Born 1971 in Burundi.
President and founder of ACAT, Action by Christians Against
Torture, since 2001. Education and training Bachelor of Law, LL.B, from the National University of Burundi. Joined the Organisation of Burundian Girls - Association pour la Promotion de la Fille Burundaise - in 1999 since its foundation. She has attended several seminars and workshops within Burundi on different topics such as: Burundi Civil Society, strategy on legislative lobbying, the problems of the implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Burundi, the problem of torture and sexual violence in Burundi, and the inheritance law in Burundi. In Cameroun she attended the Training of African Trainers on Human Rights organised by FIACAT, the International Federation for the Action by Christians Against Torture in July-August 2001. Training on trauma healing of victims of torture by the Cameroun Trauma Centre in October 2001. She participated in the international seminar on African Cultures and Torture held in August 2002 and in the African NGO Forum on Human Rights and the African Commission on Human and People's Rights in Niamey, Niger in May 2003. Mutamuriza has also attended training seminars on peaceful conflict resolution organised by CECI, the Canadian Centre of Study and International Co-operation, and by Search for Common Ground. In 2003, she attended a three-week diploma course on The Globalization of Violence and the Identification of Non-Violent Alternatives organised by IUPIP in Rovereto, Italy.
Working experience From August 2002 to this date: Consultant on sexual violence and torture with the International Human Rights Law Group. Her duty is to raise public awareness on torture and sexual violence issues through training, targeting the community-based representatives, a group set up by International Human Rights Law Group. March 2003 she serves as Assessment Co-Facilitator for an internal assessment of International Medical Corps's community-based health activities in Burundi. From July 2001 to March 2003 she was the Coordinator of a project on legal assistance of women in Mpimba prison and in the police stations of Bujumbura. This project was implemented by the Association of the Promotion for Burundian Girls and sponsored by Internartional Human Rights Law Group. From March 2002 to August 2002: Focal point of the project "Sexual and Gender-Based Violence" with the IMC, International Medical Corps. Her duties and responsibilities were to raise awareness among the staff working with the refugees and the internal displaced populations on the existence and the effects of sexual and gender-based violence in the camps and to provide them with training in how best to support the victims of such violence in appropriate manners. April 2001, I collected and analysed the decisions made by Burundi courts from 1975 to 2000 regarding women and children in order to make a compilation of law cases. This work was supervised by International Human Rights Law Group.
Credo "I believe in peace, love,
forgiveness and reconciliation. Living in a country that has
experienced violence and hatred among its population for
over ten years, I am interested in activities relating to
peace education, reconciliation and non-violence. Chantal Mutamuriza joined TFF in 2003 as Associate and Liaison in TFF's project in Burundi. Early 2007 she left Burundi to work with the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights, ACHPR, in Banjul, The Gambia.
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