Born in 1959. MA in Sociology. At Copenhagen University. "Soldier or Workman". On the violent learning processes in both institutions during the middle ages. Ph.D. dissertation defended December 2, 2003 at Roskilde University. The title of the dissertation: "An Enemy - to be helped. A Field Study of Military Leadership in the Danish Defence's Peace Operations in Kosovo/a." Because it was not possible to study peace and conflict research in Denmark Claus Kold studied sociology, with a focus on peace and conflict research. He also studied in Lund, at LUPRI where he first time met TFF founders Jan and later Christina. This led to the work at The Danish Peace Foundation. He was employed as a project secretary on the CAMPS project (Culture, Activism, Media, Politics, Science), that took place at Louisiana Museum of Modern Art. For a while he also served as volunteer at TFF. After his MA, late 1989, he worked at the Copenhagen Peace Research Institute (COPRI) where he was employed as a project researcher in COPRI's conversion group, 1991-1992. From 1993 to 1999 Claus Kold was active in a lot of parallel activities: Claus Kold worked at the Danish Police School as a development consultant and teacher in sociology and conflict resolution. At almost the same time from 1995 to 1998 he was employed at Roskilde University as a teacher at the Institute for Management and Administration. From 1995-1997 he worked with refugees for the Danish Refugee Council. Employed as a leader of a house of integration in Copenhagen: Global House with 250 estimated daily users: refugees and immigrants. During the same period he joined the Danish Centre for Conflict Resolution, 1993, and for a period serving as volunteer, developer, teacher, board member and chairman. In 1997 the Royal Danish Defence System offered a work place at the Defence Centre for Leadership and Claus Kold joined the army "much to my own surprise," he says. He describes this period as a 7 years field study. No sociological research on the Danish military system had been done, so this was an opportunity that could not be missed. During this 7 years field study he did another field study at Danish KFOR in Kosovo/a in Camp Olaf Rye. His employment ended with the highly critical dissertation in 2003/2004.
Current projects To get a new centre, The Turning Point Centre, up and running. It's a think-tank that is going to focus on the hope-giving and self-activating aspects of every day life: every day life, non-violent schools and learning processes, new non-violent businesses and economy and meaningful life processes. The Turning Point Centre will also offer different courses in conflict resolution, leadership, non-violent but efficient decision making processes, in coping with stress and navigating in complexity and modernity. Analysing and writing books about the 7 years field study, the military culture/system, my field study in the Danish Royal Defence: KFOR, Military thinking about leadership, the ser-geant, the lieutenant, the major, the collonel &endash; different leadership positions in the military hierarchy.
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