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Former Yugoslavia


A.I.M - Academic Information Network, Serbia

Albanian-American Civic League

B92 Radio - News, English

Balkan region links - REENIC

Balkan Times

BBC - Kosovo conflict at a glance

BBC - Kosovo: the conflict on the web

BBC Special - Kosovo, an uneasy peace

Borba - Belgrade Daily

Bosnia links - USIP

Centre for Peace in the Balkans, Canada

Croatia's Government and other institutions and media

Democratic opposition of Serbia

ESI - European Stability Initiative

EU and the Western Balkans

Ex-Yugoslav Resources in the Internet

FAIR - Media and the Yugoslav conflicts

Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, FRY - official

Global Issues - Kosovo Crisis

ICTY, International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia

International Action Center, Washington

International War Crimes Tribunal on NATOs bombing, Germany

James Bissett's Balkan Future Page, Canada

KFOR Online - NATO in Kosovo

KLA - from Serbian perspective

Kosovo Crisis Center - Focal point for Kosovo & Metohija

Kosovo Forum at Mother Jones, USA

Kosovo and Yugoslavia: Law in Crisis, USA

Kosovo links - USIP

Kosovo/a - Home of Albanias

KosovaLive Newsagency

Kosova - Serbian Orthodox Diocese in Kosovo

KOSOVO-Crisis Weblinks
Collected by Dr. Georg Schoefbaenker

Kosovo/a Serb-Albanian Dialogue

Montenegro - MNNews and more

Montenegro - MonteNet

Montenegro links - USIP

NATO - Stabilisation Force, SFOR, in Bosnia

New Balkan Politics Journal

OCSE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina

OSCE Mission in Kosovo

OHR, Office of the High Representative, Bosnia

PeaceNet-IGC Balkans Pages

Serbia's Government

Serbian Network (may not work)

Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Raska and Prizen

Slavophilia - Slavic and East European Resources

Slovenia. A Virtual Guide

Republic of Srpska Government, Bosnia

Tiker Independent News, Yugoslavia

UNMIK - The UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo

World Bank/European Commission - Economic Reconstruction and Development in SouthEast Europe

Yahoo Directory - Bosnia, News and Media

Yahoo, Croatia

Yahoo Full Coverage - Kosovo

Znet Magazine - Kosovo



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Former Yugoslavia







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