Publications 49 - latest

49. Konfliktlösning. En litteraturguide

Ann-Sofi Jakobsson och Jan Øberg, 1994.
ISSN 1103-7482, ISRN TFF-R--6--SE.
41 sidor, 85 Skr. Ordernr. 49

Du får hjälp att hitta rätt i mängden av svensk och internationell litteratur om vad konflikter är och hur de kan lösas, om etniska konflikter, om FN som konfliktlösare, om Gandhis konfliktfilosofi och om organisationer, institutioner och tidskrifter inom konfliktforskningen i dag.

50. Conflict-Mitigation. Philosophy & Methodology

Peace Education Miniprints from the School of Education, Malmö, 1994, 14 pages, 45 Swedish kronor. Ordernr. 50

A short introduction to the concept and a description of how the TFF works in conflict areas.

51. The UN and the Keeping of the Peace. A Conflict-Resolution Perspective

Jan Øberg, 1994
45 pages, 100 Swedish kronor.
ISSN 1103-7482,
Ordernr. 51

Jan Øberg's analysis offers an overview of the historical development and structure of UN peacekeeping and the relevant UN organs managing peacekeeping operations. Having established the basics, it offers a critical perspective of the member states which make up the UN. What kinds of violence does the UN address, where? Why is the international community's concept of peace so selective? Why is peace enforcement a dangerous concept for the United Nations itself? Why is the Security Council a problem? Why does the human dimensions of conflicts systematically disappear--and what can member states do to reform the UN so it will be able to better deal with conflicts and contribute to genuine peace?

52. FNs fredsbevarande. Ett konfliktlösningsperspektiv

Svensk utgåva av # 51. 1995, 45 sidor, 100 kronor. ISSN 1103-7482, ISRN TFF-R--10--SE. Ordernr. 52

53. United Nations Peacekeeping and Peoples' Peacebuilding Patterns of Partnership

Tatsuro Kunugi, Elise Boulding with Jan Øberg, 1994.
92 pages, 1996.
110 Swedish kronor.
ISSN 1103-7482
Ordernr. 53

Deals with why it was that UN peacekeeping came to mean governments only and not "we, the peoples". Revives the Gandhian concept of peace armies or peace teams and argues that NGO coalition-building and cooperation with regional organisations will help develop a much needed new global capacity for preventive diplomacy, conflict analysis, management and resolution. Finally, it offers insights into what NGOs can offer the UN system and how they can mutually reinforce each other in conflict areas.
A wealth of ideas on how to make governments and civil society organizations co-operate effectively about violence-prevention and peace-building. Look at today's "peace" efforts and ask: why were ideas like these never seriously considered by government, particularly not by the only superpower, the United States?
The three authors have spent their professional lives in close contact with, or worked for, the UN.

54. FNs fredsbevarande och rörelsernas fredsbyggande.
På väg mot partnerskap

Svensk utgåva av # 53. 1996, 57 sidor, 110 kronor. ISSN 1103-7482, ISRN TFF-R--13--SE.

Om denna skrev vi:
Deals with why it was that UN peacekeeping came to mean governments only and not "we, the peoples". Revives the Gandhian concept of peace armies or peace teams and argues that NGO coalition-building and cooperation with regional organisations will help develop a much needed new global capacity for preventive diplomacy, conflict analysis, management and resolution. Finally, it offers insights into what NGOs can offer the UN system and how they can mutually reinforce each other in conflict areas.
A wealth of ideas on how to make governments and civil society organizations co-operate effectively about violence-prevention and peace-building. Look at today's "peace" efforts and ask: why were ideas like these never seriously considered by government, particularly not by the only superpower, the United States?
The three authors have spent their professional lives in close contact with, or worked for, the UN.
Ordernr. 54

55. An Experimental Peacebuilding Zone in Western Slavonia. Peace From the Ground Up

TFF, 1995, 11 pages.
85 Swedish kronor.
ISSN 1103-7482, ISRN TFF-R--11--SE.

A TFF conflict-mitigation proposal that advocates some new thinking about conflict-resolution and reconciliation in post-war societies. Rather than speaking in favour of one particular solution to the conflict between Croats and Serbs, TFF here advocates a transition model which - with a lot of concrete mechanisms and clear-cut modalities - would have permitted the parties to move in the direction of a solution, and a solution adapted to the local needs. This report was published on the very day the Croatian Army rolled into the UN Protection Zone and chased away both the UN and the local Serbs.
Ordernr. 55

56. KonfliktKonsortiet. Om samarbejde mellem "konfliktlægning" og humanitære organisationer i Danmark og Norden

Morten Kjærum, Jan Øberg, 1996.
39 sidor, 80 danske kroner.
ISSN 1103-7482, ISRN TFF-R--14--SE.
Mere om denne, se PressInfo 26
Ordernr. 56.

57. Conflict-Mitigation in Reconstruction and Development.
An inspiration Paper

Jan Øberg, 1996
16 pages, 60 Swedish kronor.
ISSN 1103-7482, ISRN TFF-R--15--SE.

Deals with new and old conflict formations in the world; with conflicts that lead to violence and those that lead to development; with the difference between locking and solving conflicts; with human identity and existence and with reconstruction and peacebuilding.
This short paper ends with 10 short-term peaceful measures which, according to the author, must always be considered in conflict-management.
Ordernr. 57

58. Att läka konflikter. Engagemang, möjligheter och problem

Red. Jan Øberg. Med bidrag av Marta Cullberg - Weston, Pertti Joenniemi, Håkan Wiberg, och Jan Øberg. TFF 1996. 82 sidor, 150 kronor.

Jan Öberg förklarar vad TFF:s konfliktläknings-metod går ut på.
Pertti Joenniemi & Håkan Wiberg diskuterar konfliktläkningens kontext, särart, motiv och problem. Jan Öberg genomgår syfte och filosofi - t ex varför man bör tala med alla sidor - och hur det rent praktiskt går för sig i ett krigsområde. Marta Cullberg Weston analyserar de psykologiska perspektiven - gruppidentitet, "chosen traumas", offerproblemet, makt etc. Håkan Wiberg ser på förhållandet mellan massmedia och politik.
En skrift som förklarar TFF:s arbete och filosofi och som ger viktiga insikter i frågan: vad göra och inte göra när man vill hjälpa andra att lösa sina konflikter. Och den som inte förstår hur TFF:s skrifter kan ge uttryck för vissa åsikter, som kanske är kontroversiella - eller upplevdes så när de gavs ut - kan här på egen hand studera bakgrunden till dem.
Förträfflig för folkrörelser och andra som ska ut i fält, för lärare som ska undervisa i internationell politik i gymnasiet och för journalister som själva måste förstå för att kunna förmedla till andra.
Ordernr. 58

59. Conflict Consortium.
On Conflict Management and Humanitarian Organizations

Morten Kjærum och Jan Øberg, 1997.
45 pages,
ISSN 1103-7482, ISRN TFF-R-18-SE 1997
100 Swedish kronor or 10 US $.
For more see PressInfo 26
Ordernr. 59

60. Learning Conflict and Teaching Peace in Former Yugoslavia. A Course Report

Peter Jarman & Jan Oberg, 1998.
67 pages.
ISSN 1103-7482, ISRN TFF-R-19 SE, 1998,
150 Swedish kronor or 15 US $.

Tells you how TFF conducted the "Learning Conflict" Program in former Yugoslavia 1996 and 1997 - and what we learnt from working with 105 ethnically mixed participants during eight courses in Croatia, Bosnia (both entities), Yugoslavia and Macedonia.
This is a practical account of what we did and how we did it, rather than a treatise on the philosophy and methodology of teaching peace in war-torn societies.
Many organisations now offer various types of courses and training to NGOs. What we usually see and hear, if anything, is that these courses are a success and sometimes even contribute to promote the organisation that delivers them. So too with TFF, we are no different. The level of intensity, comments and the general atmosphere indicate that these courses were a success: our participants gave the experience as a whole 4,2 of 5 possible points.
However, few NGOs take the trouble to tell others what we tell you in this report: how we decided what to achieve and not to achieve, the difficulties in teaching under these special circumstances, how it was planned, how local partners and participants were selected, what we taught, how we taught it, what we learnt, what it cost etc.
We also deal with the difficult balances that any course organizer must try to strike. Mistakes are unavoidable, but there are ways to limit the damage - such as knowing the area and the conflict well in advance, listening to and building confidence with the participants and invite them to participate while also taking a leadership role.
The authors, TFF conflict-mitigation team members Peter Jarman and Jan Oberg, also discuss how to do follow-up to this series of courses.
"Peace NGOs can only be helpful and survive by experimenting, by doing old things in new ways and do new things that governments are more reluctant to do or can not do," says Jan Oberg. "But we should not keep our experiences, the strong and weak aspects, secret to others in the trade. Global networking is also about honest sharing because that helps those we work for - the people who suffer and the civil societies which fall apart as victims of violence around the world.
This is why we publicise the report. Conflict-management can be learnt. Telling each other what we experience when we teach conflict-resolution, reconciliation and peace - and being conscious about the unavoidable dilemmas in that very educational process - is one way to contribute to quality and innovation in the profession. So, we invite others to tell us how they did it and what they learnt, in the Balkans and elsewhere, of course."
Ordernr. 60

61. Violence Prevention, Postwar Reconstruction and Civil Society.
Theory and Yugoslavia

By Jan Oberg, 1998.
57 pages.
ISSN 1103-7482, ISRN TFF-R-20 SE.
180 Swedish kronor or 18 US $.

"This is yet another publication from TFF - 'Violence, Postwar Reconstruction and Civil Society - Theory and Yugoslavia.' It's main focus is civil society in war and peace. It relates this concept to the economic globalisation, to international conflict-management and to the case of Yugoslavia and the Dayton agreement," says Jan Oberg, author of the study.
It reflects the fact that everything TFF does is based on triple-thinking:
We have three types of activities - academic analyses, field work and advocacy. We do three things in conflict regions - conflict analysis/early warning, conflict-mitigation and peace and reconciliation education. We offer three perspectives - analyses, criticism and constructive alternatives. We believe that conflicts deserve three steps - diagnosis, prognosis and treatment. And we work with three conflict regions - former Yugoslavia, Georgia in the Caucasus and one more conflict," says Oberg.
The first chapter deals with civil society and violence-prevention; the second discusses various concepts of 'civil society' and relates it to various types of power. It also treats civil society as a) government, as b) democracy and institutions, as c) peacemaker and as d) a global phenomenon. The third chapter looks at how civil society can help prevent emergencies, survive them and develop in post-violence reconstruction. The fourth chapter deals with the political economy of conflict, the case of ex-Yugoslavia and shows how the Dayton 'peace' agreement completely ignores civil society.
In the final chapter Oberg optimistically says, among other things, that "the above analysis is a plädoyer for the view that we must learn to clash as civilised creatures, not as conflict illiterates. I believe that conflict-management can and should be learnt by many more. If a lively debate could unfold over the nature and legitimation of violence in our countries and civilisation it would mark a great step for humankind, help prevent much violence and prepare us to learn why the 20th century was the most violent of all and how the 21st must be different."
This report can be useful to field mission staff who seek a comprehensive perspective on what they do in conflict-regions, to students, journalists, diplomats, NGOs and economic institutions who would like to see how mainstream thinking can be challenged. Just a little. The analysis was written for a project on "The Political Economy of Humanitarian Emergencies," coordinated by WIDER, the U.N-Affiliated World Institute for Development Economics Research in Helsinki and co-sponsored by the Queen Elizabeth House in Oxford and the U.N. Department of Humanitarian Affairs. But, alas, THEY did not want to be challenged, paid the study and decided not to publish it. Read it and you may guess why...
Ordernr. 61

62. Preventing Peace. Sixty Examples of Conflict Mismanagement in Former Yugoslavia since 1991

By Jan Oberg
58 pages, ISSN 1103-7482. ISRN TFF-R-22-SE 1, 1999, 180 Swedish kronor or US $ 18 plus postage.

A discussion of new and old conflict formations and conflict-management strategies; an analysis of civil society peace culture and then a list of mistakes made by the international community when it has tried to deal with the complexities of the Balkans.
Here is some of the content:
• Politics as usual, conflict-management as unusual
• Deficient diagnosis, failed conflict-resolution
• Kosovo 1989-1999
• The international community - a party to the conflicts
• The 60th mistake: dealing with conflicts as if human beings did not matter
• Some lessons that must be learned - again
For more see PressInfo 82
Order number 62

63. The UN Agenda for Peace Revisited

By Dietrich Fischer, Radmila Nakarada, Richard Falk, Christian Hårleman and Jan Oberg
TFF 2000
83 pages
ISSN 1103-7482. ISRN TFF-R-23-SE
240 Swedish kronor or US $ 24 plus postage
An anthology by TFF associates Dietrich Fischer, Radmila Nakarada, Richard Falk, Christian Hårleman and Jan Oberg
This anthology offers a variety of perspectives on peacekeeping, taking "Agenda for Peace" as its point of departure. It could have been called "From Agenda for Peace to UNMIK in Kosovo."
• Fischer writes on how to strengthen the UN
• Nakarada writes on the Agenda and the real world of power
• Falks writes on The place of criminal accountability in transitional justice: reflections after Kosovo and on "Humanitarian wars"
• Hårleman writes on civilian peace-keepers, and
• Oberg writes about the Agenda lacking a strategic vision of peace...and now Kosovo?
Order number 63

64. The World Needs Reconciliation and Forgiveness Centres

By Jan Oberg, TFF 1999
30 pages,
ISSN 1103-7482. ISRN TFF-R-21-SE
120 Swedish kronor or US $ 24 plus postage

Addresses the - hidden or forgotten - human dimensions of reconstruction and normalisation after war and violence and outlines the difference between making peace as if people mattered and shallow peace-making. The West may teach people in conflict region - but is the West willing to also learn from them? Offers numerous examples of initiatives that can be taken to improve psycho-social healing while addressing human beings and souls, social structure, culture, environment - all towards a culture of peace. Comprehensive list of literature.

65. Macedonia 2002-2203. War, Peace or Something Else?

By Jan Oberg, TFF 2003
67 pages,
ISSN 1103-7482. ISRN TFF-R-24-SE
300 Swedish kronor or US $ 40 plus postage

As assessment of the risks of violence and war, based on numerous TFF fact-finding missions to the country, before, during and after the war in 2001.
The report offers some tools and perspectives on the conflict formation around Macedonia, divided into three circles - the inner/societal, the middle/regional and the outer/global. It offers three possible risk scenarios for the period 2002-2008.
The report emphasis, among other things, the necessity of introducing active peace factors to heal the wounds of the war and prevent future violence.
Contrary to other assessments, this report looks at the international community as a party to the conflict, not as a conflict-manager only.

The contents:

1. Introduction

2. Bird's eye view of the conflicts in Macedonia

3. A guide to theories and concepts used in this report

4. Diagnosis of Macedonia 2002-2003

5. Prognosis

6. Conclusion: Will there be war in Macedonia?

Could be order together with our two studies of Kosovo, # 35/36 "Preventing war in Kosovo" and # 45 "UNTANS".

(Go back to preceding page and find those numbers)


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