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Adolphe Sururu

Born 1959 in Bukeye-Muramvya, Burundi. Professor at the University of Burundi.

Educational background

2000 Training in Non Violent Communication and Conflict-Resolution.
1999 Doctorate completion at KULeuven, Belgium.
1989 Master's in Special Education: Section Deaf Education, Northeastern University- Boston, USA.
1983 BA in Education: University of Burundi, Burundi.

Work experience

From 2000 to June2002
Psychologist at Teenagers Crisis Center in Brussels. Assistant trainer in Non Violent Communication and Positive Conflict- Resolution (empathic listening, family mediation, violence in schools, social change).
Lecturer for the immigrants association in Leuven, Gent, Brussels (interculturality and school problems).

From 1994 to 1999
PhD researcher at KULeuven.

From 1989 to 1994
Regional consultant in Deaf Education, Lecturer at the University of Burundi, Vice-Dean: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at the University of Burundi.

From 1987 to 1989
Trainee at Massachusetts State Association for the Deaf (MSAD), internship at Hartford School for the Deaf, Connecticut, Social Studies teacher at Brattleboro School for the Deaf in Vermont.

From 1983to 1987
Trainer for Primary school teacher: Lycée Pédagogique and Saint Albert College. Visiting Teacher at Ecole des Techniciens d'Assainissement et de Laboratoire. Head Teacher (Préfet des Etudes): Lycée Pédagogique de Ngagara. Principal (Directeur) at College of Buyenzi.

Language skills

French: Excellent, English: Very good, Kirundi: Excellent, Kinyarwanda: Very good, Dutch: Good.


"During the last few years, I have been in different places in Europe especially in Belgium and Switzerland helping in training people from different fields to use non-violent communication tools in their professional and private life. Despite the fact that I was happy doing that, I also time and again regretted the fact I was not doing it where it was more needed: in my home land Burundi. So I returned recently. The task remains tremendous and I felt I should see if my hands, my head and my heart could bring any contribution."

Adolphe Sururu joined TFF in 2003 as Associate and will help implement various aspects of the foundation's work to set up the Amahoro Open Centre with leading NGOs in Burundi.



University of Burundi
Bujumbura, Burundi


+ 257 958 916




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Articles by Adolphe Sururu

The most recent on top

Fredsbistand til efterkrigs-zoner - Burundi som eksempel

Fredsbistånd till efterkrigs-zoner - Fallet Burundi

Peace Aid to Post-War Zone: The Case of Burundi










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