based on the project in the municipality of Eslöv in southern Sweden (see Eslöv Forum).


Viks Ödegärde 148,
471 91 Klövedal, Sweden


+46 304 66 33 96 (h)
+46 702 33 99 87 (mob)





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Christina Spännar & Vibeke Bing, projektledare, 4:e december 2007
Frusna Fötter - en projektbeskrivning
"Det är som om en kyla drar över landet gentemot barn och unga med rötter i fjärran land. De riskerar att frysas i sin utveckling i stället för att springa en trygg framtid till mötes."










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