Born on the 4th of May 1957.
Professional Experience
August 2006-Present
Attorney-at-law (part-time advisor), Nagashima, Ohno & Tsunemastu.
October 2004-Present
Professor, The University of Tokyo (The Graduate Program of Human Security, The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences).
August 2002-March 2003
Visiting Fellow at Institute of Sate and Law in Vietnam (a fellowship of Japan Foundation).
November 2000 – March 2005
Professor, Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University.
April 1999 – November 2000
Associate Professor, Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University.
February - March 1999
Visiting Lecturer, School of African and Oriental Studies (SOAS), University of London.
December 1997-March 1998
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Consultant (Research on Law Reform Assistance).
October 1997-January 1998
Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund (OECF), Consultant (Research on Power Sector Privatisation).
September 1997-March 1999
Mitsui, Yasuda, Wani & Maeda (London).
June 1995-September 1997
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Counsel (Advisor for the Bank's Law Reform Technical Cooperation).
October 1993-June 1995
Mitsui, Yasuda, Wani & Maeda, Senior Associate,
(International Financing, General Corporate, Project Financing, International Transaction and Litigation).
August 1992-September 1993
United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia
(UNTAC), Legal & Human Rights Officer (Phnom Penh).
June 1991-August 1992
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Regional Office for Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific), Legal Officer.
October 1990-May 1991
Loef Claeys Verbeke (Amsterdam, Brussels), Foreign Associate.
August 1990-September 1990
Masuda & Ejiri, Associate.
December 1989-June 1990
Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton (New York, Washington D.C.), Foreign Associate.
July 1989-October 1989
United Nations Centre for Human Rights, Geneva, Intern.
June 1984-July 1988
Sato Law Office, Takahashi Law Office, Associate.
April 1982-June 1984
Supreme Court, Legal Training & Research Institute, Legal Trainee.
Academic History
April 2000
University of London, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, PhD. in Law (Thesis title: Commercial Dispute Processing: The Japanese Experience and Future).
June 1989
Harvard Law School, LL. M.
June 1984
Supreme Court Legal Training & Research Institute, Qualification for Legal Practice.
March 1982
Waseda University, BA in Political Science.
Professional Status
May 1991
Admitted New York State (passed 1990 Bar Exam.)
June 1984????
Admitted Tokyo and Japan (passed 1981 Bar Exam.)
The Recent Presentations in International Academic Conferences
-“The Recent Development of Modernization of Dispute Processing in Vietnam,” International Conference on Law and Society in the 21st Century: Transformations, Resistances, Futures, Law and Society Association and Research Committee on Sociology of Law (ISA).
Humboldt-University in Berlin, Germany. 2007. 7. 25-28.
-“Refugees, Peace-building and Human Security in Asia,” International Law in Asia: Past, Present and Future, Inaugural Conference of the Asian Society of International Law. National University of Singapore, Faculty of Law. 2007. 4. 7-9.
Major Publications
-“Can Human Security get over the Human Rights Apartheid,” 18 Interrnational Human Rights, 52-58 (October 2007 in Japanese)
-“Dispute Processing in Vietnam,” Asian Law Studies 2007, 103-117 (September 2007 in Japanese)
-“International Criminal Court (ICC) from a View Point of Human Security” Houritsu Jiho, 61-67 (April 2007 in Japanese)
-The editor and an author, Development and Conflict: International Development Cooperation for Peace-building (2007 in Japanese)
-“Modernisation of Dispute Processing in the Market-oriented Economies,” Michiatsu Kaino et al (eds) Law Reform Assistance in the Market-oriented Economies (Land and Its Usage), CALE Vol. 3, 188-194 (2007 in Japanese)
-“Intercultural Communication in Negotiation” 102-109 and “Ethics in Negotiation” 110-115 in Shozo Ohta=Yoshiaki Nomura, Negotiation Handbook (2005 in Japanese).
-“Law,” “Poverty” and “Gender”: Legal Pluralism and Access to Justice, Kitakyushu Forum on Asian Women (2005 in Japanese).
-“The New Arbitration Law in Japan: Will it cause changes in Japanese Conciliatory Arbitration Practices?” Journal of International Arbitration, Vol. 22, No. 2, 141-148. (April 2005).
-Status Quo of Peace-building in Sri Lank, Booklet for Peace-building Studies No. 1 (2004).
-Potentiality of NGOs in Practical Research and Education on Human Security and Peace-Building, Discussion Paper for Peace-building Studies No. 1 (2004).
-Katsuya Kodama, Yasunobu Sato, Hisae Nakanishi, Introduction to Peace Studies, (2004 in Japanese) Yuhikaku.
-Takeshi Kojima (ed.), Theory and Practice of ADR, Chuo Uni. Press, “Internationalisation of Bar Association’s Arbitration” pp. 149-180 (2003 in Japanese).
-Masayuki Kobayashi and Shinya Imaizumi (eds)., Dispute Resolution System in Asian countries, IDE=JETRO, Sanyosha, “Dispute Processing and Law in Vietnam towards Market Economy” pp. 101-138 (2003 in Japanese).
-“The Recent Development of ADR in Vietnam (1)-(4), JCA Journal Nos. Oct. 2002-April 2003 (2002-3 in Japanese).
- Takeshi Kojima (ed.), Bridge Book Law on Judicial Process, Shinzansha, “The Role and Technique required for Reconciliators and Arbitrators “ pp. 166-181 (2002 in Japanese).
-Japan Legal Aid Association, Legal Aid System in Japan, “Legal Aid and International Cooperation,” pp. 455-479 (2002 in Japanese).
-Report of JICA Study Group for Assistance for Cambodia, JICA “Part II, Ch. 2 Good Governance” pp. 135-184 (2001 in Japanese).
-Author, Conflict and Development, JICA-Institute of Training for International Cooperation (2001) (Japanese).
-Author, Commercial Dispute Processing and Japan, Kluwer Law International, The Hague, London and Boston (2001).
-Author, Hybrid Dispute Processing, APEC Discussion Paper No. 39 (2001).
-Author, Cultural Conflict in Dispute Processing under Globaalisation: International Cooperation for Legal Aid in Asia, APEC Discussion Paper No. 36 (2000).
-Author, “Issues on Privatisation of the Power Sector in Kazakhstan,” Kaihatsu Enjo Kenkyu (OECF-RIDA) Vol. 5, No. 2, 1998 (Japanese).
-Author, “Report of Basic Research on the Law Reform Technical Cooperation, JICA-Institute of Training for International Cooperation, September 1998 (Japanese).
-Author, "Privatisation of Dispute Processing? Commentary for Practitioners on the English Arbitration Act 1996," JCA Journal, June-September 1998 (Japanese).
-Author, "Financing Infrastructure Projects in Central and Eastern Europe," European Financial Services Law (September 1997).
-Author, "Lessons from UNTAC Human Rights Operation," Technology and Development (JICA) No. 10, 1997.
-Co-author, "Attorney-Client Privilege in the U.S. and Its Applicability to Japanese Attorney-at-law and Patent Attorneys," Journal of the Japanese Institute of International Business Law Vol. 23, No. 4 (1995) (Japanese).
-Author, "Japan's Foreign Policy towards Human Rights," The Politics of Democratisation in Asia, West View Press (1994).
-Author, "New EC Regulation on Merger & Acquisition," Journal of the Japanese Institute of International Business Law Vol. 19, No. 2 and 3 (1991) (Japanese).
The Peacebuilding Study Group.
Sato became TFF Associate in 2004.
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