real story:
How Milosevic was much more evil
than you ever knew # 3

Oberg, TFF director
Lund, Sweden - March 12-13,
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soft-headed to call Milosevic a butcher
My objective research lead me to
conclude that there is some strange kind of softness or
sentimentalism now this evil man has died. The media and
the Western diplomats who speak about him these days
should grasp the broader and deeper dimensions of his
conspiracy, his intrigue and his Fascist plan and not
only call him a butcher. "Butcher" is kind of too homy,
if you see what I mean, makes this Balkan Monster too
human. But he was a beast.
There is no doubt that every
massacre that happened, every village that was torched
and any woman who was raped all happened because of his
personal cruel Master Plan and on his order. History,
economy, the activities of other actors in former YU
don't mean a thing. He is guilty of it all and we should
not be afraid of saying it aloud just because he has
God we woke up in time
Therefore let us all celebrate that
the Slovenes, Croats, Bosniaks, Albanians, the EU, the
U.S. and everybody else in the international community
started comparing notes and recognized - just before it
would have been too late - that they were all pawns in
Milosevic' game. They had all been lured into his cobweb
of lies, false promises and calculated moves to play
their mutually compatible and individually innocent roles
in his sadistic drama. Had they not woken up in time,
they would all live in Greater Serbia - and so would the
rest of us in Europe presumably.
Fortunately, Bill Clinton helped
Franjo, last moment, to drive the Serbs out of Croatia.
They had to pay that price although they had lived there
fore 400 years and defended Europe against the Turks once
upon a time. You can't win them all, as they say!
Fortunately we did not give Serb minorities anywhere in
YU the support we gave the other minorities - so they ran
to Serbia and became refugees with no right to return.
Sanctions on Serbia was only fair.
Remember Slobo took steps early that ruined the economy
as we have shown above. What a luck that we revealed in
time that names like Stupni Do, Merkhala, the Bread Queue
Massacre, Srebrenica and Racak etc. was all the work of
this sadistic maniac.
The only good thing about him was
that his policies permitted us to stand up for principles
of human rights, freedom and dignity that we Westerners
believe so deeply in. Thus we could bomb in Croatia,
Bosnia, Kosovo and Serbia proper with good conscience and
look back upon everything we did as good and fair and
just. Now there is true peace everywhere.
Slobo and his Serbs only got what
they deserved: just war. The dream of Greater Serbia
became a de facto Smaller Serbia. We were all fooled by
him but, thank God and Praise the Prophet, we got it all
right before it was too late.
Now he is dead. Serves him right.
His death was a little abrupt - presumably part of some
new Plan in this monster's mind. It would perhaps be more
fair if he had gotten a lifetime sentence and suffered
for years in his cell half dying with inadequate medical
assistance. We don't know and why bother? We did the
right thing and got Serbs and Serbia on their knees
because they were the last nationalists in our
globalizing world, stubborn, backward and
Just a
few questions remain to be investigated
There isn't much more to say. It's
all clear. But I am aware that research is an ongoing
process. You have to re-search and challenge even your
own assumptions and results. I know I must study much
more questions such as these:
Why were everybody else in former
YU so naïve? Why did they willingly act out the
roles he assigned to them, from the Slovenes to the
How come that so many Westerners
were so easy to fool? Why were they so innocent and why
did they go along with this monster for so long? Why did
ministers, mediators, ambassadors, Contact Group members
queue up outside his office or meet him at international
conferences year after year?
Why on earth did they let him, the
man guilty of everything - and they must have known it at
some point - sign the Dayton Agreement under the
leadership of Richard Holbrooke in 1995?
How come one mission after the
other was established in Belgrade and Kosovo and why did
this Holbrooke - who the day after Milosevic' death in a
CNN interview used Hitler and Mao and Pol Pot and Stalin
to describe his evil - do business with him as later as
autumn 1998?
I am sure it could not possibly be
because they were of the same stock.
medialised sentence and public opinion based distribution
of guilt
Permit me to end this analysis with
a few serious and slightly more truthful observations
than the above fiction.
Slobodan Milosevic was undoubtedly
responsible for much of the suffering, of that I am
totally convinced too. But I have a nasty mind. I sense
the international so-called community is happy that the
final proof of what Slobodan Milosevic was responsible
for will never be presented to the world. We'll never
know how big is the difference between the facts and the
accusations against him. Leading media already give full
throttle to prejudice, biases, propaganda and factual
mistakes - no risk of being proven wrong or seen as
exaggerating later by a Hague sentence.
At the end of the day, what does it
matter? Holbrooke made a surprisingly innovative
distinction when interviewed by CNN's Becky Anderson on
March 12, namely the one between the not-so-important
legal procedure and sentence in the Hague (that we will
never get now) and the judgment or verdict of years by
what he called the world public opinion. The truth was,
he said, that the latter had already condemned Milosevic
and so his death was actually nothing but rough justice.
So we should feel good about the
fact that no one any longer respects the principle that a
person shall be considered innocent until proven guilty.
General public opinion that is based on the media, at
least for those who have no personal relation with or can
visit the hot spot in question and see for themselves, is
enough. War reporters, commercialised media, commentators
and selected experts are now the real judges in the -
Holbrooken - future.
Exit analysis, complexity,
fairness, impartiality and truth-seeking. The truth about
the world is constructed and medialised and it serves as
the final moral High Judge.
As you will have understood by now,
most of this article contains stories, lies and
inventions. I could find no other tools to explain at a
deeper level what made Milosevic and the Serbs - and only
them - the architects of Evil in the new medialised court
Those who blame exclusively the
Serbs and Milosevic for the Balkan tragedy and invoke
Stalin, Hitler, Mao and Pol Pot must base themselves on
an analysis fairly close to the invented story I have
told above. If not, would they please present
their analysis so anyone can judge for themselves
the words they freely throw around.
If they don't, the medialised
Justice will continue to be nothing but racism in
free articles &
TFF & the author 2006
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