Aid to Post-War Zones:
The Case of Burundi
PressInfo #
23, 2005
TFF Associates in Burundi
TFF director
Development aid aims to
raise the living standards of the poorest. Parties at war
are sure to obtain what could be called war aid -
i.e. weapons, ammunition, and training - from governments
and arms dealers.
Post-war countries may receive
peacekeepers, reconstruction and humanitarian
What is missing is peace
aid. Peace aid increases the chances that the other
types of aid will bring normalization.
is peace aid?
Peace aid focuses on the human
dimensions of violence, the hatred, the wounded souls. It
empowers local civil society to monitor a peace process
and train people in reconciliation and non-violent
conflict-resolution - i.e. future violence
It supports the development of new
schoolbooks, a fair and healing account of history and,
above all, a culture of peace. Peace aid does exist in
today's NGO community, but it is the weakest link of all
and governments generally don't appreciate its vital
It's about learning how to say "I
am sorry," letting go of hate and the wish for revenge.
It's about building justice into the reconstruction and
future development none of which can be achieved by just
setting up yet another human rights activity.
Rebuilding houses and roads take
little time; healing the souls of a nation may take
generations. Places like Kosovo and Bosnia-Herzegovina,
Macedonia, Afghanistan and
Iraq provide tragic evidence of the
almost total neglect of peace aid. After a cease-fire and
perhaps a peace agreement somewhere, the international
community and the media rush to other wars or
humanitarian emergencies.
versus idealism
Hard-nosed realists may find it
naïve to advocate peace aid, to address the deeply
human aspects of recovery after hurt and harm. However,
historically quite a few good ideas have been ignored,
ridiculed or termed unrealistic by power elites. Take
non-violent struggle to change regimes. It worked against
the Shah of Iran, the Marcos regime in the Philippines,
for Solidarnosc in Poland, in then Czechoslovakia's
Velvet Revolution; it made Serbia's Milosevic and
Georgia's Shevardnaze fall and recently gave Ukraine a
new President. Indeed, people's nonviolent mobilization
was instrumental in dissolving the old Cold War
The problem is that non-violence is
neglected, the media and the politicians don't even see
it when it changes the course of history. (The interested
reader is kindly referred to Jonathan Schell's
magnificent book about these and many other cases, "The
Unconquerable World"). The principle "prepare for peace
if it is peace you want - si vis pacem para pacem - is
not at all naïve. It brings means and ends in order
- in contrast to the principle of preparing for war to
keep the peace.
The international community lacks
armies of well-trained, experienced peace aid workers -
psychologists, social workers, area experts, religious
volunteers, child psychiatrists, solidarity workers, etc
- equivalent to peacekeeping soldiers. Iraq has at least
300,000 traumatized children and youth now. Do we
understand the challenge?
Take Burundi that struggles to
leave war and genocide behind and move to peace and
sustainable development (1). Since 1993, Burundi has
experienced massive violations of human rights after the
assassination of its first democratically elected
president, Melchior Ndadaye. More than 300,000 people
have been killed - and hundreds of thousands of
internally displaced persons and refugees long to get
back to their communities
Fortunately, since August 2000 when
political opponents signed the Arusha Peace Agreement,
Burundians had begun to have great hopes. This good will
was strengthened by the agreement signed between the main
rebel group and the government in November 2002. More
than 90%of the country is now secure.
The Arusha Agreement stipulated
elections before November 2004 in order to put an end to
the transition period. These elections have been
postponed to 2005 and there was a referendum on the new
constitution on February 28; about 90 per cent voted and
90 per cent of them voted yes. This is a remarkable
result! The Agreement also stipulates that a Truth and
Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and an International
Commission for the Judicial Inquiry (ICJI) should be
created before the elections.
The Burundians want justice and
peace. A study done by Observatoire de l'Action
Gouvernementale (OAG ) shows that 83% of the population
want a TRC to be created, 82% want a special tribunal for
crimes against humanity.
Burundi has demobilised the
majority of its fighters and former child soldiers are
being cared for. Refugees have returned home. Leaders in
exile return, former rebels form parties. A Truth and
Reconciliation Commission has been decided. These and
other step towards peace are huge - given the history and
situation of the country (2).
But, alas, the peace process itself
costs money and requires many types of independent
does the international community let Burundi
People walking the road to peace
should be rewarded. But where in this world shall
Burundi's government and NGOs find the human assistance
and the peace aid to meet all the Arusha goals in
The United Nations 2004
Consolidated Appeal for Humanitarian Aid to Burundi
amounted to US$ 119 million or 7 US$ per inhabitant, not
a big sum by any standards in the international
community. The de facto percentage covered was a meager
46%. Due to this and to adverse climate conditions,
hunger is now widespread in the northern provinces;
the donor community has reacted very slowly, particularly
after the Tsunami catastrophe.
It's tough surroundings. Burundi is
number 171 out of the 175 countries on UNDP's human
development index. The GNP per capita is US $145. There
is one doctor per 100,000 citizens and one single
psychiatrist in the whole country, and 40,000 die
annually because of AIDS. That is 13 times the victims of
September 11!
To tell a dying patient that when
he has recovered on his own, he may get a little medicine
is plain cruel. However, this is how we deal with many
post-war cases outside the media limelight - like
Burundi. No one really invests in peace (3). But ask
yourself, what would a new African genocide cost? What
would be the price for not giving peace - and other - aid
in time? And who would pay that price?
the priorities of the world right !
Here is an African country that
ought to hit the headlines for its struggle towards
development and peace. It's a story of hope, it makes
good news. What human folly, what wrong priorities in our
world, to ignore the places where peace is deeply desired
and perfectly possible! What cruel injustice to the 7
million Burundians - while the Bush administration spends
US $1 billion a week in Iraq where it's
Peace aid aims at indigenous
conflict-management, violence prevention and
reconciliation in one. It reduces suffering inside and
between human beings. What better place to begin giving
peace aid but Burundi?
If Burundi's struggle for peace
these years is not worth supporting, which peace process
is? And what better way to show others that peace
1. For much more about Burundi, see
the TFF
Burundi Forum.
2. TFF recently posted a
of links about Burundi
where you can learn more about the situation in Burundi
right now.
3. TFF has approached the
ministries of foreign affairs of Norway, Sweden and
Denmark asking whether they would be willing to consider
a funding proposal for our project with the 11 civil
society organisations that work hard in support of the
peace process. Stating various reasons, none of them were
willing to consider a meeting or receive such a proposal.
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