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News - Analyses - Background - Iraq

AlterNet - War on Iraq

Amnesty International: Iraq

Arab Net

Arabic News

Baghdad Bulletin

BBC Links

BBC Special

BBC Full Gulf Crisis Coverage

BBC Iraq - Where They Stand

BBC - Who's Who in Post-Saddam Iraq

CNN "Standoff" Special

Coalition Provisional Authority, CPA

Britain, UNSCOM, Iraq

Dahr Jamail's Iraq Dispatches

Danske Fredsakademiets Irak-bibliotek

Desert Storm Debriefing Book

Electronic Iraq

Embassy of the United States

FAIR - media coverage of Iraq

Federation of American Scientists,
Confronting Iraq

Frontline Gulf War 1991

Governments on WWW: Iraq

Global Policy Forum, Iraq Crisis

Global Policy Forum, Iraq's oil

Global Security, Iraq Occupation and Reconstruction

Global Security: News and Analyses

Haaretz on Iraq

Harvard Iraq Research and Documentation Project

Humanitarian Information Center - Iraq

Institute for War and Peace Reporting Iraq Section

Iraq Daily - World News

Iraq Foundation

Iraq links - USIP

Iraq National Congress

IraqNet Information Network

Iraq Press - Independent Press Agency

Iraq Revenue Watch

Iraq Today

Iraq Today - Useful Websites

Iraq Tunnel

Iraq under sanctions

Kurdish Media

Mid-East Realities

Ministries under the occupation

Modern political history - timeline

Norbert's links - Iraq

Occupation Watch

OneWorld Iraq Special and Background

Pentagon's "Operation Desert Fox 1998"

Radio Free Europe - Iraq Report

Radio Free Europe - Weekday Magazine

ReliefWeb - The Latest

Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916, dividing the Arab world

Traprock Peace Center

UNDP - United Nations Development Program, Iraq

UNMOVIC - and other useful stuff

UN Office of the Iraq Programme, Oil for Food

UN & Iraq - relevant links and documents


USAID - Iraq

US Congress Country Study, Iraq

US Department of State - Iraq

US National Network to End the War Against Iraq

War Profiteers

Washinton Post "Fog of War, 1991"

Washington Times, Tribes in Iraq

World Bank - Iraq - intelligence and news

Yahoo Full Coverage Iraq - many important links

Yahoo Full Coverage Kurdish issues

Activism - Anti-War

American Friends Service Committee

CASI - Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq

Danish Committee for Peace and Development in Iraq
Den Danske Komité for Fred og Udvikling i Irak

EPIC - the Education for Peace in Iraq Center

IAC - International Action Center

Iraq Action Coalition

Iraqi Crisis Anti-War

Iraqi Peace Team

National Network to End the War Against Iraq

Svenska Irakkommittén mot de Ekonomiska Sanktionerna (SIES)

TFF Iraq Collection

Voices in the Wilderness



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and forgiveness

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