Iran - War planning?
2008 Collection # 5
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Features, analyses & news
Collected by TFF 2008
Collection 1 - 2004 onwards - basic sources
Analyses and comments from the world press about events in the Middle East - Iraq in particular - are found here.
Gordon Prather, AntiWar.com, March 1, 2008
Iran's Sisyphean task- useful for Prather's article is this one:
William Broad & David Sanger, New York Times, November 13, 2005
Relying on computer, U.S. seeks to prove Iran's nuclear aimsDavid E. Sanger, International Herald Tribune, February 22, 2008
Iran is challenged over nuclear programPepe Escobar, Asia Times, February 15, 2008
Iran, the EU and the Swiss way out
Reuters & AP, IHT, February 12, 2008
Israel urges international action aganst an Iranian nuclear threat
Speaking at a joint news conference with Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, Olmert said Israel was "certain" that the Iranians were engaged in a "serious" and "clandestine operation to build up a nonconventional capacity."Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, GlobalResearch.ca - January 19. 2007
Israel's nuclear missile threat against IranRichard Garwin, The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, January 18, 2008
When could Iran deliver a nuclear weapon?Muriel Mirak-Weissbach, GlobalResearch.ca - January 3, 2008
After The National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Iran: Let the great debate begin!
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