UN in Kosovo praises
potential war criminal - why?
PressInfo #
10, 2005
TFF director
Danish diplomat, Søren
Jessen-Petersen is the highest authority in Kosovo and
SRSG, Special Representative of UN Secretary-General Kofi
Annan, there. In spite of that, his unconditional embrace
of Mr. Ramush Haradinaj, a former leader of the illegal
Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and former prime minister in
the non-independent Kosovo and now indicted for war
crimes by the Hague Tribunal seems to raise no eyebrows
in any capital, media or at the UN in New
All relevant links
See also the TFF Kosovo Solution Series beginning
Søren Jessen-Petersen's embrace of
In a statement on Haradinaj's
resignation Jessen-Petersen praises him for his "dynamic
leadership, strong commitment and vision" and says that
thanks to that "Kosovo is today closer than ever before
to achieving its aspirations in settling its future
status." He calls him his "close partner and friend." In
spite of the fact that the Prime Minister had no choice
but to voluntarily go to the Hague, Kofi Annan's
representative praises him for the "dignity and maturity"
he has shown in deciding to do so. He also expresses his
understanding of the "shock and anger" the people of
Kosovo must feel at this development, "people" meaning of
course only the Albanians and hardly the Serbs, Romas and
other minorities living there.
Søren Jessen-Petersen
continues in a paragraph that deserves to be quoted at
"The decision announced by
Mr. Haradinaj to co-operate with the Tribunal, despite
his firm conviction of innocence, and although painful
for him, his family, Kosovo and for his many friends
and partners, including in UNMIK, is at the same time
an example of Kosovo's growing political maturity as a
responsible member of the international community. I
trust that Mr. Haradinaj will again be able to serve
Kosovo to whose better future he has sacrificed and
contributed so much."
Unless the SRSG implies that
Haradinaj's going to the Hague Tribunal is to
serve Kosovo - which is unlikely given other parts of the
statement - he here expresses his belief in Mr.
Haradinaj's innocence and his return to be of service to
Kosovo. Isn't that sensational? One wonders whether he
SRSG implies that the indictment by the Hague Tribunal is
a mistake or not serious? Does Kofi Annan's
representative show a certain disdain for the Tribunal
that was set up in 1993 by the very organisation he
Is he unaware of what kind of
organisation KLA was and that, at an early stage, it was
considered a terrorist organisation by high-level US
diplomats? Does he consider every and each charge against
Haradinaj raised by Serbia (of which Kosovo is a part)
sheer inventions? Has he not had access to intelligence
information about the activities of KLA units at the time
when Haradinaj was a hard-line extremist with a gun in
his hand? Has he never heard anyone talk about these
things in Kosovo? Or does he carelessly ignore it all and
believes that his dear friend Haradinaj was
constitutionally unable to do anything bad back in the
1990s? All relevant
links here.
It goes without saying anyone shall
be considered non-guilty until proven guilty. So too
Haradinaj. But "trusting" that he is 100% innocent and
will return to Kosovo is to make a political point beyond
that. And, mind you, no international diplomat and few
media ever respected the mentioned principle when it
comes to Milosevic or other people indicted by the
texten till Tribunalens åtal finnar man
kortare versionen av åtalet -
the international community's fear of failure explain
this sympathy?
Mr. Søren Jessen-Petersen is
neither naïve nor inexperienced. So two explanations
are left: A) His cosy chat about his potential war crimes
friend is what he has been told by some participant in
the greater scheme of things to say; it is not Kofi Annan
whose own statement was much more careful. This
explanation can not be ruled out. Or B) that this is an
example of the shabbiness that has come to define the
international community's conflict-management policies in
Kosovo. Why so?
Because it is a manifest
conflict-resolution and peace-building failure. Six years
after NATO's bombing and all the implicit promises given
to the Albanian side about independence, Albanian
hardliners and many ordinary Albanians want the
international community to deliver very soon.
Unfortunately, there is no viable solution in sight.
Albanian patience, for very good reasons, is running out.
I know from my visits to the province that no observer
there dare rule out that we could witness anything from
localised riots to warfare if the Albanians do not see
progress in the direction of formal independence. And who
is going to grant Kosovo that? Mr. Clinton and Madeleine
Albright? The
International Crisis Group
- a near-governmental organisation that now runs a
campaign for Kosovo's independence with its pro-Albanian
lobbyists and NATO bombing advocates? Or the UN Security
Council - but that won't be able to. Carving out
provinces and make them states by bombing is a bit too
much for those who have secessionist provinces
The international community, to put
it crudely, is afraid of ending up facing by and large
the same challenges from their post-1999 friends as
Belgrade leaders did, just much worse because, after all,
Milosevic never promised Kosovo any kind of independence.
The international community in
general and the Security Council in particular cannot get
its acts together, except in one regard because it helps
cover up its own failure: blame Belgrade for everything
going wrong the last 10 years and praise the Albanians in
the role as innocent victims. Such is the political
psychology behind the headlines and the statements: Side
with one and try anyhow to look like an impartial
mediator and negotiation leader. Well, that
Jessen-Petersen can no longer be. His statements is a
Himalayan mistake from the point of view of building
trust with the Serbs and other minorities in Kosovo and
with Belgrade. And contrary to what he and many others
seem to believe, no sustainable solution to Kosovo's
problems can be found without them.
differences between Serbs and other indicted people
Serb President Milosevic was thrown
out by his own people in a miraculous non-violent action.
The people rose against their own leader, something the
Croats, Bosniaks or Albanians never even contemplated to
express their contempt, if any, for their own leaders'
manipulations, corruption, militarism, nepotism,
nationalism and the shame they brought over their own
people. Then Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindic got
nothing of what he was allegedly promised by the West for
delivering Milosevic to the Hague; rather, his action is
likely to have been one of the reasons why he was
Within the last few months, six
high-level Serb officers have accepted, like Haradinaj,
to go to the Hague. No international praise for them.
Instead one hears the mantra that Belgrade must deliver
Karadzic and Mladic. Does anyone seriously believe that
NATO have not been able for 10 years to find them in
Bosnia or that NATO states do not have such intelligence
that they know where they are? Belgrade is constantly
told that they must be in Serbia and that Belgrade must
cooperate with the Hague Tribunal to get any help and see
the door to EU integration open just a little. This is as
bizarre as can be. CIA and FBI people have been invited
by the Belgrade authorities to find them in Serbia. For
about a year they have been unable to. Could it be that
someone wants to avoid arresting them and have
them as a card to play against Belgrade?
Be this as it may, let's remember
two things: First, that "balkanisation" is a much too
nice term for the unprincipled games played in that
region by the international community during the last 15
or so years. Secondly, Mr. Søren Jessen-Petersen
has offered the world a new distinction, namely that
between our good, friendly potential war criminals who
deserve our sympathy for accepting the law - and the
others who, doing the same, deserve no praise.
One wonders how Kofi Annan feels
about his representative's embrace of a man indicted for
war crimes at the UN Tribunal? We don't know but he has
reasons to hope that no leading daily will begin to
investigate the cosy day-to-day co-operation between the
UN and the Albanian extremists - and Haradinaj is not the
only one - in the Kosovo province since 1999.
All relevant links
See also the TFF Kosovo Solution Series beginning
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