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Macedonia 1999-2004   



On TFF' site

New TFF report, January 15, 2004
Macedonia 2002-2003. War, Peace or Something Else?
Comprehensive assessment of the risks of violence and war in this troubled country. Written by TFF director Jan Oberg, it contains both theoretical and conceptual elements and offer some - not too optimistic - scenarios. You can read about and order it online or here on this site Publication # 65.

Jan Öberg, 2 december, 2001
Makedonien och krigets psykologi

Jan Øberg, TFF direktør, September 18, 2001
Tænk hvis den vestlige presse dækkede dette fra Makedonien

Jan Øberg, TFF direktør, 17 september, 2001
NATOs talfusk i Makedonien

Vasko Karangeleski, TFF Peace Antenna, September 17, 2001
Macedonia - Actions that helped escalate the conflict

Jan Øberg, TFF direktør, September 17, 2001
Hvad vil der ske i Makedonien - Nogle tænkelige scenarier - og et utænkeligt

Michel Chossudovsky, TFF Associate, September 13, 2001
The military occupation of Macedonia

PressInfo # 126 September 7, 2001
What will happen in Macedonia?

PressInfo # 125 August 29, 2001
NATO's number nonsense

Biljana Vankovska, TFF associate, 21 augusti 2001
The Macedonian Agreement - Restoring EU and NATO credibility rather than making peace

Håkan Wiberg, TFF board member, 21 augusti 2001
Macedonia - High risk that the war will continue. An outsider's perspective

Håkan Wiberg, TFF board member
Våldet - den dummes vapen

PressInfo # 124 August 28, 2001
If Western press covered this from Macedonia...

Jan Öberg, TFF direktör, 10 augusti 2001
Makedonien - på väg mot krig med EU:s och USA:s hjälp

Michel Chossudovsky, TFF associate, August 8, 2001
Washington behind terrorist attacks in Macedonia

Michel Chossudovsky, TFF associate, August 7,2001
Laughs and chuckles - where did the KLA get its weapons from?

PressInfo # 123 June 12, 2001
Moving Macedonia toward peace

PressInfo # 122 June 10, 2001
Several U.S. policies for Macedonia make one de-stabilisation policy. A prelude to military intervention?

PressInfo # 121 May 21, 2001
Macedonia and the free press

PressInfo # 120 May 17, 2001
Macedonia - not innocent

PressInfo # 119 May 11, 2001
How the UN was forced out of Macedonia

PressInfo # 118 May 10, 2001
Macedonia - Victim of Western Conflict-Mismanagement

PressInfo # 80 November 22, 1999
A Bouquet of Ideas for Peace in Macedonia...and Kosovo

PressInfo #79 October 31, 1999
Your Ideas for Peace in Macedonia Wanted





30 web links to Macedonia and the crisis - with news from there and all TFF articles

See what TFF said about Kosovo on CNN

The Crisis in Macedonia

Text of the final document for solution of political and security crisis, August 2001


© TFF and the authors


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