global constituency and
on Internet
on the Support Campaign in the year 2000
By Jan
Oberg, TFF director
The Ministry made a
The campaign
The TFF Support
The ministry gives 4 reasons
why TFF were crossed out
TFF's presence on Internet
The Ministry's decision
helped us gain many new supporters
In which countries does TFF
have a constituency?
What kinds of people support
TFF's three main
Which organizations do TFF
supporters work with?
This analysis was copied and
sent on September 14 to the Minister of Foreign Affairs,
HE Anna Lindh and to the Ministry's preparatory committee
which recommends which organisations to give
organisztional support.
See also the
analysis of the Ministry's
decision and the
selection of what
people write to us from around the
The Ministry made a
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Stockholm decided
to cancel the organizational support for TFF for the year
2000. The foundation had benefitted from this annual
grant, amounting to the equivalent of US$ 30.000, since
1991. It covered the basic operations costs of the
foundation on which its projects, field activities and
outreach programs had been consolidated. The only other
Swedish organisation also crossed out was Women for
We want you to know the results of one of the steps we
took to survive this blow to our work. A series of
measures have been taken to secure the long-term survival
of TFF, among them a website-campaign in support of the
What follows below is by no means scientific; that's
not why we launched the campaign in the first place. It's
simply based on what we happened to learn, and we think
it gives us - and you - some important clues as to where
we stand, who we serve and what we should do in the
future. For one thing is clear: we are not going to close
shop. We aim to use this opportunity to do new things in
new ways.
The campaign
A couple of TFF PressInfos offered the necessary
background information, and visitors and recipients of
the PressInfos (close to 8000 directly and 30-50% more
indirectly) were asked to write personal letters to the
Minister, relevant decision-makers and Swedish
parliamentarians. In Sweden, a couple of debate articles
and editorials spread the message about the foundation's
This first phase yielded 161 personally formulated
letters, some very movingly expressing their solidarity
with TFF and its peace mission.
In mid-August the second phase was launched. People
were encouraged to sign a TFF Support Appeal. This
is the text of this Appeal:
TFF Support
PressInfo # 98
August 14, 2000
The Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs withdrew
organizational support for TFF for the year 2000,
without prior consultation, motivation or
documentation but with immediate effect.
We will apply again for the year 2001 and
beyond. Swedish NGOs must apply to the Ministry for
annual organizational grants by September 15. The
Ministry usually decides who to support in November or
early December.
Therefore, please sign this NOW so we can
include YOUR signature together with all the support
letters we already have received with our application.
That is likely to exert maximum pressure on the
Restore Support to TFF
"I am familiar with one or more aspects of TFF's
work, either its PressInfos, its website, TFF WIRE,
its member's training and lecturing efforts or its
work on the ground in ex-Yugoslavia, in the Caucasus
or in Burundi.
Preventive diplomacy, conflict-resolution,
peacebuilding and reconciliation which are central in
the foundation's program have moved to the top of
humankind's agenda. Research, education and debate is
vital for learning to handle conflicts well.
It is my impression that TFF is an organization
seriously devoted to make its contribution toward
solving some of these problems.
I believe it is important that truly independent
organizations and experts exist; to do good work they
must be secured some continuity. TFF has existed since
1985 and I have not observed that is has lost momentum
or quality.
The Swedish government's organizational support
to some 15 non-governmental organizations is unique;
many would like to see other democratic countries set
up similar support programs provided, of course, that
no strings are attached.
In this perspective I think it was unfortunate
that the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs this year
withdrew its support for TFF which has received it
since 1991.
I understand that such support which covers
rent, paper, electricity, communication, copying,
office equipment etc. is the nucleus which enable the
foundation to invest all its energies in projects and
field activities.
TFF PressInfos have mentioned that the annual
organizational grant amounts to a bit more than US$
30.000. In the larger scheme of things this is a small
sum. It is difficult to understand that the Swedish
government could not find such a sum for someone like
TFF also states that it is operating as a
networking organization with no permanent salaried
staff. Such idealism is rare today. It is worth
supporting also because it means that the funds
benefit concrete activities, not careers or
I sign this appeal with the understanding that I
don't have to agree with everything TFF does,
publishes or stands for. I support it merely because
TFF, as I know it, is needed as one among many
independent voices. It merits continued
I therefore strongly urge the Swedish government
to restore the annual organizational grant to TFF from
the year 2001, at least at the level it was."
Please sign the appeal here.
Between August 14 and September 12, we received 975
signatures, about a quarter of them with personal
comments in addition to the text they endorsed.
Thus, in about one month we received 1136 supportive
messages. We don't know how many wrote to the Minister,
staff of the Ministry and to Swedish parliamentarians
without also sending a copy to TFF. All we know is that
the Ministry received enough mail to formulate a standard
letter that was returned to "TFF Supporters" in
Swedish and English (a few forwarded to us from our
supporters). The signature campaign continues for as long
as signatures come in.
The ministry gives
4 reasons why TFF were crossed out
In its original message the Ministry provided no
explanation for the decision. We were simply told that we
had lost it for this year. Upon request, Mr. Anders
Bjurner has informed us that four criteria were applied
to decide which Swedish NGOs to support. They were:
a) consideration of the
fact that the budget for NGO support to Swedish
organizations was particularly tight this year and
priorities had to be made;
b) recipients of the
support grant should have a clear popular movement
c) they should benefit
youth in particular, and
d) the organisations
should have shown an ability to work with new forms of
activity and technology and thus reach many with their
This is not the place to judge the application of
these criteria. Another analysis is available (however,
in Swedish) concerning that. But it is clear that a
majority of those who comment from around the world can
not understand that the government of Sweden, one of the
richest countries on Earth, could not find a sum of this
size for activities such as that of TFF. Furthermore, we
have benefitted youth, not the least through teaching and
training at university centres in Europe and NGOs in
general and through our seminars on reconciliation and
conflict understanding throughout ex-Yugoslavia. TFF is
indeed not a movement, it's a not-for-profit foundation;
but the directive of the government relevant for these
grants clearly mention also associations and foundations
(and we have received support over 9 years). Among those
who have received the organizational grant are other
organizations, the activities of which can hardly be
categorized as movements.
Be this as it may, the Ministry's main concern seems
to be outreach and impact on public opinion, the
organization's ability to disseminate its message to a
wider audience. While the grant-receiving organizations
are all doing fine work, TFF's activities can not
possibly be judged to be so incompetent, narrow,
technologically conventional or passive that it could, in
comparison with these other Swedish organizations, lead
to the cancellation of the grant in our case.
One modern way of reaching a large audience is to use
e-mail and have a website. So, we took the opportunity
and compared our own presence on Internet with those of
the others. Some of the Swedish organisations that we
asked to tell us about number of visitors, site data or
references did not respond, so the following reflects
what is available for any outsider by visiting their
sites and using a search engine (We use Google, other
engines may yield other results but hardly a different
overall trend).
TFF's presence on
It turns out that TFF has a more comprehensive,
user-oriented website than
any of the Swedish NGOs which did receive the grant this
year. It's predominantly a resource site where most of
the other are presentational. We are also the only
organization with something like the worldwide e-mailed
Over the last 600 days, TFF's website has attracted
an average of 268 visitors per
day while the average on Sweden's largest and
oldest peace movement, the Swedish Peace and Arbitration
Society's site is around 25. In comparison, SIPRI,
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute - the
flagship in government-funded peace research - has
informed us that it has between 600 and 900 visitors a
day. We are not ashamed to attract between 45% and 30% of
the number of visitors that SIPRI does.
When it comes to references on
Internet, about 1890 will come up when searching
(within quotation marks) "Transnational Foundation for
Peace and Future Research" on the Google search engine.
Number 2, the Life and Peace Institute in Uppsala, yields
688. In comparison, the website of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs in Stockholm yields 5.580 references and
SIPRI 10.300.
Another relevant measure is to ask:
how many other sites have links to
us? By searching on (link:the organisation's URL)
it turns out that TFF's site are found on 435 other sites
compared to the Olof Palme International Centre on 158
and the Peace and Arbitration Society on 194 elsewhere on
Internet. In comparison, SIPRI was linked from 1570
sites, the Department of Peace and Conflict Research at
Uppsala university from 124 sites and the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs itself at - only - 241 sites. To put it
crudely, more organizations around the world find it
useful to have links to TFF than to leading university
institutes or to the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs
These facts do not exactly confirm the Ministry's
explanation for dropping TFF as worthy of governmental
The Ministry's
decision helped us gain many new
During the last 600 days we have had some 160.000
visitors at our site (we subscribe to's services). As stated above, TFF
PressInfo reach about 8.000 recipients worldwide
directly. The TFF Support Appeal has revealed a few
things about our global constituencies that we might not
have learnt had the Ministry not given us this
opportunity by its decision.
TFF's de facto outreach is obviously larger than the
above figures indicate. Why? Because around one-third of
all the support letters and emails we received came from
e-mail addresses we did not have. Thus, while some may
have responded from other e-addresses than we reach them
on (at home instead of at the office, for example) it is
quite clear that:
a) many of our PressInfo recipients forward them to
listserves, news groups, student groups, other
individuals and NGO networks;
b) several also told us that they had placed our
Appeal on their site (e.g. OneWorld) or newsletter;
c) many of the visitors to our site may have signed
the Appeal right away without being prior recipients of
d) our associates, friends and students have collected
signatures for us.
We do not know who all the people are who, one way or
another, are in contact with TFF or know about our
activity. But we have analysed the profile of the
self-selected group which chose to respond with their
good words. Here follow some of the things we have found
In which countries
does TFF have a constituency?
The support messages and signatures came from 62
countries. (11% have given no indication of country). It
hardly comes as a surprise that, among those we could
identify, the largest TFF constituency is found in Sweden
(26%). Next, in the United States (16%), in Denmark (8%),
in Canada (7,4%), in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
(FRY) including Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo/a (5.4%).
For the United Kingdom the figure is 4,2%, Germany 3,7
and Italy 3,5%.
Categorized differently, 55% are from the European
Union, EU; 39% from the Nordic countries (Sweden, Norway,
Denmark, Finland and Iceland); 23% from the US and
Canada; 9% from former Yugoslavia and 6% from the
developing countries or Global South and, finally, 2%
from Russia and other Eastern European countries outside
the region of former and present Yugoslavia. (Adding upm
to more than 100% as categories overlap).
Presumably this profile reflects three dimensions: the
global structure of Internet access, the geographic home
of TFF and the place(s) it has predominantly done field
work. One the one hand, many of the respondents are
people - not the least students and NGOs - which have
been in contact with TFF at some point. On the other, we
have been overwhelmed by the number of people who have
declared their heartfelt support without us ever having
been in contact with them.
For an organization the size of TFF, this global reach
is something we are a proud of. Since we launched our
website on the International Women's Day 1997, we have
seen the new technology as a blessing, particularly for
smaller actors. We could never have achieved this global
status by means of letters, envelopes and stamps.
It is yet another small proof that Internet can be an
effective tool for organizations which, like TFF, seek to
promote consciousness, education, values and action for
one or more global issues. It seems that the Ministry has
not considered measuring this dimension when judging who
were worthy of its support.
TFF can also be proud of the response from all parts
of former Yugoslavia. Of all 9,3% respondents from the
region, 5,4% are from Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo/a
(FRY), 1,1% from Croatia, 0,7% from Bosnia, 0,2% from
Slovenia and 2% from Macedonia. The larger group from the
Federal Republic indicate that TFF publications and
PressInfos critical of Western policies and NATO's
bombings there in 1999 have moved them.
It is clear from many comments, background and our
knowledge of the area and the people there that virtually
all the supporters from FRY are non-governmental and more
or less actively belong to the opposition.
The rather small constituency TFF seems to have in the
Global South teaches us the very important lesson that we
must do much more to reach the global south concurrently
with the availability of Internet and e-mail there. The
same applies to non-Balkan Eastern Europe and the
countries which once made up the Soviet Union.
What kinds of
people support TFF?
Many of the 1136 supporters wrote no title or other
background; however, from the majority we could get a
hint by what they wrote ("I have used TFF materials in my
class..."), by checking their e-mail address (e.g.
individual name/org./.com/.edu) and quite a few we happen
to know.
In almost 10% of the cases we were unable to identify
the background (some had sent us mail without indicating
their address at all). But for the rest (1034), these are
the - very rough - background categories:
Academic (professors, lecturers, PhDs, .edu, students,
etc): 22%
Students (saying so explicitly): 4,6%
Citizens (individuals with no other indication than
name and in some cases professions such as school
teacher, librarian, engineer, actor, photographer, nurse,
architect, computer programmer, secretary): 43%
NGO active, national/international, including
religious, business, (say so explicitely): 19%
Government employee including UN and other
international GOs: 4%
Media people in the Nordic countries: 3,5%
Media people elsewhere: 3,0%
Military, active and retired: 1,2%
TFF's three main
It must be observed that the largest category, the
(concerned) citizens, is somewhat anonymous. Many are
likely to be NGO-active, engaged in humanitarian work or
peace, human rights, women, and similar issues but choose
to sign/write in their personal capacity. (No one has
signed on behalf of any organization). So, if we had more
information it may well be that the category "NGO" would
be somewhat bigger and "citizens" somewhat smaller.
What is unusual for a research-based organization like
TFF is the balance between academia (27%), NGOs (19%) and
citizens (43%). The information available indicates that
TFF is an academic institution with an unusual reach also
outside the academic community - or a civil
society/movement/citizens' NGO with a surprisingly large
constituency in academia.
Given that the foundation has always aimed to be a
bridgebuilder in more than one sense and states in its
policies that its results "shall aim at decision-makers
and citizens alike" and "aims at a wider than purely
academic readership" this is glad news for everyone
associated with TFF.
We are also pleasantly surprised at the response from
government-affiliated or -employed people and from the
media (see some of their words below). That some of the
high-level people in international UN and OSCE missions
also express their personal support and concern brings us
But all is not well, of course. It is evident that the
information we have available also convey the message
that we generally do not reach people at the lower steps
of the social ladder. Un-skilled and semi-skilled workers
and labour union represenatives are very few among those
who indicate their background. The same applies to
non-university youth and teachers and students from
lower- and middle-educational institutions, whereas we
have seen that university people rank high among our
It is a huge challenge to try to reach out to many
more in these societal groups - and in the Global South
as pointed out above. It is huge not only for TFF of
course but also for us.
Which organizations
do TFF supporters work with?
As mentioned, everyone has signed our Appeal in their
individual capacity. Many state that they make good use
of TFF's website, publications or PressInfos either as
individual concerned citizens, at the job or both. So
where do the people work who have expressed their support
of the Appeal? Here follows a selection of those we have
been able to identify (no rank or principle at all):
Istanbul University, Open
Society/Soros foundations, International Forgiveness
Institute, CNN International, Sky News, African Gender
Institute, USAID, the Institue of Foreign Afairs in
Beijing, UNESO, Royal Military College in Canada, Caen
Memorial for Peace, US Department of Justice, Lthuanian
Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, the Russian
Academy of Science, Telma Television in Macedonia,
Estonia's Newspaper Association, International Institute
for Peace in Vienna, Soka Universities in the US and
Japan, Svenska Institutet, Columbia University, Agence
France Press, Peace Review, a leading scholarly journal,
Bruderhof Communities, OSCE's Mission in Kosovo, Covert
Action Quarterly, Int Forum for the Culture of Peace in
Israel, WorldVoices, OneWorld, AEGEE, United States
Institute for Peace (USIP), Times of India,Intercultural
and Artistic Institute of the Netherlands, Centro de
Estudios de la Mujer in Chile, Hiroshima Shudo
University, United Nations Environment Program (UNEP),
International Federation of the Red Cross and Red
Crescent in Kosovo, Institute for Commonwealth Studies in
London, Institute of Federalism in Switzerland, the
European Parliament, the Swedish Parliament, the Danish
parliament, Latin American Circle of International
Studies, Young European Federalists in Macedonia, Danish
Refugee Council, the Norwegian Refugee Council, Museum of
Science and Technology in Belgrade, Kvinna till kvinna in
Sweden, Japan's International Cooperation Association
(JICA), Nordisk Netværk, the Danish UN Association,
Harvard University, International Organisation for
Migration (IOM), World Vision International, American bar
Association's International Human Rights Committee,
Ministry of Education in Austria, Intenational Institute
for Democracy in Strasbourg, Peace Brigades International
(PBI), Friedensforum Nuremberg, The Bertrand Russell
Peace Foundation in Nottingham, Tribunal Against
US/NATO War Crimes, International Peace Research
Association (IPRA), International Federation of Red Cross
in Belgrade, International Women's Democratic Center, the
Carter Centre, Institute for Defence and Disarmament
Studies, Specialarbejderforbundet i Danmark, Fletcher
School of Law and Diplomacy, University of Capetown,
International Alert, Albanian Orthodox Church in America,
Society for Intercultural Education, Training And
Research (SIETAR), European University Institute, UNHCR,
Syracuse University, International Christian University
in Tokyo, Centre for Conflict Resolution in Cape Town,
Women for Peace in Uppsala, Sweden, Danish Centre for
Human Rights,, Klassekampen - daily
in Norway, Norwegian Peace Alliance, Novo Journal in
Germany, American Friends Services Committee,
Danish-Russian Association, University of Sts Cyril
& Methodius in Macedonia, the Green/EFA Group in
the European Parliament, PIOOM-Leiden University in
Holland, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Kraljevo in
FRY, Danish Center for Conflict-Resolution, Copenhagen
Peace Research Institute (COPRI), University of Essex,
Catholic University of Louven, Citizens Initiative
Network in Eastern Slavonia in Croatia, New Democracy
party in Belgrade, ENCORE in Denmark, Dagbladet
Arbejderen in Denmark, Tampere University Peace Research
Institute in Finland, PANGAEA Hawaii, Copenhagen
University, La Trobe University in Australia, Centre for
Security and Peace Studies in Indonesia, the United
Nations in New York, Ex-NATO Generals for Peace and
Disarmament, Center for Civiv Cooperation, Vinkovci in
Croatia, Danish Association of Conscientous Objectors,
Institute of Intenational Politics and Economics in
Belgrade, Office of the High Representative in
Bosnia-Hercegovina, UN Civil Affairs in Sarajevo,
Centre for Policy Research in Iceland, University of
Hamburg, UNCTAD, Umeå University in Sweden,
EuroCenter Danish Agency of Trade and Industry, UNMIBH in
Bosnia, OHR in Brcko in Bosnia, Danish Peace Foundation,
Royal Technical Highschool in Sweden, Children's Forum in
Greece, Javeriana University in Bogota - Columbia,
Trinity College in Dublin - Ireland, Institut für
Teologie und Frieden in Germany, Folkuniversitet in
Sweden, University for People's Initiative for Peace
(IUPIP) in Rovereto - Italy, Notre Dame University in
Indiana - the US, the European Peace University, Austria.
September 13, 2000
TFF 2000

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