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Håkan Wiberg

Born 1942, † 2010. Swedish, mathematician, philosopher and doctor of sociology; director of COPRI, the Copenhagen Peace Research Institute until it was closed by the Danish government and collapsed with other institutes to form DIIS.
Former director of the Lund University Peace Research Institute and former secretary-general of the European Peace Research Association under IPRA. Apart from a major text book on peace research, has published thousands of pages in fields such as future studies, philosophy of science, peace, security and development issues. Engaged in anti-nuclear issues since the 1960s; has been on the board of the International University Centre in Dubrovnik - one of his many relations during over 40 years with ex-Yugoslavia.

Håkan Wiberg has been a board member since TFF was established in 1985 till August 2006.


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DK - 2300 København S


+45 32 54 14 32


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Articles by Håkan Wiberg

The most recent on top

Håkan Wiberg's last work, July 4, 2010
War for the sake of war.
NATO, the United States and is vassal-states in Afghanistan

"The most plausible explanation behind this war and its continuation may be that war in itself has become essential to the preservation of of the U.S. as superpower..."

Håkan Wiberg, November 27, 2009
Greece and Macedonia: What's in a name?

Håkan Wiberg - recension, September 15, 2009
"Nobels Vilje" skriven av Fredrik Heffermehl

Johan Galtung, Jan Öberg & Håkan Wiberg,
Aftonbladet, 5:e mars 2007
"Ohållbart om Kosovo"
Ahtisaaris plan är orättvis och kommer att leda till ökat våld. Varför är Martti Ahtisaaris så kallade medling om Kosovo och presstäckningen av denna så partisk och så lite objektiv?

Galtung, Øberg & Wiberg,
Jyllands-Posten, 28. februar 2007
En uholdbar plan
Martti Ahtisaaris forslag til Kosovo-provinsens fremtidige status er fredsforhindrende, mener forfatterne, der er tilknyttet den Transnationale Stiftelse for Freds- og Fremtidsforskning, TFF. De har fulgt udviklingen på Balkan i over 30 år.

Håkan Wiberg & Jan Oberg, September 22, 2006
Montenegro - A state is born
Gives a historical account and analyses the independence as a result of re-defining identities, re-writing history, of the international game with Milosevic, of strange voting rules and referendum criteria. It may go well for Montenegro, but there is no guarantee.

Reviewing Soros: Disappointed by Bush

Platon som politisk dynamit

Former Yugoslavia in 1990: Why It Had a Bad Prognosis

Även krig är terror

Macedonia - High risk that the war will continue. An outsider's perspective

Våldet är den dummes vapen - om Makedonien










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